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Today’s Agenda Wedding Cakes and Funnels~ Categories of Crime Criminal Acts—specific types Formative Assessment Formative Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Wedding Cakes and Funnels~ Categories of Crime Criminal Acts—specific types Formative Assessment Formative Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda Wedding Cakes and Funnels~ Categories of Crime Criminal Acts—specific types Formative Assessment Formative Assessment

2 Wedding Cake Model

3 What is the “Wedding Cake Model”? Breaks crimes into 3 layers (size/occurrence): –Misdemeanors < 1 year in jail –“Ordinary” felonies > 1 year in jail –“High profile” felonies –Celebrated cases

4 Wedding Cake Model 1. Frequency (Bottom to top) 2. Media Attention (top to bottom) 3. Likelihood to go to trial (top to bottom)


6 Criminal Justice “Funnel” Explains the concept of case attrition Case Attrition –At each stage, the # of people in the system shrinks 1. Arrested > Charged 2. Charged > Convicted 3. Convicted > Sentenced 4. Probation > Prison

7 Criminal Justice “Funnel” 200 crimes committed –100 arrests 100 arrests –70 to prosecutor 70 to prosecutor –38 convictions 38 convictions –14 probation, 12 jail, 12 prison Not all crimes are reported. 30% are juvenile 10 dismissed by judge 35 plead guilty (5 go to trial) 2 acquitted

8 Criminal Justice Crime Typology

9 What is Crime? A wrong against society proclaimed by law and, if committed under certain circumstances, punishable by society. DEFINABLEPUNISHABLE

10 SIX Categories of Crime ViolentProperty Public Order High-TechOrganizedWhite-Collar

11 How does society determine what IS a crime? Consensus Model basic agreement about norms and values people of diverse backgrounds can share an idea about what is “right” and what is “wrong” Conflict Model Believe moral attitudes are not absolute differing segments of society (age, race, gender, social class) are engaged in a struggle for control victorious group codifies their values into law.

12 Violent Crimes Crimes against persons –Murder –Assault/battery –Rape –Robbery –Can be further classified by degree.

13 Property Crimes Goal is economic gain or destruction of property –Larceny/theft –Burglary –Arson

14 Public Order Crimes Closely linked to consensus model often referred to as “victimless crimes” (include early puritanical laws). –Prostitution –Gambling –Illicit drug use

15 White-Collar Crimes Broadly defined Committed by non-violent means to obtain personal or business advantage –Embezzlement –Fraud –Tax Evasion

16 Organized Crime Businesses that are operating illegitimately Usually involves conspiratorial relationships Often accomplished through use of violence or coercion.

17 High-Tech Crime “Cybercrimes” Greatest increase in commission and investigation

18 If Completed Correctly Violent Crimes Property Crimes Public Order Crimes White-Collar Crimes Organized Crimes High-Tech Crimes 669522

19 What is the structure of the Criminal Justice System? FEDERALISM Local, State, and Federal enforcement Court system –51 Court systems in the USA Corrections system –Prisons –Jails –Probation

20 Two Assignments 1. Complete formative assessment a.Categorizing Crimes b.Crime Control vs. Due Process NO BOOKS/NO NOTES 2. Complete writing response (prompt displayed on screen) Both due by end of hour Use remaining time to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz Use remaining time to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz

21 Crime Classifications Arson –Property Assault –Violent Battery Bribery –White-Collar Burglary –Property Business Crimes –White-Collar Classified by degrees –Violent** Closely linked to consensus model –Public-Order Crimes against persons –Violent Victimless Crimes –Public-Order Cyber Crimes –High-TechEmbezzlement –White-CollarGambling –Public-Order

22 Crime Classifications Hacking –High-Tech Illicit Drug Use –Public-Order Often not prosecuted –Public-Order Insurance Fraud –White-Collar Larceny –Property Most common –Property Murder –Violent Newest typology –High-Tech Conspiratorial Relationships –Organized Operates Illegitimately –OrganizedPick-Pocketing –Property

23 Crime Classifications Piracy –High-Tech Prostitution –Public-Order Public Drunkenness –Public-Order Rape –Violent Robbery Sexual Assault –ViolentShoplifting –Property Tax Evasion –White-CollarTheft –Property


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