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Evaporator Carbon coating. Evaporator Step 1 Check that all switches on control console are to OFF position. Automatic Vacuum Control knob should be.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaporator Carbon coating. Evaporator Step 1 Check that all switches on control console are to OFF position. Automatic Vacuum Control knob should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaporator Carbon coating

2 Evaporator

3 Step 1 Check that all switches on control console are to OFF position. Automatic Vacuum Control knob should be at the OFF LEFT position.

4 Step 2 Make sure water supply is ON. These are the orange handled valves on pipes on the wall unit left side of evaporator. (Orange handles are parallel with the pipes, i.e., vertical, when water is ON.

5 Step 3 Turn on Main Power (isolation switch) for electrical power supply. Switch is on the right side of console, orange part of switch will show when switch is in the ON position. (The light is on all the time.)

6 Step 4 On the Automatic Vacuum Controller (AVC) toggle the "MAINS" switch to the ON position. The amber colored light on the switch will glow when it is in the ON position. Then toggle the AUX2 switch ON to start the roughing pump. (You will hear this pump come on.)

7 Step 5 Turn "Automatic Vacuum Control" knob to WARM UP. Leave in this position for approximately 20 minutes. (It takes about 20 minutes for the diffusion pump to heat properly.)


9 Step 6 Remove implosion guard and bell jar. Carefully place the atop the chiller next to the evaporator. Don’t let them fall. Careful not to chip the bell jar.

10 Step 7 Check carbon rods. To check carbon rods rotate slit assembly so rods are visible. Use the tools provided.

11 Step 7a To shape the carbon rods, loosen the set screws holding them, and then slide them out of the jig.

12 Step 7b Sharpen carbon rods in the rod sharpener. Careful not to get carbon powder everywhere. To get a clean flat end on the other rod, use the knife edge stored in the drawer.

13 Step 7c Replace the rods. Make sure there is tension on the pointed rod so that as the carbon is evaporated, the rods remain in contact.

14 Step 8 Place samples on the SEM stub holder spin table. Samples should be held in place by set screws, but DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. Thin Sections go on the flat table. (It is best to use a small piece of double sided tape to hold the sections on.)

15 Step 9 Position the rods over the sample(s) to be coated. The carbon rods should be about 3 inches from the samples but make sure that the jigging does not touch the sample holder as it spins.

16 Step 9a The sample spin control is the toggle switch on the left side of the carbon coater. Switch it UP for rotating the SEM sample holder. Switch it DOWN for turn the large platten (generally used for microprobe samples).

17 Step 10 Cover Jigging with bell jar; make sure plate is clear of any dust particles. Also, check for dust particles on the rubber seal on bell jar. Use YOUR HAND clean the rubber seal and the base plate.

18 Step 11 Cover bell jar with implosion guard.

19 Step 12 Turn "Automatic Vacuum Control" to PUMP. Vacuum system will begin automatic sequence. Wait untill diffusion pump opens to bell jar. Now wait till vacuum reaches about 10 -4 mbar on the Penning Gauge, ~ 20 to 30 minutes.

20 Step 13 Check that the "EVAPORATION CONTROL SWITCH" on the Evaporation PSU is on the PULSE side.

21 Step 14 Turn on the AUX 1 switch (lamp will light). Turn the Electrode Voltage Control knob on the Evaporator PSU to 8. Turn the Amperage control on the Evaporator PSU to CARBON.

22 Step 15 Start spinning the appropriate table. Toggle switch (left side of evaporator) up for SEM and down for thin sections. Careful not to spin too fast. The samples can fly off.

23 Step 16 Coating Press and hold the Pulse Button on the Evaporator PSU. This will take about 5 second, if you have positioned the carbon rods relatively close to the samples. DO NOT HOLD FOR MORE THAN 10 SECONDS--- YOU WILL BLOW THE FUSES.

24 Step 17 Now shut off the electricity Turn Amperage control to OFF. Turn Electrode Voltage to 0 (Zero) volts. Table spin Toggle switch to middle position. Table should not be spinning.

25 Step 18 Vent Turn Automatic Vacuum Control to VENT and wait for system to vent (about 2 minutes).

26 Shut down Switch Automatic Vacuum Control to OFF RIGHT position. Turn MAINS and AUX switches to OFF. Turn Electrical Isolation Switch to OFF. Remove implosion guard and bell jar. Remove Samples. Replace bell jar and implosion guard Switch Automatic Vacuum Control to OFF LEFT.

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