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Mechanical Engineering Design Review BL 4.0.3 ARPES Endstation Derek Yegian, Jonathan Denlinger, Keith Franck 4/18/2008.

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1 Mechanical Engineering Design Review BL 4.0.3 ARPES Endstation Derek Yegian, Jonathan Denlinger, Keith Franck 4/18/2008

2 Beamline 3D Layout M302 Entrance slit Monochromator M303G301G302 G302 (temp) Exit slit M321/M331 M332M333 M322M323 RIXS ARPES TOF Gas Cell

3 Endstation Layout M332M333 M322M323 RIXS ARPES TOF (2-bunch only) 44”

4 ARPES – Phase 1 (Sept. Installation) Fixed Spool Sample rotation 2-part rotary Analyzer Fixed, horizontal Turntable Locked in place Beam

5 Support Structures (a) Two independent supports –A) Vertical load (~2000 lbs) of chamber/analyzer carried through SKF spherical plain bearing on base plate

6 Support Structures (b) Two independent supports –B) Horizontal load and moments carried through six-strut assembly »Minor vertical load of tabletop and ancillary structure

7 Chamber Assembly (a) Vertical rotation Alignment Goal: Top chamber flange to rotate with 20 micron sphere of confusion (1) Turntable on top plate -- turntable rests on angled surface of cam bearings (2) Align bottom bushing to turntable rotation axis using dial indicator

8 Chamber Assembly (b) Vertical rotation Alignment (3) Install pumping base and top chamber through the turntable (4) Align top flange of chamber to rotation axis for position and perpendicularity - use dial indicator - adjustment screws for tilt, radial Access hole for vertical pusher screw Lateral pusher screw Align this flange to rotation axis

9 Chamber Assembly (c) Vertical rotation Alignment (5) Tighten bolts on bottom alignment plate (6) Raise lower support bearing (still allows chamber rotation) -- swivel self-aligning bearing; 30,000 lb. capacity -- leveling pad vertical adjustment -- plan for 1 mm vertical rise (chamber fiducialization) -- takes weight off cam bearings / six strut support assembly (7) Phase I: Clamp chamber to base plate (no rotation) -- keep lifted off cam bearings Tighten bolts Raise feet by 1mm

10 Chamber Port Accuracy CMM report Goal: Top chamber flange to rotate with <10 micron axis of confusion (1) Top port alignment to bottom flange -- center offset: dx=0.0067” dy=0.0142”, dr=0.0157” -- parallelism: dz = 24.375” dA = 0.6 millirad (2) Intersection of analyzer flange to vertical axis: dz = -0.0185” (from design value of 9.0” below top flange) -- not crucial: align beam to analyzer + sample to beam dy = -0.0076” (crucial for polar rotation) analyzer

11 Seismic Parameters Center of gravity Wgt = 3350 lbs. Height = 25.5” Base Floor Bolting Pattern 60” (1)Floor survey 3 existing 1/2” HILTI (type HDI) shells do not affect new anchor locations No grade beam conflicts (2)Add four new 1/2” HILTI (type HDI) expansion anchors on 48”x44”. (3)Factor of safety ~1.4 (w/o vacuum load) ~1.3 (vacuum load) Weldment: 1350 lbs @ 6.35” Analyzer 325 lbs @ 58” Off-axis 32” est. IP: 250 lbs @ 17.1” Off-axis 20” Manipulator/Centiax 75 lbs @ 83.8” Rotary Seal 40 lbs @ 71.9” 47” 450 lbs @ 36.5” Struts: 150 lbs @ 26” Pumping Tree: 450 lbs @ 27” Chamber: 400 lbs @ 51.3” 48” 52” X

12 Seismic Safety Center of Gravity 3700 lbs at 28.6” from floor (2.38” towards analyzer) Floor Anchoring —use new ½” HILTI HDI on 48” x 44” Allowable loads: Tension: 2,374 lbs. / Shear: 1,798 lbs. — min. lever distance from bolt to edge = 46” Horizontal inertial load in earthquake as high as 0.7 g acceleration x 3700 lbs. = 2580 lbs. Tension load due to overturning: worst case leverage ratio = 25” / 21.8” =.62 pull-out load on two anchors = 2580x.62 = 1600 lbs. pull-out load (tension) per anchor = 1600 / 2 = 800 lbs. Shear load due to sliding: shear load per anchor = 2580 / 4 = 640 lbs. Safety Factor = 1/( (800/2374) + (640/1798) ) = 1.4 If 500 lbs of vacuum load added (equiv. 450 lbs towards analyzer, 210 lbs perp. analyzer) Safety Factor = 1 / ( (3030*.57/2/2374) + (3030/4/1798)) = 1.3 (Following Engineering note AL0015)

13 Top Rotary Seal (Phase I) Standard 2-part face seal (have in hand) -- APX design --> LBNL --> DV Manufacturing (fab) H=1.81” -- double-sided flange on bottom for clearance of top ports standard: H=0.87” -- double-sided flange on top to match Phase II height custom: H=1.8535” (or 2 x 0.87” = 1.74”?) Sum = 4.53” (Phase II) -- Custom 3-part radial seal: H = 4.53375” -- bottom connects to rotatable chamber (analyzer polar angle) -- middle connects to fixed stand -- top connects to rotatable manipulator (sample polar angle) Phase I vs Phase II

14 Analyzer Rotation (Phase I) -- rigid nipple -- analyzer in horizontal geometry (vertical slit) -- support bracket off of base plate -- increase rigidity to stand (Phase II) -- Custom high load 2-part radial seal -- Rotation for selection two orientations (not scanning) -- Slow rotation speed (factor for safety) -- Sliding contact of analyzer lens mu-metal with chamber mu-metal (?) Phase I vs Phase II

15 Summary Phase 1 (Sept. install): Fixed chamber and analyzer Turntable installed but locked down Assembly will require extensive alignment Vertical load taken by spherical bearing Phase 2 Need robotics safety review/plan for motions Vacuum load preloads cam bearings Seismic loading has a factor of safety of 1.27 min. Redesign of analyzer mu-metal liner may be needed

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