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TVET Initiatives & Quality Assurance in Fiji Presentation at IVETA Conference, Las Vegas December 3-4 2013 Dr. Isimeli Tagicakiverata Pacific Association.

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Presentation on theme: "TVET Initiatives & Quality Assurance in Fiji Presentation at IVETA Conference, Las Vegas December 3-4 2013 Dr. Isimeli Tagicakiverata Pacific Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 TVET Initiatives & Quality Assurance in Fiji Presentation at IVETA Conference, Las Vegas December 3-4 2013 Dr. Isimeli Tagicakiverata Pacific Association of TVET Fiji National University

2 A little bit about Fiji 1. Location:174˚ Over 3500km North East of Sydney 2. Over 300 Islands: two major islands Viti Levu & Vanua Levu. 3. It has approximately 900,000 people with over 50% Indigenous Fijians and over 40% Indo-Fijians. Other races include Chinese, Europeans and Part Europeans, Rotumans and Others. 4. Major Industry is Tourism, followed by Remittances from overseas. 5. Three Universities, (1 Medical school, 2 Nursing schools, and several small educational institutions) Over 20% of population attend primary & secondary schools 6. English is the official language. Over 90% literacy level. 7. GDP per head of population is approx 3600 FJD (2100 USD)

3 What is TVET? “..the study of technologies and related sciences; as well as the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding, knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life.” ________________________(UNESCO, 2001) In Fiji people refer to it as….. -Multi-craft -Technical education -Vocational education -Practical education -Skills training -Non-formal education -Alternative education

4 Challenges for TVET in Fiji 1.Stakeholders have different views 2.Negative Community attitudes 3.Poor Community acceptance 4.TVET jobs - unattractive 5.TVET wages - Low 6.Community Status - Low 7.Place in Education 8.Lack of priority

5 Situation for Demand driven TVET 1.Increase in general unemployment & poverty 2.Lack of white-collar employment opportunities 3.Lack of employable skills for private sector 4.Increasing demand for skilled workers by employers 5.Increasing demand for Fiji skilled workers overseas 6.Increased interest in Commercial Agriculture 7.Increased interest in Natural resource management 8.Increased demand for youth participation 9.Increased demand for Rural skills training 10.Increased interest in entrepreneurship and self- employment 11.Increased earning potential of skilled workers

6 Government initiatives promoting TVET in Fiji secondary school 1.TVET is offered by Ministry of Education in secondary schools to cater for less academically inclined students 2.TVET became part of mainstream secondary curriculum - TVET is compulsory in Forms 3-4 and optional in 5-7 3.BEST (Basic Employment Skills Training) offered to senior secondary students as a Plan B 4.TVET Franchise with Fiji National University: 40+ schools in the programme 5.Changing the name (acronym) TVET to ?????

7 1.Establishment of Fiji National University (dual-sector) with 73% TVET programmes 2.Agriculture scholarship introduced by Government with $5million grant. More scholarships and loan scheme for technical students 3.Sustainable Livelihood Programme (SLP) with $1.8m Govt grant per year for rural communities 4.Promotion of Apprenticeship scheme 5.Creating pathways for all through TVET Government initiatives promoting TVET at university level and in the community

8 Pathways through TVET @ FNU Primary school level SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME Forms 5&6 BASIC EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING Form 7 FNU FRANCHISE COURSE FNU QUALIFICATIONS CERT, DIPLOMA, DEGREE Forms 3&4 FNU TRADE TEST Employment, Self employment Higher Training & Qualifications

9 1. Legislation - Formation of Fiji Higher Education Commission – to administer the Fiji Qualification Framework, registration of all training providers and alignment and articulation of qualifications in Fiji. 2. Stringent processes within institutions (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) regarding programme development, assessments and reviews 3. At Fiji National University – all TVET programmes have an IAC- Industry Advisory Committee that provides advice about programme content and practical 4. Regular consultations with stakeholders – Performance review, Tracer studies. Quality assurance mechanisms

10 Place of TVET in the region 1.Since 2001 there has been a lot of support for TVET in Forum and SPC meetings leading to the formation of PATVET 2.PATVET was hosted by SPC but moved to FNU early this year. Primary task to coordinate TVET activities and to maintain inventory of TVET qualifications and programmes in the region 3.Formation of National TVET Associations eg FITVETA, SITVETA & VATVET 4.Involvement and investment of donor agencies to promote TVET training and projects. Eg VRDTCA 5.Establishment of APTC with AUD$152 million 6.Collaborations between Regional training institutions eg FNU – SINU, FNU - VIT 7.Regionalising and sharing TVET best practices eg. SLP & BEST

11 Ideas for effective TVET in Fiji 1.Consultations between key TVET stakeholders about policies, human resource needs, training and funding 2.Collaborations between institutions for all TVET training to ensure consistency and to avoid duplication and wastage 3.All TVET training to have necessary recognition and qualifications under FQF (FHEC) 4.TVET training to incorporate use of modern technologies and equipment such as Computers, Internet, Video demonstration etc. 5.Students to be made aware of career pathways and options 6.Schools and teachers to be informed of future human resource needs so that students are adequately advised about Career options 7.Share success stories and best practices

12 Thank you… Any Questions

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