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U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program October 24, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Program Kickoff Meeting Greg Carnill,

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program October 24, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Program Kickoff Meeting Greg Carnill,"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program October 24, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Program Kickoff Meeting Greg Carnill, USDA eBusiness Executive Barbara LaCour and Dennis Egan, USDA eBusiness Project Mgrs

2 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2  Introductions  Project Review Goals and Ground Rules Approach, Deliverables, and Structure Keys to Success  Agency and OCIO Roles and Responsibilities  Measuring Progress  Starting to Work Right Now Crafting a Mission and Vision Ratifying Charter Immediate Next Steps  Questions & Answers Agenda

3 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 eGovernment Framework Project Goals We have established a number of ambitious Project Goals. Do you have others to add? Understand and own the eGov vision See eGov as real and here to stay Educate about eGov and the opportunities for business transformation Engage and involve all levels Recognize, build upon and publicize the Department’s eGov successes Leverage enterprise opportunities, cross-mission area solutions and sharing of best practices Achieve measurable, iterative and cumulative successes which add value Maintain citizen/customer-centric focus

4 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Project Approach Project Work Plan (1-2 Weeks) Readiness Assessment ( 8 Weeks) Methodology ( Plan ( Communications Plan (15 weeks) 1 2 eStrategy 9 Weeks) 3 eGovernment Strategic and Tactical (13 Weeks) 4 Governance (4 Weeks) 5 6 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Duration: October 12th to January 25th. Parallel Activities. Significant effort and cooperation across USDA.

5 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5 Project Tasks and Deliverables 6 interdependent tasks designed to begin USDA’s eGov transformation. Task 1 Detailed project work plan Task 2 Readiness assessment and analysis Task 1 Detailed Project Work Plan Task 2 Readiness Assessment and Analysis Task 3 USDA eGovernment Planning and Implementation Methodology Project initiation activities that establish an effective working relationship, define roles/responsibilities, outline project goals and solidify logistics. An assessment of the USDA’s current environment for eGovernment including future challenges and trends and key recommendations to address new eBusiness developments. A toolkit representing the eGovernment planning process. It will be used to develop the enterprise-level eGovernment Strategic Plan and agency-level eGovernment tactical plans.  Kick-Off Meeting  Detailed project work plan  Progress reporting process  eReadiness Assessment documenting how: industry changes, stakeholder demands, organizational limitations, technical environments and legislative pressures affect eBusiness at the USDA  eGovernment Strategic Planning Guidebook including:  Templates  Frameworks  Best Practice Examples  Samples and Planning Tools

6 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 6 interdependent tasks designed to begin USDA’s eGov transformation. (continued) Task 1 Detailed project work plan Task 2 Readiness assessment and analysis Detailed project work plan Readiness assessment and analysis USDA eGovernment Planning and Implementation Methodology Task 4 USDA eGovernment Strategic and Tactical Plan Task 5 Governance Process and Model; Recommended eGovernment Policies and Standards Task 6 Communication, Informational, Marketing Strategy, and Presentation Materials A Department-wide strategic plan that provides a mission, vision, and goals to transform traditional USDA operations to an eBusiness. An organizational process and model including recommended eGovernment policies and standards. Ongoing communication messages and materials that ensure awareness, understanding, buy-in, and commitment throughout the life of the eGovernment transformation process.  Departmental eGovernment Strategic and Tactical Plan including a Corporate Mission, Vision, Goals, eGovernment Short/Long Term Opportunities, and Implementation Path  Identification of necessary policy to support eGovernment  eGovernment Governance Model outlining leadership, processes and organization structures  Communication Plan  Awards/Incentive Program recommendations  Marketing and information materials  Presentation materials Project Tasks and Deliverables

7 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 The Deputy Secretary and eGov Executive Council will lead this effort. The OCIO and EGWG will provide facilitation across the Department. And Accenture will support the OCIO and EGWG. Set overall project direction and guidance Ensure resources and participation Make decisions and recommendations Senior Project Management Strategy Manager, Marty Rodgers USDA Accenture Team Leader Ensure coordination of project resources Provide strategic, technical and organizational recommendations Process Consultant, Kara Fujita Project Steering Committee Dwight Hutchins USDA Accenture Executive approval of recommendations Provide resources and sponsorship Participate in review sessions Final arbitrators Deputy Secretary CIO eBusiness Executive eGov Exec Council Subject Matter Experts (as needed) Technology Manager, Adam Siegel Project Manager, Dennis Egan eBusiness Deputy Lead Barbara Lacour Project Coordination and Implementation eGov Working Group Technical/Strat specialists (e.g. CyberSecurity, CRM, 508, eFILE Creating Internet Advantage and other KX Project Structure

