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SUBJECT and OBJECT QUESTIONS. Object Questions (Complemento) What does Ben like? Who do you love? Where do you live? How does Peter feel? What is he reading?

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Presentation on theme: "SUBJECT and OBJECT QUESTIONS. Object Questions (Complemento) What does Ben like? Who do you love? Where do you live? How does Peter feel? What is he reading?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Object Questions (Complemento) What does Ben like? Who do you love? Where do you live? How does Peter feel? What is he reading? What did you buy?

3 Object Questions What does Ben like?He likes chocolate Who do you love?I love her sister Where do you live?I live in the USA How does Peter feel?Peter feels very well What is he reading?He is reading «Lost» What did you buy?I bought lemons

4 Object Questions He likes chocolate I love her sister I live in the USA Peter feels very well He is reading «Lost» I bought lemons Todas las preguntas buscan un complemento directo, indirecto o circunstancial

5 Object Questions What does Ben like? Who do you love? Where do you live? How does Peter feel? What is he reading? What did you buy? Todas las preguntas necesitan un auxiliar

6 Subject Questions (Sujeto) Who loves you? Who saw you? Who is waiting for you? What is blocking the road? What caused the accident? Who ate my apple?

7 Subject Questions Who loves you?John loves me Who saw you?My parents saw me Who is waiting for you?Nobody is waiting for me What is blocking the road?A lorry is blocking the road What caused the accident?The storm caused the accident Who ate my apple? Your sister ate your apple

8 Subject Questions John loves me My parents saw me Nobody is waiting for me A lorry is blocking the road The storm caused the accident Your sister ate your apple Todas las preguntas buscan el sujeto. Es lo que conocemos

9 Subject Questions Who loves you? Who saw you? Who is waiting for you? What is blocking the road? What caused the accident? Who ate my apple? Todas las preguntas se hacen como si fueran oraciones afirmativas o negativas. Sin auxiliar y sin cambio de orden

10 Compara Who did you invite? I invited my friends Object question Who invited you? My friends invited me Subject question

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