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C AUSES OF THE F IRST W ORLD W AR. On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated with his wife in Sarajevo, the capital.

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Presentation on theme: "C AUSES OF THE F IRST W ORLD W AR. On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated with his wife in Sarajevo, the capital."— Presentation transcript:


2 On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated with his wife in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia. How could the murder of this man lead to the First World War?

3 nationalism feelings of superiority Balkan Wars militarism alliances imperialism blank check powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race WW1 mistrust

4 WW1

5 militarism

6 Wilhelm II

7 Wilhelm II’s Weltpolitik wanted to turn Germany into a world power aggressive German foreign policy naval race between Britain and Germany rivalry between Britain and Germany, war hysteria

8 The Graphic 22.10.1910 Illustrated London News 27.3.1909 Graphic 24.6.1909 The Graphic 9.10.1909

9 WW1 militarism naval race


11 WW1 militarism military build-up naval race


13 WW1 militarism war hysteria military build-up naval race

14 WW1 militarism imperialism war hysteria military build-up naval race

15 Scramble for Africa

16 WW1 militarism imperialism imperial rivalries war hysteria military build-up naval race


18 WW1 militarism imperialism imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race

19 WW1 militarism alliances imperialism imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race


21 WW1 militarism alliances imperialism mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race

22 WW1 militarism alliances imperialism idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race


24 WW1 militarism alliances imperialism powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race

25 blank check

26 WW1 militarism alliances imperialism blank check powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race

27 WW1 nationalism militarism alliances imperialism blank check powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race


29 The Balkans 1908-1914

30 WW1 nationalism Balkan Wars militarism alliances imperialism blank check powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race



33 nationalism feelings of superiority Balkan Wars militarism alliances imperialism blank check powers drawn into war idea of war omnipresent mistrust imperial rivalries conflicts war hysteria military build-up naval race WW1

34 On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated with his wife in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia. Outbreak of the First World War

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