8 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 Experienced Tech Consultant, Daniel C. Anderson Org. & Human Performance Analyst, Kelley M. Duggan Technology Assessment and Policy Team Cultural Assessment Governance, and Communications Team Accenture USDA Accenture Team Leader Ensure coordination of project resources Provide strategic, technical and organizational recommendations Process Consultant, Kara Fujita Project Manager, Dennis Egan Agency CIOs and OCIO Ron Anderson, NITC eGov Working Group as needed Office of Comm/Web Team Strategic and Tactical Development Team Strategy Consultant, Carole Gardner eGovAgency IPTs USDAAccenture Provide insight into business functions Assess and communicate needs and priorities Provide contacts and schedule meetings Susan Moore, OCIO The Deputy Secretary and eGov Executive Council will lead this effort. The OCIO and EGWG will provide facilitation across the Department. And Accenture will support the OCIO and EGWG. (continued) Analyze industries and business impacts Conduct stakeholder analysis Develop corporate vision Create strategy Provide insight into technology environment Assess and communicate needs and priorities Provide contacts and schedule meetings Analyze and assess eInfrastructure Make technical recommendations Provide insight into organizational functions and roles/responsibilities Assess and communicate needs and priorities Provide contacts and schedule meetings Analyze organizational management and process structures Develop communications plan Develop communications materials Project Structure

9 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 Keys to Success eStrategy must flow from Departmental Strategy/Mission Adhere to Principles of Good Strategy Top Down and Bottom Up Leadership OCIO and Agencies/Mission Areas must work together Communicate, educate, train. Repeat. Keep momentum

10 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10  Introductions  Project Review Goals and Ground Rules Approach, Deliverables, and Structure Keys to Success  Agency and OCIO Roles and Responsibilities  Measuring Progress  Starting to Work Right Now Crafting a Mission and Vision Ratifying Charter Immediate Next Steps  Questions & Answers Agenda

11 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Form Agency eGovernment Integrated Project Teams (IPTs) Suggested/prospective membership EGWG member chairs Agency Lead and eGov Exec Council member as ex-officio Focus on strategy and implementation, business and tech Be Champions of Change Agency Roles and Responsibilities

12 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12 Provide input into Strategy and Tactical Plan Comments and feedback on mission, vision, goals, objectives Attend and help set up visioning sessions, focus groups, and interviews Prioritization of cross-agency, enterprise and interdepartmental initiatives Craft Agency-specific strategies using methodology Review overall Plan drafts and provide comment Facilitate concurrence of overall plan Share best practices “Own” Implementation of Agency and Mission Area initiatives Be active in enterprise and Mission Area solutions Report progress (e.g., Scorecard and Quarterly monitoring reports) Agency Roles and Responsibilities

13 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 Facilitate process on behalf of Deputy Secretary Provide direction and guidance for eGovernment Program overall Conduct Interviews, Visioning Sessions and Focus Groups Draft deliverables for Agency/Mission Area review Develop marketing and educational materials Provide support to Agencies and Mission Areas as requested and to extent practicable OCIO Roles and Responsibilities

14 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14 Measuring Performance A scorecard or dashboard will be used to measure our performance throughout the Project and the Program ensuring that the whole Department is participating and moving forward.

15 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 15  Introductions  Project Review Goals and Ground Rules Approach, Deliverables, and Structure Keys to Success  Agency and OCIO Roles and Responsibilities  Measuring Progress  Starting to Work Right Now Crafting a Mission and Vision Ratifying Charter Immediate Next Steps  Questions & Answers Agenda

16 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 16 Agriculture’s Mission “To enhance the quality of life for the American people by supporting production Agriculture; ensuring a safe, affordable, nutritious and accessible food supply; caring for public lands and helping people care for private lands; supporting sound sustainable development of rural communities; providing economic opportunities for farm and rural residents; expanding global markets for agricultural and forest products and services; and working to reduce hunger in America and throughout the world.” The mission should describe the fundamental purpose of an organization or initiative in concrete terms. It is a concise statement that outlines the identity of the organization, what it does and where it is headed in the future. USDA eGovernment Mission Source: USDA Strategic Plan FY 2000-2005. USDA Web site had slight variations in this mission statement.

17 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 17 “To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.” -Nature Conservancy “To promote the economic security of the nation’s people through compassionate and vigilant leadership in shaping and managing America’s social security programs” - Social Security Administration “ Team with the GE businesses to achieve technology excellence in current and future generations of products, processes, and services. Share technology across GE's businesses. Ensure leadership technology in all GE businesses. ” - General Electric (GE), Corporate R&D Mission statements drive the organization’s course and generate a strong organizational purpose… “To produce an adequate volume of circulating coinage for the nation to conduct trade and commerce.” -United States Mint “ To provide state-of-the-art Information Management technology and services to enhance the Department of State’s electronic communications. Manage the Department’s information resources and technology infrastructure.” - Dept of State, Info Resource Mgt USDA eGovernment Mission “Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.” -Starbucks

