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AKA: Augustus.  He had no legitimate children of his own  He saw promise in his great-nephew Gaius Octavius  By the age of 15 he started to groom the.

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Presentation on theme: "AKA: Augustus.  He had no legitimate children of his own  He saw promise in his great-nephew Gaius Octavius  By the age of 15 he started to groom the."— Presentation transcript:

1 AKA: Augustus

2  He had no legitimate children of his own  He saw promise in his great-nephew Gaius Octavius  By the age of 15 he started to groom the boy for leadership  The boy had delicate health Suffered sun stroke while presiding over games Was too ill to go to Spain with Caesar

3  Octavius is sent to Greece to get an education and learn how to run an army  Caesar is killed, 43 BC.  No heir had yet been named  Who would take over?


5  Caesar never announced Octavian as heir  Caesar’s assassins were praised  Antony is powerful and in Rome  Caesar’s troops are willing to march to Rome with Octavian as their leader  What does Octavian do?

6  Octavian decides to return to Rome without the army  Cicero takes a liking to Octavian He feels that Octavian could possibly overpower Antony Cicero thinks that Octavian is young, smart and willing to learn. He could make a good leader.  Legions rally behind Octavian and fight Antony  Both consuls lead the army and both die

7  With the consuls dead Octavian is in sole command of the army  This gives Octavian enough power to bargain with Antony  Octavian, Antony and Lepidus form the second triumvirate  They draw up a list of who must die. Cicero

8 Augustus as imperator -Villa of Livia -100 ad

9 Augustus as pontifex maximus - 12 BC - Rome

10  Augustus, Antony and Lepidus  The relationship between Antony and Augustus becomes strained  Augustus marries his sister Octavia to Antony They have two children  Antony gets bored, moves to Egypt and marries Cleopatra while still married to Octavia. Pg. 71

11  Roman people start to hate Antony People like Octavia who is a dutiful wife to her husband Antony is married to Egyptian queen His campaign in the East stalls  War looms but for ten years but Antony and Augustus are peaceful.

12  He rebuilds Rome  Stops raiding by pirates  Stops attacks from tribes outside of Rome  Caesars veterans are given their promised land  The prestige of the ruling class is restored  The great Roman poet Vergil writes the Georgics

13  They have a vast and rich kingdom  They are above the people  Wealth and luxury

14  31 B.C. 




18  Coolidge, Olivia E. Lives of Famous Romans. United States of America: Home School Publishing, 2007. Print.  Kleiner, Fred S. A History of Roman Art. Victoria: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2007. Print.

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