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Hand Lingo and Hand Expressions © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hands are effective indicators of human expressions. Hands can indicate; - Lying.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand Lingo and Hand Expressions © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hands are effective indicators of human expressions. Hands can indicate; - Lying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand Lingo and Hand Expressions © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hands are effective indicators of human expressions. Hands can indicate; - Lying - Anxiety - Shame - Truth - Confidence - Deflection - Insecurity - Anger - Fear - Contempt - Frustration

2 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Contempt – the hand flicking away

3 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Anger Hand clenching to becoming fist. The fingers forming a fist indicates the person is getting highly frustrated and angry.

4 Dominance / Defiance – Palm/s down fingers straightened © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

5 Fear – the hand clinching as to wanting to hold onto something © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

6 Insecure/Unsure/Hiding something Assuring oneself – two hands clasped comforting each other. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

7 Confidence/Self Assurance/Advising Raised Steeple – Palms facing each other fingertips touching © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

8 Focused – Paying attention Lowered Steeple – Listening closely © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

9 Hand on cheek - Boredom - The head resting on the hand, is a display of total boredom. Fingers on Face– Concentration - The fingers are on the face directing the eyes trying to shutout distractions, and focused towards the region of interest. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hand Lingo and Hand Expressions

10 Shock /Despair © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Despair – Internal Dialogue

11 Shame © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Shame Any single or a few fingers touching the head whilst the person is looking down is the display of shame. A person uses this indicator when hiding something or lying, it is usually when the person is feeling shame or embarrassed.

12 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Pain in the Neck display. Hand behind the neck looking down to the left (internal dialogue) is a display of pure frustration. Stressing Tugging at the collar trying to open the collar to alleviate the heat building up indicates the person is in stress. Stressing

13 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Stressing/Anxiety Fingers in the Mouth whilst head is rested on the palm of the hand. A sign of a person in acute distress, worried and nervous. Stressing Hands Stressing/Frustration Wringing of hands/tightly clenched -Clenched fist/s

14 Pulling on the ear “Now that sounds interesting, but I do not necessarily agree”, combined with the pulling the ear lobe. Person is unconvinced. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Unsure/Unconvinced Wrist Twist So, so! Neck touch or scratching, looking down in self discussion.(internal dialogue) Indicates the person is unsure and considering

15 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hand Gestures and Movement Expressing Emotion Palms facing up This gesture indicates nothing to hide. When in conversation and the hands are turned face up, one can assume that honesty is being displayed. Lying – Hiding something Usually when someone has something to hide, they try to hide their hands or face their palms down. They hide their hands.

16 Hiding something or lying Hand or Finger covering mouth just under the nose. Is an indication that the person is hiding something. This simple gesture tells a lot. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Wrist half twist flash Is an indication that the person is hiding something.

17 Hiding something or lying Lip Shrug or Tight Lipped Is an indication that the person is hiding something. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Shoulder Shrug The person is not confident in what he just said.

18 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Hand Gestures and Movement Expressing Emotion Hands on Heart. This gesture indicates the truth is being told or a person is trying to convince the other that the truth is being told. In some countries or cultures it is sign of a promise and commitment.

19 Utter contempt - The Finger © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

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