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Sermon INTRODUCTION Home Grown Resolutions 1 Peter 3:7.

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1 Sermon INTRODUCTION Home Grown Resolutions 1 Peter 3:7

2 Make the husband – wife relationship the priority in marriage Give a Blessing instead of an Insult

3 The FOUNDATION of your marriage - THE BIBLE The FOUNTAIN of your marriage – The Gospel The FOCUS of Your Marriage – the Glory of God.

4 The Bully – he threatens his wife in subtle or overt ways- physically or emotionally The Drill Sargent – He is demanding, demeaning, detached, and domineering –

5 The Emotional Houdini – he is great at getting out of situations where he may actually have to open up about his heart and feelings. The Fixer – he may listen to the problem, but his focus is on fixing it, not connecting with his wife

6 The Understanding Husband – He is committed to a lifestyle of seeking to know, appreciate, honor, and receive his wife as a precious gift from God

7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

8 A Deep Root of Christian MANHOOD is Living by Prayer The Quality of your relationship with God is revealed by How you treat your wife.

9 “Live in an Understanding Way” = Be considerate; be thoughtful of her needs. “Showing Honor” = to value, esteem

10 Live with your wife in a way that considers her soul, her mind, and her emotions. “As the weaker vessel” “As a co-heir of the grace of life”

11 Scripture doesn't command couples to feel love and respect but to SHOW IT. That is the movement of faith by the power of the Holy Spirit

12 ASK: What’s it like living with me? – What would living with my wife in an understanding way look like in this situation?

13 Honor / Co-Heir Test: PRAY WITH YOUR WIFE

14 Biblical counseling is that which exposes our motives – our hearts and our world – in such a way that the authentic Gospel is the only possible answer.

15 Verse 3:7 is how God treats us as the Bride of Christ.

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