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55-W ORD S HORT S TORY Yes…just 55 words.. HOW DO I WRITE A FIFTY-FIVE WORD STORY? Must have: At least one character At least one quote (“dialogue”) A.

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Presentation on theme: "55-W ORD S HORT S TORY Yes…just 55 words.. HOW DO I WRITE A FIFTY-FIVE WORD STORY? Must have: At least one character At least one quote (“dialogue”) A."— Presentation transcript:

1 55-W ORD S HORT S TORY Yes…just 55 words.

2 HOW DO I WRITE A FIFTY-FIVE WORD STORY? Must have: At least one character At least one quote (“dialogue”) A setting A plot-twist What is a plot-twist? When a story has an unexpected turn or ending.

3 STEP ONE: F IND YOUR IDEA. What do you want to write about? What interests you? Do you want to write something scary, funny, absurd? Is it a memory? Is it a legend?

4 STEP TWO: D ECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH THAT IDEA. What plot-twist do you want to use? What are you trying to tell the reader? What is the trick up your sleeve?

5 STEP THREE: W RITE A SHORT STORY AND START TAKING OUT THE UNIMPORTANT WORDS OR DRAW A PLOT LINE TO HELP YOU VISUALIZE YOUR STORY. G ET CREATIVE WITH YOUR WORDS ! This can help you explore different ways of saying the same old thing. It can help you see where your story is going and whether or not it will work.

6 Too long: I was really scared as I walked into the dark cave. It was cold and wet. (16) Shortened: Terrified, I entered the cave…cold, wet…gruesome. (8) Too long: It was such a good day. I had just had my first kiss. (13) Shortened: Yipee! My first kiss! (4)

7 STEP FOUR: T ELL YOUR IDEA TO A FRIEND. Sometimes it helps to express our idea aloud. It can help us think of solutions, twists, etc. that we might have not thought about before. Also, a friend can give you more ideas and broaden your range of possibilities.

8 WHAT DOES NOT COUNT AS A WORD? the title (pick a title carefully) punctuation words connected with a hyphen count as one word (example: dot-matrix)

9 E XAMPLE SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

10 H OW MANY WORDS ARE IN THIS STORY ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

11 W HAT IS THE PLOT ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

12 A RE THERE ANY CHARACTERS ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

13 I S THERE DIALOGUE OR QUOTES ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

14 W HERE IS THE SETTING ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

15 W HAT IS A PLOT - TWIST AND DOES THIS STORY HAVE ONE ? W HEN A STORY HAS AN UNEXPECTED TURN OR ENDING. SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.

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