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Take out a scrap of paper and write 4 things you know which are related to Ancient Rome and/or Julius Caesar.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out a scrap of paper and write 4 things you know which are related to Ancient Rome and/or Julius Caesar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out a scrap of paper and write 4 things you know which are related to Ancient Rome and/or Julius Caesar.

2 Historical Context from 44BC and 1600AD


4 753 BC – Kingdom of Rome Tiber River 510 BC – Tarquin is King of Rome He is an unpopular king and the strong Roman families decided to get rid of the concept of king altogether

5 510 BC: Rome is now governed by a senate 300 elected senators Two elected consuls Each has veto power over the other (First Consuls: L. Iunius Brutus and L. Tarquinius Collatinus)

6 The Senate appoints a vast amount of officials to carry out their wishes including: Law makers Tribunes Questors And GENERALS


8 Crassus Pompey Caesar Caesar is elected as one of the consuls

9 Caesar is asked by the senate to give up his command Takes one of his legions across the Rubicon Civil War begins: Casear vs Pompey

10 Very successful general Conquered Gaul (France) Defeated political rivals (Pompey) His success makes him a god-like figure in the eyes of the populace of Rome Wanted to keep the senate for bureaucratic purposes.

11 1. Suppress armed resistance in provinces 2. Strong Central Government 3. Turn the Empire into a single cohesive unit

12 Caesar had enlarged his own power at the expense of the noble families of the senate He was not a young man, and had no natural heir Many feared the political uncertainty that would follow his death


14 Huge political and religious turmoil 1450s War of the Roses + Reformation EraWar of the Roses Henry VII (Catholic) Henry VIII (Catholic then Protestant) Edward VI (Protestant) Mary (Catholic) Elizabeth I (Protestant)

15 Born during the reign of Elizabeth Wrote Julius Caesar in 1599

16 Elizabeth had enlarged her own power at the expense of the aristocracy in England She was not a young woman, and had no natural heir Many feared the political uncertainty that would follow her death


18 Write a sonnet in the Shakespearean style. It must be about a part of Ancient Roman history during the time of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Octavian 14 lines – Iambic Pentameter Rhyming structure: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

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