18 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 18 Does the mission describe the role of eGovernment at USDA? –Does it articulate our purpose -- what we do now? Aspire to do? –Does it justify our existence? –How the Program will do its job (i.e., by, through…) –Who our customers are Is it reflective of USDA’s mission statement? Straw Mission “To empower citizens, partners and employees fostering collaboration in a customer-centric, market-driven, results-oriented organization by utilizing information and communications technologies.” Questions to consider when reviewing the Straw Mission… USDA eGovernment Mission

19 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 19 It serves as the fundamental context upon which the organization bases its existence and guides its statement of mission. The vision sets the USDA eGovernment Program apart from other efforts and establishes an ideal and unique image for a common future. The vision is “owned” by top leadership of the organization, and requires buy-in and commitment from members throughout the organization. Agriculture’s Vision… “A healthy and productive Nation in harmony with the land.” A vision statement is a compelling assertion about the future… USDA eGovernment Vision Source: USDA Strategic Plan FY 2000-2005. USDA Web site had slight variations in this mission statement.

20 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 20 “Empower people through great software - any time, any place and on any device.” - Microsoft Corporation “Inspire a dramatic change in what users expect from their computers, allowing people to create, capture and communicate their ideas as never before.” - Silicon Graphics “Foster initiative and creativity by allowing the individual great freedom of action in attaining well-defined objectives.” -Hewlett Packard Vision statements should be memorable, drive organizational decisions and generate a strong organizational identity. Can you tell the bad one? “Put a soft drink within arms length of everyone in the world.” -Coca-Cola “We help put America through school.” - Department of Education, Student Financial Administration “Continue strengthening the ability of the Department of State to achieve IS foreign policy objectives through effective and efficient Information Resource Management and deployment of Information Technology. Develop and implement sound IT investment plans, which support mission objectives and customers.” -Dept of State, Information Resource Management USDA eGovernment Vision

21 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 21 Is the vision valid? Is the vision compelling? exciting? cool? Does the vision encompass what USDA is striving to achieve from a business point of view? Is it reflective of USDA’s vision statement? Is the vision able to endure? Is it big and bold enough and able to account for change? Straw Vision “A unified, virtual USDA making a measurable difference in the lives of the American people and the strength of our communities and economy.” Questions to consider when reviewing the Straw Vision… USDA eGovernment Vision

22 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 22 Summary of Changes Purpose statement:  Addressed the need for fostering citizen-centric government  Emphasized the use of eGov technology as an enabler for delivering USDA products and services Authority:  Included the President’s Management and Performance Management Agenda Roles & Responsibilities:  Modified the membership of agency-specific committees/ integrated project teams headed by each agency’s Working Group member  Included additional responsibilities for the Executive Council and Working Group, and added responsibilities for the OCIO Handout of revised Charter eGovernment Executive Council Charter In light of the Council’s active involvement in developing and implementing a Departmental eGovernment Program, we recommend that the group revisit its charter, specifically to address the following suggestions from EGWG members:

23 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 23 Provide comments and feedback on Mission and Vision Statements for eGovernment at USDA and on revised Charter  Contact Dennis Egan at 202.720.8546 or Barbara LaCour at 202.690.2118 or reply to eGov mailbox at  Be prepared to discuss and ratify at next EGWG meeting Formulate or reshape your Agency eGovernment Integrated Project Team (IPT) by Wednesday, October 31, 2001  Send names, titles, email and phone information to eGov mailbox Immediate Next Steps

24 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 24 Convene Agency eGovernment IPT kickoff meetings by Tuesday, November 6, 2001  Contact Dennis Egan or eGov Team mailbox with date and time of meeting and if desired to request presence of Project Team at kickoff Executive Council members set up interviews with Under Secretaries. Conducted by eGov Team.  Focused on introducing Program and confirming strategic intent, priorities and challenges  Schedule between 10/29/2001-11/12/2001 at their convenience.  45 minutes – 1 hour; Sample email request to be sent to you as follow- up to this meeting Immediate Next Steps (continued)

25 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 25 Executive Council members set up Mission Area visioning sessions with Deputy Under Secretaries, Agency Leads and key staff:  Schedule between 11/05/2001-11/21/2001 ideally AFTER associated Under Secretary meeting  2-3 hours; Sample email invitation to be sent to you as follow-up to this meeting Next EGWG meetings on November 7, 2001 and November 28, 2001  There will be other working/visioning sessions in addition to these bi- weekly ones Immediate Next Steps (continued)

26 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 26  Introductions  Project Review Goals and Ground Rules Approach, Deliverables, and Structure Keys to Success  Agency Roles and Responsibilities  Measuring Progress  Starting to Work Right Now Crafting a Mission and Vision Ratifying Charter Immediate Next Steps  Questions & Answers Agenda

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