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G REEN C OLLAR J OBS T RAINING. T ALENT S UPPLY C HAIN Career Exploration Career Academies Mentoring Shadowing Work Experiences Work Readiness Skills.

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2 T ALENT S UPPLY C HAIN Career Exploration Career Academies Mentoring Shadowing Work Experiences Work Readiness Skills Higher Education Pre-apprenticeship Career Apprenticeship Green Collar Jobs Initiative

3 P ARTNERS /MOU  St. Lucie County Government  5 Trade Organizations (1) Florida Carpenters Regional Council Training Trust Fund (2) Insulators Local Union No. 60 (3)Iron Workers Local Union No. 60 (4)Painters & Allied Trades District Council No. 78 (5)Sheet Metal Local Union No. 32  Workforce Solutions – workforce development system

4 P ARTNERS ’ ROLES  St. Lucie County – training facility, access to contractors, shovel-ready green projects  Trade Organizations – curriculum w/green technologies, instructors, equipment, facility build out, connectivity to employers  Workforce Solutions – recruitment, eligibility determination, case management, training support, OJT incentives, placement assistance, trainee follow up

5 P ROJECT I NVESTMENTS  St. Lucie County - $200,000  Trade Organizations - $362,500  Workforce Solutions - $167,357 TOTAL COMMUNITY INVESTMENT = $729,857  Business Competitiveness Council/WFI - $500,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST = $1,229,857

6 T RAINING  Work Certified – soft skills, work readiness  5 occupational areas (1) Carpentry (2)Sheet Metal (3)Insulation (4)Painting (5)Ironworks  Traditional and green skills – energy conservation, energy efficiency, weatherization

7 “G REEN ” E MPHASIS  Handling hazardous materials  Asbestos removal and abatement procedures  Volatile organic compound compliance  Super space structural foam systems  Warm edge insulating glass units  Enhancing environmental comfort  Energy emissions reductions

8 “G REEN ” E MPHASIS  Health near windows  Solar panel installation  Weatherizing techniques  Water efficiencies  Improving environmental quality  Resources stewardship  Sensitivity to the impacts on resources

9 “G REEN ” E MPHASIS  Mold remediation  Thermal barriers  “Green” sealants  Photovoltaic paints  Solar roof coatings

10 C ERTIFICATIONS  LEEDS  OSHA  First Aid/CPR  Professional Code of Conduct  More than a dozen other industry-recognized certifications in the various specializations

11 T ARGETED T RAINEES  New apprentices  Employed journeymen requiring skills upgrades  Referrals from a RWB-funded pre-apprenticeship program  Graduates from the secondary school Construction Academies

12 R ECRUITMENT  Printed flyers and news stories  Pools of unemployed  Radio interviews and advertisements  Trade organization announcements  Job Fair – matching interested employers with interested potential apprentices  Employers – requirements in government contracts, business incentives (reimbursements & tax credits)

13 A NTICIPATED O UTCOMES  Recruit 175  Enroll 125 (88 new, 37 employed)  100 earn (80%)at least 1 certification in grant period  88 placed (100%) into employment (62 in green collar)  35 employed workers retained (95%)

14 G RANT B UDGET  Total = $500,000  Direct Training Costs = $334,370 (67%)  Trainee Support Services = $33,000 (7%)  Staffing & Staff Support - $88,331 (18%)  Community Awareness Campaign - $25,000 (5%)  Administrative Costs - $19,299 (4%) Note: Exceeds 100% due to rounding

15 C ONTACTS  Gwenda L. Thompson President/CEO Workforce Solutions 772-335-3030, ext. 412  Rhonda Blakey Branch Manager – St. Lucie County Workforce Solutions 866-482-4473, ext. 528

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