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Lesson 3: BREAST & BODY FAMILIARITY Manitoba Breast & Women’s Cancer Network, Adolescent Breast Health Resource Package, September 2007

2 the breast

3 main function to produce and secrete milk

4 Anatomy of the Breast

5 Appearance ∙ each breast is generally circular or tear drop in shape
∙ one breast is often larger than the other ∙ a nipple is in the center of each breast ∙ the nipple may stand out, be flat or pulled in ∙ the colored area around the nipple is called the areola ∙ the areola may be pink, brown or black like our complexion ∙ little bumps called Montgomery’s glands may be seen on the areola ∙ hair follicles are common around the nipple

6 ◦ breasts are positioned over the ribs and two muscles
◦ the breast extends from the collar bone to bra line and breast bone to the armpit ◦ breasts are positioned over the ribs and two muscles ◦ the muscles are called the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles

7 Composition each breast has 15-20 lobes each lobe has many small
lobules (like a stem of grapes) breast milk is produced in the lobules slender tubes called ducts carry the breast milk to the nipple

8 the nipple has 6-8 openings where the milk is secreted fatty and
fibrous tissue provide shape and support to the breast

9 Illustrations: C2007 GCT II Solutions and Enterprises Ltd.
THE BREAST Vessels Chest wall muscle Lymph node Supportive ligaments Lymph channel Fatty tissue Milk lobes (glands) Lactiferous sinus Lactiferous duct Nipple Areola Illustrations: C2007 GCT II Solutions and Enterprises Ltd.

10 BREAST DEVELOPMENT begins during the 6th week of fetal life develops
in a line called the milk ridge fetal development

11 The Milk Ridge the milk ridge runs from the armpit to the groin
the line shrinks by the 9th week of fetal life remaining only in the chest area in animals the ridge remains, which is why they have multiple nipples occasionally a woman will have an extra nipple (on this line) which is often mistaken for a birthmark

12 breast tissue is present at birth the tissue is sensitive to the
80-90% of all infants (boys & girls) have nipple discharge on the 2nd or 3rd day of life breast tissue is present at birth the tissue is sensitive to the mothers hormones circulating through the placenta this discharge is called witch’s milk and goes away within a couple of weeks

13 at puberty one breast may develop more quickly than the other a bud of
breast tissue begins to grow under the nipple one breast may always be larger one breast may develop more quickly than the other at puberty the ducts begin to grow and reach full growth around the time menstruation begins the female hormones estrogen and progesterone affect breast growth

14 there is a large variation in breast size

15 Breast Size ◦ the proportion of milk glands, ducts and fat in the breast changes with age ◦ during puberty the breast is mainly ducts ◦ breasts of 20 year old women are mainly lobular (milk glands) tissue ◦ size increases dramatically in pregnant and breastfeeding women ◦ breasts of women over 50 years are mainly fatty tissue ◦ because of the fatty makeup of breasts, size can change as a person’s body shape and size changes

16 get to know how your breasts look and feel

17 knowing what is normal for your breasts may help you detect changes if they occur.

18 There is no need to follow any kind of routine or schedule.
You can become breast familiar in any way that feels comfortable for you.

19 This might mean looking and feeling while…
◦ getting dressed ◦ looking in the mirror ◦ in the bath or shower ◦ standing up or lying down

20 shapes colors breasts and nipples come in all different… textures

21 hair around nipples sensitivity inverted or nipples discomfort
normal adolescent breasts may have… swelling, tenderness, increased lumpyness nipple discharge a difference in size between breasts stretch marks

22 Potential Breast Changes to Check Out With Your Doctor
changes in size, shape or colour pain in the breast or armpit that is unrelated to one’s menstrual cycle thickened or hard skin a new lump spontaneous, new or bloody nipple discharge puckering or dimpling of the skin a change in the nipple

23 Provided by: CancerCare Manitoba Breast Screening Program
Breast Health – There is so Much You Can Do (Pamphlet)

24 be “P.I.N.K.” to reduce your risk
BREAST CANCER P ractice what you know eat healthy be active don’t smoke one drink per day or less I nvestigate the information know fact from fiction N know what’s normal for your body and breasts K nowledge is power

25 Students should contact
CancerCare Manitoba Breast Cancer Centre of Hope ( or Toll Free at ) in Winnipeg for further information if necessary.



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