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True Friendship. Friendship – the God Way We all have friends, spanning the spectrum of BFF to casual acquaintance The single largest destroyer of friendships.

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Presentation on theme: "True Friendship. Friendship – the God Way We all have friends, spanning the spectrum of BFF to casual acquaintance The single largest destroyer of friendships."— Presentation transcript:

1 True Friendship

2 Friendship – the God Way We all have friends, spanning the spectrum of BFF to casual acquaintance The single largest destroyer of friendships is pride In 99.9% of all broken friendships, humility from both positions, would save a friendship

3 David and Jonathan One of the greatest examples of true friendship in all of scripture We can all learn about real friendship from these two examples

4 David Giant Killer Sheep Herder Mighty Man of Valor The Anointed by God future King of Israel Psalmist Worshipper

5 Jonathan A young man with a horrible example for a father Heir to the current throne of Israel A prince by man’s standards A mighty warrior (1 Sam 14) Not a bad choice for the next king of Israel

6 Jonathan – the great example Gift of honor to David (1 Sam 18:4) Willing to stand in the gap on behalf of his friend (1 Sam 19:2-7) Helps discern his fathers intentions and almost takes a sword to the chest as a result (1 Sam 20:18-42) Proposes a covenant for the future (1 Sam 23:16-18) Chose the hard path, and honored God

7 God Honoring Friendship 1 Peter 5:5-11 – Submit to one another – place others needs ahead of your own Romans 12:9-18 – Honor the poor, those of “low position”, in as much as it depends on you. John 15:12-15 – No greater love than to lay down……

8 In as much as it depends on me

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