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Green collar jobs provide a market-based solution. 1.True 2.False.

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2 Green collar jobs provide a market-based solution. 1.True 2.False

3 Green collar jobs are concerned solely with creating cleaner industries. 1.True 2.False

4 This report seems like a good idea. 1.Yes 2.No 3.All this economics has me confused…

5 Green Collar Jobs Disproportionate burden Environmental justice Crafting your message Green collar industry Case studies Creative and critical thinking

6 Environmental Racism Environmental racism refers to intentional or unintentional racial discrimination in the enforcement of environmental rules and regulations, the intentional or unintentional targeting of minority communities for the siting of polluting industries, or the exclusion of minority groups from public and private boards, commissions, and regulatory bodies. Wikipedia

7 Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community at UCSC


9 Community Coalition for Environmental Justice

10 EPS Toxic Release Inventory

11 Social Justice/ Environmental Justice 1960s/70s Social and environmental movements 1980s

12 Environmental Justice 1994 Clinton Administration Executive Order 12898 Identify and address disproportionately high adverse health and environmental effects

13 Washington State Environmental justice joins social and environmental movements by addressing the unequal environmental burden often borne by minority and low-income populations. Environmental justice seeks to lessen unequal distributions of environmental burdens (pollution, industrial facilities, crime, etc.), equalize benefits and balance access to nutritious food, clean air & water, parks, recreation, health care, education, transportation, safe jobs, etc. in a variety of situations. Self-determination and participation in decision- making are key pieces of environmental justice.

14 Green Collar Jobs “Connect the jobs that most need to be done with the people who most need the jobs.” Van Jones

15 Green Collar Jobs A paid position providing environmentally-friendly products or services. High standards regarding fair wages, equal opportunity and healthy working conditions. Employer may be a private business, government, non-profit or cooperative.

16 Green Collar Jobs Organic farmer Sustainable forestry worker Recycling technician Solar panel manufacturer Urban planner Environmental lawyer

17 Raquel Pinderhughes Director of Urban Studies Program at SFSU Bicycle repair and bike delivery services Car and truck mechanic jobs, production jobs, and gas-station jobs related to biodiesel Energy retrofits to increase energy efficiency and conservation Green building Green waste composting on a large scale Hauling and reuse of construction materials and debris (C&D)

18 Hazardous materials clean-up Landscaping Manufacturing jobs related to large scale production of appropriate technologies (i.e. solar panels, bike cargo systems, green waste bins, etc.) Materials reuse Non-toxic household cleaning in residential and commercial buildings Parks and open space expansion and maintenance Printing with non-toxic inks and dyes Public transit jobs related to driving, maintenance, and repair

19 Recycling and reuse Small businesses producing products from recycled materials Solar installation Tree cutting and pruning Peri-urban and urban agriculture Water retrofits to increase water efficiency and conservation Whole home performance, including attic insulation, weatherization, etc.


21 Political Economy Research Institute Building retrofitting Mass transit Energy-efficient automobiles Wind power Solar power Cellulosic biomass fuels

22 “We show that the vast majority of jobs associated with these six green strategies are in the same areas of employment that people already work in today, in every region and state of the country.”

23 American Solar Energy Society Establish a rigorous definition of the RE & EE Industries Allowing an estimate of the size and composition of the RE & EE Industries, including technology, sales, tax revenue, jobs, occupations, and skills Forecast the growth of these industries to 2030 under three scenarios

24 American Solar Energy Society In 2006 more than 8 million Americans worked in these industries. RE & EE generated $933 billion in revenue. By 2030, in an aggressive deployment forecast scenario, there could be 40 million Americans employed in these industries. Nearly one in every four working Americans ・ Under this aggressive scenario, the RE & EE industries could generate $4.53 trillion in annual revenue


26 Green Industry

27 Worldwatch Institute Employment Estimates 300,000 in wind energy 170,000 in solar energy 624,000 in solar thermal energy More labor intensive jobs


29 Solar Richmond

30 Barriers to employment Lack of job skills Lack of education Language/cultural barriers History in juvenile/criminal justice system

31 RichmondBUILDS Nine week paid internship/apprenticeship One week solar training $1 million/first year Graduated 21 Found jobs paying $20-30/hour

32 Solar Richmond Free labor to home owner Equipment at cost Low interest loan available through the City of Richmond Goal of 50 solar installations for low- income home owners by 2010


34 Green Jobs Corps $100,000-250,000 from City of Oakland to develop pilot Expected to launch this year 40 participants, 18-35 years 3 month training Followed by 6 month paid internship


36 Sustainable South Bronx By 1998, handled 40% of NYC’s waste. Higher concentration of power plants, sewage-treatment facilities, diesel-truck fleets, and waste-transfer stations than any other section of the city. Higher asthma rates than any other community in the nation. Founded 2001 by Majora Carter.

37 Sustainable South Bronx Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training Established 2003 10 week certification program Trained 70+ in landscaping, ecological restoration, green roof installation, hazardous waste cleanup 85% employment 10% college enrollment

38 River Bank Restoration Bioremediation Green Roof Installation Green Roof Maintenance Phyto-remediation Ecological Restoration Wetland Restoration Stream Bank Stabilization Sustainable South Bronx Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training Landscape 101 Plants, trees, shrubs, identification Water and Soil Quality Testing Wildlife Identification Brownfield Remediation Hazardous Waste Cleanup Asbestos Abatement Power Tool Safety & Operation

39 First Aid and CPR NYC Tree Pruner Entry Level Tree Climbing 40 Hour Hazardous Waste Clean Up 10 Hour OSHA Herbicide/Pesticide Applicator Sustainable South Bronx Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training

40 New Orleans? Four local nonprofits have grants to train for green jobs 800 16-24 years expected to participate in 4 months of training

41 Politics of Solution An orientation that offers a powerful new politics of hope, achievement and optimism. Term suggests visionary urban policies that emphasize multi-issue, solution-oriented change in urban communities. Ella Baker Center

42 Politics of Solution Interdisciplinary Multi-issue Creative Critical thinking Job here too…

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