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Jeopardy Tire Pumps Define Water guns & Fire Fill in the blanks Diagrams Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Tire Pumps Define Water guns & Fire Fill in the blanks Diagrams Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Tire Pumps Define Water guns & Fire Fill in the blanks Diagrams Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from TIRE PUMPS As Tommy pumps air into his bicycle tire, the: a)Air pressure in the tire decreases b)Air pressure in the tire increases

4 $100 Answer from TIRE PUMPS c) Air pressure in the tire increases

5 $200 Question from TIRE PUMPS The air inside the tire is getting: a) Compressed b) Decompressed

6 $200 Answer from TIRE PUMPS a) Compressed

7 $300 Question from TIRE PUMPS Why can’t we just use our mouths to inflate bike and car tires?

8 $300 Answer from TIRE PUMPS Our lungs aren’t strong enough to compress the air and fill the tire

9 $400 Question from TIRE PUMPS Explain how a tire pump works

10 $400 Answer from TIRE PUMPS It compress air and pushes it through the a small valve to inflate the tire

11 $500 Question from TIRE PUMPS As you pump more and more air into the tire, the pumping becomes ____________

12 $500 Answer from TIRE PUMPS More difficult

13 $100 Question from DEFINE Fluid

14 $100 Answer from DEFINE A substance that flows and takes the shape of its container

15 $200 Question from DEFINE Foam

16 $200 Answer from DEFINE A substance formed by trapping tiny pockets of gas in a liquid or solid

17 $300 Question from DEFINE Air Pressure

18 $300 Answer from DEFINE A force exerted by air. Air would not have pressure if it did not have mass

19 $400 Question from DEFINE Air compression

20 $400 Answer from DEFINE When we add more air, or make the space smaller

21 $500 Question from DEFINE Air

22 $500 Answer from DEFINE Air is an invisible substance made up of different gases. It is fluid, takes up space, has mass, can be compressed and exerts pressure.

23 $100 Question from WATER GUNS & FIRE Jen just bought a new water gun that requires her to pump it up. When Jen is pumping up the water gun she is doing what to the air pressure inside the tank?

24 $100 Answer from WATER GUNS & FIRE Increasing the air pressure inside the tank

25 $200 Question from WATER GUNS & FIRE When Jen wants the water gun to spray further, she pumps it up more. When she does this she is a)Giving the air more space b)Taking air out of the tank c)Compressing the air inside the tank d)Decompressing the air inside the tank

26 $200 Answer from WATER GUNS & FIRE a)Compressing the air inside the tank

27 $300 Question from WATER GUNS & FIRE Ken is sitting around the camp fire with his friends. The fire is burning nicely, and they are toasting marshmallows. Ken explains to his friends that as the fire burns, ____________________ is used and ____________________ is produced

28 $300 Answer from WATER GUNS & FIRE Oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is created

29 $400 Question from WATER GUNS & FIRE Why does a marshmallow puff up when you cook it?

30 $400 Answer from WATER GUNS & FIRE The air inside the marshmallow is being heated and it expands

31 $500 Question from WATER GUNS & FIRE Why does the candle go out when a jar is placed over it?

32 $500 Answer from WATER GUNS & FIRE Fire needs oxygen to happen, and the jar limits the supply. When the oxygen is used up, the flame will go out

33 $100 Question from FILL IN THE BLANKS Air moves from __________ pressure to __________ pressure

34 $100 Answer from FILL IN THE BLANKS Air moves from high pressure to low pressure

35 $200 Question from FILL IN THE BLANKS When you heat the air it ___________

36 $200 Answer from FILL IN THE BLANKS When you heat the air it expands

37 $300 Question from FILL IN THE BLANKS when you compress air, the pressure _______

38 $300 Answer from FILL IN THE BLANKS when you compress air the pressure increases

39 $400 Question from FILL IN THE BLANKS When you give air more space, the pressure ________________

40 $400 Answer from FILL IN THE BLANKS When you give air more space the pressure decreases

41 $500 Question from FILL IN THE BLANKS A straw works because your mouth _______________ the air pressure inside the straw

42 $500 Answer from FILL IN THE BLANKS A straw works because your mouth decreases the air pressure inside the straw and the normal air pressure of the room forces the liquid up the straw

43 $100 Question from DIAGRAMS Complete the diagram by labelling the high and low air pressure areas

44 $100 Answer from DIAGRAMS

45 $200 Question from DIAGRAMS Complete the diagram by labelling the high and low air pressure areas

46 $200 Answer from DIAGRAMS

47 $300 Question from DIAGRAMS Complete the diagram by labelling the high and low air pressure areas

48 $300 Answer from DIAGRAMS

49 $400 Question from DIAGRAMS Complete the diagram by labelling the high and low air pressure areas

50 $400 Answer from DIAGRAMS

51 $500 Question from DIAGRAMS Complete the diagram by labelling the high and low air pressure areas

52 $500 Answer from DIAGRAMS

53 Final Jeopardy Draw a pie chart to represent the gases of air. Be sure to include the names of the gases, percentages and labels!

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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