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FEUDALISM & MANORIALISM By Julia Curry and Keri Fenlon.

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1 FEUDALISM & MANORIALISM By Julia Curry and Keri Fenlon

2 Feudal Hierarchy The King Used Barons to arrange for soldiers/knights Bishops Ruled over dioceses Collected taxes Barons Awarded fiefs by king Provide king with army Lords Ruled over manors Obligated to serve Barons who contracted their manors as warriors Peasants Farm land to provide food for all Allowed to use lord’s land in return for rent

3 Key Definitions Feudalism- relationship between the king, bishops, and barons Fief- land given to a vassal (free man) by the king for military service

4 Characteristics of Feudalism  Military-based society Vassals- those who serve another  required to fight when king or king’s family was threatened  Service as a knight lasted from 40 to 60 days  Either training or war  Kings held land  believed to be their “Devine right” or the right to rule granted by God.

5 History of Feudalism  Originated in Frankish kingdom between the Loire and the Rhine.  Established in England by William the Conqueror and the Normans in 1066.  Church only universal European governing force

6 Problems with Feudalism  ties break down  anarchy.  No formal political control and regulation  Commerce collapses  Barons grow powerful  governed independently  Constant fighting

7 Key Definitions  Manorialism- connection between lords and peasants in relation to land  Right of disinheritance- lord of a manor could claim the possessions of a person who died on their land with no heir

8 Characteristics of Manorialism Peasants maintain land to grow crops and generate income for the lord. Free peasants pay lord rent to work small plots of land. Indentured peasants lived on the lord’s land without paying rent. Instead they worked to earn their stay. OR

9 Continued  Lord given judicial authority  Peasants almost slaves- bought and sold with the land  Protection in return

10 Importance of Manorialism  Created reciprocal relationship  Lords to make the most money possible and peasants maintain their land while they were away  Peasants wanted protection from invaders and land to make a living from

11 Problems with Manorialism  Lord given power to tax peasants without limit  Cements low status of peasants

12 Quiz  Which of these is NOT a problem associated with Feudalism?  A. constant fighting  B. ties between master and servants break down causes anarchy  C. lord taxes peasants without a limit  D. Peasants avoid their military duties  Which is the definition of a fief?  A. someone who serves another  B. something that the king claims is rightfully his  C. land given to a free person for military services  D. a servant's promise to protect the king and the king's family  What is the relationship between lord and peasant?  A. Lord protects, houses the peasants which work his land  B. Lord grants the peasants land in exchange for military service  C. Peasants guard the lord's land in exchange for housing  D. Peasants tax the lord for use of the land

13 Works Cited =129924&start=0&pff=1&showAll=true&show=1000 auf-lebenszeit-moeglich-2013-die-entstehung-des-bauerntums/grundherr- sucht-bauern/MB-ST_W20-STOR-01.jpg/?size=preview&plus=1

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