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What Constitutes a Quality Commissioning Job?. Agenda Preconstruction Services –Brian Toevs, PE Construction Services –Rusty Ross, PE, LEED TM, CxA Client.

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Presentation on theme: "What Constitutes a Quality Commissioning Job?. Agenda Preconstruction Services –Brian Toevs, PE Construction Services –Rusty Ross, PE, LEED TM, CxA Client."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Constitutes a Quality Commissioning Job?

2 Agenda Preconstruction Services –Brian Toevs, PE Construction Services –Rusty Ross, PE, LEED TM, CxA Client Relationship –Mark Leafstedt, PE CCP CxA

3 Commissioning Process Project Timeline PLANNINGDESIGN CONSTRUCTIONACCEPTANCE OPERATIONS Design Intent/ Owners Project Requirements Functional Testing Cx Report O & M Document Review Construction Checklists Submittal Review Basis of Design Review Spec Review Design Document Review Training Review Seasonal Testing Warranty Review Pre-Functional Testing Start-up

4 Owner’s Requirements Owners need help defining their needs We can help Get in early - During Predesign Attend meetings during Schematic Phase Attend more than one meeting Be an active member of the team Write the OPR for the owner

5 Owner’s Requirements Help the Architect write the OPR Initiate 1 st draft of the Basis of Design Then turn it over to the designers Be Proactive, Invite your self to the party OR Better yet - have your own party

6 Owner’s Requirements Have a “Core Values” party Participants should Include: –Owner –User Group Members and Leaders –Maintenance staff –Architect / Engineer –Contractors / CM Plan for ½ to full day, for the exercise

7 Owner’s Requirements Participants are educated We get "buy in" Educational process accelerated Decisions verified Adversity diminished Nuances of organization learned Design process expedited Remember: The OPR is a non technical document, that describes what needs to happen for the Owner to call this project a success.

8 Owner’s Requirements Small groups to work out concepts Get input up front Un-Ravel the Owners Requirements Eliminate Preconceived Ideas Have Break-out Sessions Ask questions Unpack issues Work through ideas Discard bad ideas Create Concepts for discussion

9 Owner’s Requirements Present Ideas to group Not Complete Designs Better Direction for team Owner Requirements better Defined Two Solutions Existing Conditions

10 Design Review Minimum-Review Systems Commissioned Best Practice Review Should Include: –Mechanical –Electrical –Architectural –Specifications –Coordination among trades

11 Design Review To do a good HVAC review you have to look at the Architecture Many HVAC problems are Architectural Problems High performance buildings are failing: –Designing smaller HVAC systems –Normal Architectural Detailing

12 No details on this project address acoustical corrugated decking While this detail does not show it, there is batts insulation required under the decking Acoustical decking allows air to pass into building on both sides of the corrugations Batts insulation won’t seal the ends, only filter the air

13 Roof Insulation Corrugated Acoustical Roof Decking Batts Insulation Concrete Block Wall Air Pathways Thermal Envelop ?

14 If the Architectural details are unclear the contractor has free reign to do as much or as little as they want

15 Cx Specifications We’re not the designers but we can help Cx spec writing is more than writing Cx specs –Review Division 1 specs –Review Mechanical specs –Review Electrical specs –Review / Write / Edit Cx Specs

16 Cx Specifications Request electronic specifications in electronic format, i.e. MS Word, Word Perfect Edit specs with “Track Changes” Return electronic specs to designer, for review and approval –Engineer or Architect-of-record owns the specs, we are only making suggestions

17 Cx Specifications Review Division 1 specs: –Review submittal requirements Add submittal requirements for Commissioning Review O&M Requirements, modify submittal date to be just after submittal approval –Review payment application requirements Tie payment application to completion of checklist tracking form –Review substantial completion requirements Tie Cx completion to substantial completion –Write Division 1 Cx Requirements Spec

18 Cx Specifications Review Mechanical Specs: –Edit general requirements to reference Cx –Edit Controls specs Review quality assurance requirements to be more Cx friendly Tighten-up contractor qualifications –List specific individuals assigned to project –Temporary programming / global commands –Trending requirements / memory availability –instrument calibrations

