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CASTOR at CMS Enhancing Forward Physics

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1 CASTOR at CMS Enhancing Forward Physics
Diffractive & Forward Physics Workshop Antwerp 25-26/10, 2007 Apostolos D. Panagiotou University of Athens

2 Unprecedented coverage at hadron colliders !
CMS Coverage in pT -  CMS fwd calorimetry up to ||  5 + Castor + ZDC figure adapted from Risto Orava (Diffraction 2006) CMS pTmax~s exp(-η) 1000 100 HF HF pT (GeV) 10 CASTOR CASTOR 1 ZDC ZDC 0.1 T2 T1 T1 T2 RP -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 h Unprecedented coverage at hadron colliders !

3 Physics with CMS Forward Calorimeters
Hadronic Forward (HF) CASTOR IP ZDC Low-x dynamics: Parton saturation, BFKL/CCFM dynamics, proton structure, multi-parton scattering Diffraction Measurements for cosmic ray data analysis: Forward energy and particle flows, minimum bias event structure Two-photon interactions and peripheral collisions QED processes to determine luminosity to O(1%), via pp  pp ee and pp  pp  Forward physics in pA and AA collisions New forward physics phenomena: Disoriented Chiral Condensates, incoherent pion emission, Centauros, Strangelets….

4 New Institutes are Welcome !
Recent Developments CASTOR approved by CMS-MB as CMS baseline detector on One calorimeter will be built by end of (224 channels) FEA calculations completed Prototype construction & assembly study completed Skeleton construction studies completed Full length octant prototype constructed and beam-tested in August, 2007 EDR to be completed by end of October 2007 CASTOR sim-digi software in HCAL CMSSW-1_7 release 10. Resources approaching required level for completion. Missing ~ 150 k€ New Institutes are Welcome ! Currently working on: - test beam data analysis, - electronics, construction - software ( implementation in simulation of digi & reco…) - physics simulations, …..

5 Collaborating Institutes & Tasks
Antwerp PMTs, FE, trigger, DAQ, funding; Electronics coordination Athens Design, Q-plates, SW, MC, funding; Project coordination CERN Beam test/EDR reports; SW-Physics coordination Cukurova PMT testing, assembly DESY FEA, construction, electronics, funding; Project coordination JINR Dubna Mechanical design; Technical coordination INR, Moscow Light guides & 2mm Q-plates ITEP, Moscow Laser/LED calibration system Northeastern Readout devices, MC, SW, construction

6 CASTOR Calorimeter Design
Calorimeter (10λI): (2)EM + (12)HD sections, 224 channels

7 CASTOR Calorimeter on Support
2 (½) calorimeter sections

8 CASTOR Calorimeter Installation
Collar HF

9 CASTOR in beam line: Collar platform with HF, Collar and Rotating shielding

10 Construction & Commissioning Schedule v1.6 (20-10-07)

11 CASTOR Prototype Construction/Assembly Study
Construction of 32cm long, (½) calorimeter: 4 octants; (2) EM + (2) HD sections Instrumenting one octant: (4) EM + (4) HD RUs Design: DUBNA Construction: DESY, Northeastern Rear Front

12 Prototype for BT 2007 Full length Octant
EM section 4 channels HAD section full length 24 chan. 1 3 1 3 Octant container Al plate

13 Construction of Prototype
Q-plate W-plate

14 CASTOR beam test 2007 Full-length octant prototype

15 PRELIMINARY day 2 day 14

16 μ- Βeam 50 GeV μ- EM1 HD1 μ- μ- EM3 PRELIMINARY

17 e- Beam Channel σ/E PRELIMINARY

18 π- Beam Channel PRELIMINARY σ/E

19 Summary  New Institutes are welcome !
Forward Physics spans a broad range of pp and HI high energy physics topics, from fundamental properties of QCD to new physics phenomena. Large cross sections ensure early publications on various topics. Discovery potential: - Beyond Standard Model (BSM): Large amount of missing transverse energy (MET) - Higgs: Vector-Boson-Fusion (VBF): Two jets at forward/backward rapidities (pp→jj H X). Lower background than the dominant gluon-gluon fusion channel (see David’s talk). - Exotics in HI Interactions: “Strangelets”, Disoriented-Chiral-Condensates (DCC) CASTOR calorimeter project is progressing fast: - Lots of data taken in test beam; Analysis under way. Engineering design review scheduled for the 31st October. Document in final stage. Construction of calorimeter to start in November 2007. Aim & need to be in beam line as soon as LHC starts, to take advantage of low lumi runs.  New Institutes are welcome !

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