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Writing 2 Unit 6 My role model (period 1). Warm up  Who is important in your life? Why? Try to describe him or her to us.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing 2 Unit 6 My role model (period 1). Warm up  Who is important in your life? Why? Try to describe him or her to us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing 2 Unit 6 My role model (period 1)

2 Warm up  Who is important in your life? Why? Try to describe him or her to us.

3 Description: people  Difficulties: complex, not easy  What qualities to describe: Physical features, personality, speech, actions, habits

4 How to describe a person  Adopt the dominant impression approach: appearance, personality, behavior or actions; and make these as the thesis of the essay  Select details to support the dominant impression, but don’t give too many

5 Some principles  Use concrete, vivid details  Not overload your essay with adjectives and adverbs; rely chiefly on precise and vivid noun and verbs  Show the person in action; showing but not telling  Use anecdotes

6 Ways of organizing a descriptive essay about a person  Focus on one quality or feature and depict it by using one or more anecdotes.  Describe what the person is like: from appearance to personality.  List a few characteristic features of the person, explaining each briefly.

7 Activity 1 Study the passages in p.103 Point out the dominant impression and the supporting details in each.

8 Reading on the subject Read the text: “ Miss Jordan” (p.106) Answer the following questions: How does it open? What is the structure of the text? What tone does the narrator adopt in describing her? What do you learn from it?

9 Reading From the peers Try to read the three readings from your peers and answer the following questions: A teacher whose friendship I value A two-day acquaintanceship My father p.112

10 Discussion You are going to describing one of your classmates, have a discussion with your partners, then share it in front of us..

11 Writing 2 Unit 6 My role model (period 2)

12 How to achieve sentence conciseness?  Conciseness means being brief, without using unnecessary words  The opposite of conciseness is redundancy and wordiness  Avoid redundancy and tighten wordy sentences to achieve conciseness.

13 How to avoid redundancy  Cut out unnecessary words  Cut out unnecessary repetition  Cut out empty phrases  Use appropriate language

14 How to tighten wordy sentences  Avoid repetition of ideas  Avoid unnecessary repetition of words  Rearrange sentence structure to avoid repetition  Take out the padding

15 Activity 1  Study the examples listed Original: teachers should help children so that they can grow healthily. Revised: teachers should help children to grow healthily. (P.93)  Revise the wordy sentences by omitting repetitions of words or ideas

16 Reading on the subject  Read the text : an interview: the road to my dream university  Answer the following questions: 1.Find out: Who, when, what, how it develops 2.What is the personality of each person? Why? Find out the evidences 3.What particular quality of the interviewee impresses you most? Why?

17 Reading From the peers Try to read the two readings from your peers and answer the following questions: Telix tang’s dreams Telix tang, a persevering young man p.121

18 Activity 2  Interview: try to interview some one in your class. Decide on the person interviewed Prepare for the occasion Interview him or her  Write a report about a person you have interviewed in about 200 words.

19 Thank you!

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