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The Sun King. Louis 1643-1715 Began rule as a 5 year old and “suffered” three Frondes one of which actually got close enough to threaten his safety. This.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun King. Louis 1643-1715 Began rule as a 5 year old and “suffered” three Frondes one of which actually got close enough to threaten his safety. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun King

2 Louis 1643-1715 Began rule as a 5 year old and “suffered” three Frondes one of which actually got close enough to threaten his safety. This angers him and fuels him for the rest of his reign. Centralization and absolute power will be his constant aim.

3 Centralization Methods Politically Use of Divine Right Theory/Revocation of Edict of Nantes

4 Aristocracy blocked from government and middle class given positions. “I’m busy”“I’m frolicking”

5 Taxing (people only kept 20%), imprisoning, galley slaves, month’s forced labor, military conscription of peasants “I’m too busy to rebel!”

6 Never called Estates General and arrested some members “Meeting adjourned, oh wait, I never called you to meet in the first place” “Guilty”

7 Intendants are king’s ears and eyes See full-size image. x 301 - 112kSee full-size image. x 301 - 112k

8 Aristocracy total fools at Versailles and loving it.


10 Centralization economically Follows Colbert’s mercantilism: East India Company, West India Company. Encouraged ship building and merchant marine.

11 Follows Colbert’s reduction of tax collectors and tolls and improvement of transportation to encourage domestic trade.

12 Centralization Socially Already discussed…Control peasants, give middle class power, make fools of aristocracy at Versailles, increase royal purse with taxes and trading ventures, revoke Edict of Nantes, billeting soldiers in protestant homes.

13 We aren’t rich, just Hugenots We are rich

14 French classicism also embodied his power and control over France Puget Poussin La Fosse

15 But Louis’s Wars: The War of Devolution (1667-68), The Dutch war (1672-78), The War of the League of Augsburg (1688-97), The War of the Spanish Succession (1702-13) Weaken everything. The End

16 War of Devolution and Dutch War War between France and Spain. Louis XIV of France had married Marie Therese, daughter of Philip IV of Spain, whose dowry had not been paid. Louis claimed the Spanish Netherlands (modern Belgium) as his wife’s inheritance instead of her dowry. Border issues not resolved which led to Dutch War. French and British planned to split the territories but they lose.

17 The War of the League of Augsburg (1688-97), Once William of Orange took over England he changed British policy and supported the Netherlands against French encroachment and at the same time France and Britain clashed in the American colonies. Grand Alliance involved: Austria, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Dutch Republic, England, Holy Roman Empire, Ireland, Palatinate of the Rhine, Portugal, Savoy, Saxony, Scotland, Spain, Sweden…against France.

18 War of Spanish Succession Just that. Louis wanted to claim the Spanish throne and everyone freaked out. As Charles II of Spain had been mentally and physically infirm from a very young age, it was clear he could not produce an heir. Thus, the issue of the inheritance of the Spanish kingdoms — which included not only Spain, but also dominions in Italy, the Low Countries, the Philippines and the Americas — became contentious. In the absence of a direct heir, candidates had to be sought among the descendants of the king's sisters, each with roughly similar claims but very different political implications: a recipe for certain conflict. Two dynasties claimed the Spanish throne: the French Bourbons and the Austrian Habsburgs, both closely related to Charles and to his father, Philip IV. (all plagiarized from wikipedia)Charles II of SpainLow CountriesPhilippinesBourbonsHabsburgs

19 Standing army Uniforms Supply lines Standard weapons Training and some promotion based on merit (of course with nobles in the mix it wasn’t always on merit) Ambulance corps to help with the wounded

20 What was his glory?

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