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The Expansion of Russia Age of Absolutism. The First Tsar  Ivan IV “the terrible” (b. 1530 / r. 1533 – 1584)  Advised and abused by boyars (Russian.

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Presentation on theme: "The Expansion of Russia Age of Absolutism. The First Tsar  Ivan IV “the terrible” (b. 1530 / r. 1533 – 1584)  Advised and abused by boyars (Russian."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Expansion of Russia Age of Absolutism

2 The First Tsar  Ivan IV “the terrible” (b. 1530 / r. 1533 – 1584)  Advised and abused by boyars (Russian nobility) from 3 to 16 yrs  Took individual power in 1546 – crowned himself Tsar (Caesar) in 1547  Added new lands in the 1550s  1560 - Wife Anastasia Romanov dies (No, not that Anastasia)  Ivan increasingly unstable

3 Ivan the Terrible  Paranoid and delusional  Kills eldest son, Ivan  Helped to depopulate most of central Russia  Massacre of boyars  Peasants flee east -- south – “Cossacks”  “all the people consider themselves to be kholops, that is, slaves of their Prince”  Defeats Mongols  1557 turns west!!!!

4 Time of Troubles  1584 Ivan IV dies  1598 – 1613 Time of Troubles – no clear heir  Relatives murder one another  Swedish and Polish armies invade  Cossack bands attack nobles and officials  Zemsky Sobor (feudal estates) elect Michael Romanov, (Ivan IV’s grandson) 1613-1645  Completes “enserfment” of the peasants  1625 law states killing a peasant = destruction of property  Alexis - 1645-1676:  1646 serfs legally bound to estate  Serf / Cossack uprising led by Stephen Razin 1667  Old Believers rise up against the reform ideas of Russian patriarch Nikon; threaten to break away from the church  Church became dependent upon the state Early conflict btw. tradition and moderniza -tion

5 Peter Romanov “THE GREAT”  Born in 1672  6 ft. 9 --- “giant”, “barbarian genius”  1682 - Joint ruler with half- brother Ivan V (mentally handicapped) – but half-sister Sofia acts as regent – exiles Peter!!! (1682-1689)  Returns but Sofia tries to have him murdered – Peter escapes - gains the throne; ruled alone 1689 – 1725  1721 state takes control of the Russian Orthodox through the Holy Synod & the procurator

6 Peter Romanov “THE GREAT”  Brilliant – Creative – Skilled  Great Embassy: toured Europe 1696 – 1697 with 250 officials and nobles!!!  fascinated by Dutch and English  Recognizes “backwardness” of Russia; recruits 1000 foreign experts for service positions  1698 returned to revolt of streltsi (tsar guards of noble classes, very politically active – opposed to reform and any threat to their own power) –instigated by Sofia; streltsi massacred; Sofia recedes to convent  1698 rebuilt army from ground up; several foreign officers  recognizes need to have a “European” fighting force  All landholders had to serve as military or civil officers  Almost continuously at war w/ Ottomans and Swedes

7 Warfare and Expansion  War with Ottomans: Russia vs. Turks and Tartars - Black Sea  not successful, Russian army to weak.  War with Swedes: “The Great Northern War” 1700-1721  Allied with Denmark/Poland  Sweden powerful in N. Europe – scattered lands Germany, Finland, Estonia  21 year conflict vs. Charles XII of Sweden (r. 1697-1718)  1709 – decisive Russian victory at Poltava (Ukraine)  1721, Treaty of Nystadt – Russia annexes Estonia and Livonia and Karelia  Russia has access to the Baltic! “Window to the West”  Wars lead to modernization of Russia – militarily first - professional  200,000 regular troops – drafted for life!!!!  100,000 special forces of Cossacks and foreigners!  Schools to train new military personnel

8 Growth of Russia

9 St. Petersburg  Improving the cities:  St. Petersburg: new capital on Baltic  Baroque example of links btw. politics / architecture / urban development  wide open avenues – uniform buildings  government offices; nobles must build here  Built from an outpost – to replace Moscow  Separate areas for nobles, merchants, artisans… (favorable terms for settling)  Marvel of modern engineering  Showplace for the tsar  Nobility paid for it  Built on the backs of the serfs

10 The Winter Palace – St. Petersburg

11 Peterhof

12 Peter the Great: pros and cons  Created the “Empire of Russia”  1711 abolishes the duma (parliament) – replaces with Senate of 10 members  50 territorial gubernii (governments)  referred to as a state w/o a people  Abolishes hereditary succession (doesn’t trust son, Alexei)  Table of Ranks, 1722: ability in “state service” ranks over social position (birth right )

13 Peter the Great: pros and cons  Westerners and Western ideas flow into Russia – paving the way for Enlightenment and rule of his wife, Catherine (not the Great!!)  resistance to foreigners from nobility and serfs  Alexei (son) vows to reinstall old Russian traditions  1718 imprisoned and executed

14 Peter the Great: pros and cons  1725 Peter dies  Leaves behind an uneasy Russia – poor and weak, angry  No heir to the throne appointed  Great split between poor and nobility  Heavy taxation  Mercantilist policies; all industry owned by the tsar

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