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Career Progression Pathways EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Progression Pathways EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Progression Pathways EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

2 i-2010 – EU ICT Policy i2010 – built around three policy priorities: Creating an open and competitive single market for information society and media services within the EU; Increasing EU investment in research on information and communication technologies by 80% Promoting an inclusive European information society to close the gap between the information society “haves and have nots”.

3 ICT & the modern economy ICT is the bedrock of the modern economy It is the single most important source of productivity growth It accounts for 40% of EU productivity growth. The ICT sector is the major source of new innovations that fuel competitiveness

4 ICT & the modern economy It represents around 20% of R&D expenditure in Europe. Nearly all other sources of technological innovation depend on ICT. The ICT sector is itself an increasingly important sector; during the 1990’s it doubled its contribution to the EU economy, rising from 4% to 8% of GDP.

5 Pervasiveness of ICT ICT a sector in its own right ICT no longer just a sector ICT a component of all sectors ICT modules essential throughout VET –Tourism- Chemical Industries –Agriculture- Textiles –Logistics- Extraction of Minerals/Ores –Food Production- Financial Services ICT facilitates employability by facilitating career change through transferable skills

6 Uniqueness of ICT Prior academic achievement is not a priority Aptitude more important than academic ability Focuses entirely on latest skill sets Positive and negative attributes Career progression depends on continuous training ICT effective integration tool for the most marginalised Soft skills support the employment enabler

7 ICT – Current Status 45% of EU Workforce use IT as a core part of their daily work routine Only 16% of EU Workforce have ever received formal training 73% of White Collar Workers use IT

8 Irish Qualification Framework

9 ICT & VET in Ireland FETAC Level 3 –Minimum number of modules –Basic Introduction –Theory based –No proficiency based modules –Focus on basic computing – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc FETAC Level 3 for ICT Communications Computer Literacy

10 ICT & VET in Ireland FETAC Level 4 –First choice options for students –Popular elective modules for all study areas Tourism Agriculture Logistics Business –Incorporate Vendor Certifications FETAC Level 4 for ICT Communications Computer Applications Data Entry Graphic Design Information Technology Skills

11 ICT & VET in Ireland FETAC Level 5 for ICT Business Administration eBusiness Studies Spreadsheet Methods Word Processing Communications Digital Electronics Mathematics For Computing Computerised Bookkeeping Computer Aided Draughting Graphic Design Multimedia Authoring Web Authoring Computer Architecture Computer Programming Software Development Information & Communication Systems Computer Illustration Desktop Publishing Multimedia Project Development The Internet

12 ICT & VET in Ireland FETAC Level 5 –Broad range of elective modules Opportunity to pursue a very specialised route Opportunity to pursue a more eclectic route –Incorporate Vendor Certifications –Popular elective modules for all areas of study

13 Entry Level Certification FETAC Level 2/3 Advanced Level Certification Intermediate Level Certification FETAC Level 3/4 FETAC Level 4/5 Vendor Certifications

14 Special Characteristics Globally Recognised Employment Focussed Based On Current Market Needs Facilitate Mobility Clear Progression Pathways Require Constant Upgrading

15 Vendor Certifications Minimal Entry Requirements Clear Progression Opportunities Clear Exit Requirements Entry Level Certifications e-Citizen Proficiency Based Computing IC3 Certiport Basic Internet & Computing ECDL European Computer Driving Licence

16 Vendor Certifications Career Progression from Entry Level In Demand from Industry Clear Exit Requirements Intermediate Level Certifications Comptia A+ Basic Hardware Maintenance Comptia inet+ Basic Networking CIW Certified Internet Webmaster ADOBE MOS Microsoft Office Specialist EUCIP Certification For Informatics Professionals

17 Vendor Certifications Clear Entry Requirements Closely Linked to Labour Market Needs Clear Exit Requirements Recognition from Third Level Institutions Advanced Level Certifications MCPCCNAORACLECNESAPGIAC

18 Typical Career Pathway Vendor Certification –Certiport IC3 at Entry Level –Comptia iNet+ at Intermediate Level –Cisco CCNA at Advanced Level Network Administrator CCNA Comptia iNet+ IC3

19 Typical Career Pathway VET - FETAC –Computer Literacy & Communications at Level 3 –Computer Applications, Information Technology Skills & Communications at Level 4 –Computer Architecture & Systems, Computer Programming, Information & Communication Systems, Software Development & Word Processing at Level 5 Information Technology Certificate FETAC Level 5 FETAC Level 4 FETAC Level 3

20 Comparative Analysis Vendor Certification Strengths –Global Recognition –Job Focussed –Immediate Employability –Good Basis for Further Education & Training –Marketable Singular Skills –Responsive to Market Changes –Clear Career Progression Pathways Vendor Certification Weaknesses –Expensive –ICT Skills Prioritised –No Soft Skills Development –No Conscious Social Inclusion Agenda VET Certificate Strengths –National Recognition –Job & Life Skills Focussed –Immediate Employability –Good Basis for Further Education & Training –Marketable Skill-set –Modular Approach Facilitates Social Inclusion –Affordable –Clear Career Progression Pathways VET Certification Weaknesses –Slow to Respond to Market Changes –Overly Bureaucratic

21 ICT sector has established Global Icons of merit and ability CCNA MOS ORACLE GIAC ECDL Comptia Novell MCP By incorporating vendor certification into VET courseware VET qualifications have an economic value as well as an educational value VET has a social, educational and employment remit By incorporating what the vendor certifications have to offer with the social aspect of VET a powerful social inclusion process is enabled Observations to Consider

22 VET in Bulgaria & ICT Need for standards at all levels Need for constant updating of standards –Sector Skills Councils in Scotland a model for consideration Independent organisations Industry led Licensed by the state Addressing specific sector employment needs Currently 24 SSCs have been licensed

23 A Model for VET & ICT in Bulgaria Computer Familiarity Introduction to Computer Software Operating Systems Computer Programming Network Design & Administration Introduction to Computer Hardware Hardware Maintenance Software Development Web Development Introduction to The Internet Web Design & Maintenance System Design & Administration Database design & Administration Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

24 Level 1 for ICT At Level 1 –Computer Familiarity Basic introduction to Computing Internet e-Mail, etc –eCitizen Certification –Ideal Compulsory Module for all Courses

25 Level 2 for ICT At Level 2 –Computer Theory Introduction to Computer Software –Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc Introduction to Computer Hardware –Hardware Components –Hardware Peripherals Introduction to The Internet –Web Based Research –ECDL, IC3, Comptia A+, Comptia iNet+ –Ideal Elective Module for all Courses

26 Level 3 for ICT At Level 3 –Computer Applications Operating Systems –Microsoft, Lotus, Apple Hardware Maintenance –Troubleshooting Web Design & Maintenance –MOS, CIW, ADOBE, EUCIP –Elective Modules for Careers using ICT

27 Level 4 for ICT At Level 4 –Computer Programming Software Development System Design & Administration Network Design & Administration Web Development Database Design & Administration –MCP, SAP, ORACLE, GIAC, etc. –Elective Modules for Careers in ICT


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