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Bringing Physics Research into Secondary Education Rice University University of Houston.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Physics Research into Secondary Education Rice University University of Houston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Physics Research into Secondary Education Rice University University of Houston

2 Collaborators Rice University Dr. Marj Corcoran Dr. Leonard Suess University of Houston Dr. Wei-Kan Chu Dr. Ed Hungerford Dr. Kwong Lau Dr. Roger Mills Dr. Larry Pinsky Dr. John Wilson, Coordinator

3 Primary Research Areas Ion Beam Physics Medium Energy Physics High Energy Physics

4 Department of Energy Secondary Education Initiatives Ion Beam Physics Quarknet Rare Symmetry Violation Processes

5 Program Overview and Benefits to Students in Secondary Education Early Inclusion of Students in Research Stronger academic preparation Strengthens secondary science education Students make better career choices Students interact with University faculty earlier

6 Program Overview and Benefits to Secondary Education Faculty Secondary Science Faculty benefit Contributes to Professional Development Strengthens secondary science education Remain abreast of advances in science Provides means to better counsel students regarding career decisions Increased Faculty awareness of preparation requirements for science careers

7 Program Introduction to Particle Physics Brief Introductory Practicum including lectures from Rice and UofH physics faculty Hands on research Ion Beam Characterization and Modification of Materials Air Shower Investigations Experimental Simulations Other

8 Http://

9 UH facilities: 1.7MeV tandem accelerator

10 UH Ion Beam Analytical Capabilities: RBS, Channeling, PIXE (impurities) NRA on Carbon quantitative analysis Recoil analysis on Hydrogen profiles AFM smoothness studies AFM step height studies ----- DLC density

11 UH Ion Beam Materials Modification: Ion Implantation (impurities doping) Radiation damage Ion Beam Mixing Surface smoothing by Cluster beam (1nm) Point Defect Engineering

12 UH Facilities: Cluster Machine

13 The Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory To The Heart of Matter The Accelerator Racetrack Hall C


15 What Really is a Lepton ? MECO A Search for Muon to Electron Conversion

16 Opportunities Electronic Instrumentation Design Computer Simulations and Program Development Particle Detector Development Data Acquisition Programming

17 High Energy Physics at UH BTeV: Precision CP violation study in beauty and charm decays at the FNAL Tevatron (experiment under preparation) HERA-B: High statistics fixed-target proton- nucleus collisions at HERA (completed data taking) Detector development: Aging study of straw detectors (lab work)

18 BTeV

19 Research projects in BTeV Beam test of straw prototypes (FNAL) Aging study of straw detectors (UH/FNAL) Computer simulation of straw detector performance (FNAL) GRID computing in BTeV (FNAL)

20 HEP Research projects at UH Aging study of straw detectors using radioactive sources Precision measurement of charged kaon mass using RICH data from HERA-B GRID computing in BTeV

21 Conclusion Inclusion of HISD in research for the Summer of 2004 Rice University Two Faculty University of Houston Two Faculty

22 Collaborators’ Vitae

23 Selected Bibliography and Web Sites

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