19 Cx Specifications Review Mechanical Specs: –Edit TAB Specs Review quality assurance requirements to be more Cx friendly Tighten-up contractor qualifications –List specific individuals assigned to project –Write the Mechanical Cx requirements spec –Develop SVC sheets and checklist tracking form –Write the Mechanical testing requirements

20 Bidding Cx Plan needs to be specific enough to provide guidance but open enough for updating Cx Plan should mirror the spec requirements Keep it short, 15 to 20 pages plus diagrams Define flow of Cx Process, documentation, et cetera. Use Flow diagrams

21 Bidding To: System Readiness Cx Coordination Meeting Update Cx Plan Review Contractor Schedule CxA to Receive Approved Shop Drawing Submittals EOMM and SOMM Submittal Architect Will Review and Approve EOMM and SOMM provided to CxA Review Construction Checklist and Update as Required Architect and Owner Will Review and Approve Develop Functional Test Procedures Startup Witnesses Construction Checklist Completion Equipment Training Plan Submittal Completed Checklists Submitted Equipment Training Sessions CxA Will Review and Approve To: Acceptance System Readiness Commissioning Process Flow Chart – Construction Phase

22 Bidding Acceptance Systems Training Sessions Pa ss FT’s Performed Reports Written Functional Completion Deficiency Resolution No Yes To: Warranty & Deferred Testing Warranty Period and Operations Review Deficiency Resolution Deferred FT’s Pa ss Final Cx Report No Yes Warranty and Deferred Testing Commissioning Process Flow Chart – Construction Phase

23 Construction Services Construction Phase –Document Installation –Prepare for acceptance phase Acceptance Phase –Functional testing –Owner training –Final report/systems manual Post Occupancy and Warranty –Opposed season functional testing –Warranty review

24 Construction Services Construction Phase –KO meeting for all team members –Review shops Update Cx plan, PFCs and FPTs –Integrate Cx into construction schedule –Plan for owner preparation Training – Develop execution plan and schedule Record Documents – Review as project progresses O&Ms/Systems manual – Available early –Document installation – execute PFCs

25 Commissioning Plan

26 Prefunctional Checklists (PFCs)

27 Master Deficiency List

28 Document Installation Box access

29 Document Installation Incorrect coil piping

30 Document Installation Valve access

31 Document Installation Lack of welding on grease duct

32 Construction Services Acceptance Phase –Start-up –Functional testing Verify controls Simple to complex Single to integrated Coordinate w/ subs – controls, T&B –Owner training Execute and monitor Systems training –Final report/systems manual

33 Monitor Start-up Construction filters not in place

34 The Field Team

35 Functional Performance Tests (FPTs)

36 Functional Performance Tests

37 Construction Services Post Occupancy and Warranty –Opposed season functional testing Peak summer Peak winter –Warranty review Review building performance w/ owner & O&M staff Note any deficiencies Plan of action

38 Client Relationships

39 WHO ARE THE CLIENTS? –Owner? General Contractor? A/E Consultants?..............Yes –Does the client always hold the Cx contract? WHAT KIND OF CLIENTS? –Participative or Non-Involved? –Demanding or Relaxed? –Sophisticated or Not? –Clear on Cx Expectations or Not? HOW DO YOU HANDLE DIFFERENCES?

40 Client Relationships IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION –Enlistment of an advocate –Prevent surprises –Build a cooperative environment –Reduce misunderstandings –Speed resolution –Must be clear, concise, factual, non-blaming –Professional use of all forms: Verbal or written Cx documents

41 Client Relationships WHY DO WE DOCUMENT? –Communication –Set Expectations –Record and track events and results –Legacy WHAT MAKES OUR DOCUMENTATION DIFFERENT? –Independent Perspective –Detail –Resolution oriented rather than blame oriented

42 Client Relationships WHAT DEFICIENCIES DO YOU BRING TO THE CLIENT? –All? Cost impact ones? Design ones? Construction ones? Long Term ones? –Are all logged issues actually deficiencies? HOW DO WE GET RESOLUTION? –Participate or pull away? –Resolve during or after discovery? –Get Client involved? –Can we reduce the number or deficiencies or time it takes to resolve them?

43 Client Relationships SUMMARY –Communicate –Be Professional –Listen –Communicate –Document –Participate –Communicate

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