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Institute of Chemical Engineering page 1 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Technology perspectives for Austria Philipp.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute of Chemical Engineering page 1 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Technology perspectives for Austria Philipp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute of Chemical Engineering page 1 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Technology perspectives for Austria Philipp Kravanja Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr. Anton Friedl Bioethanol from wood and straw – Perspectives for Austria

2 Institute of Chemical Engineering page 2 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Perspectives for Austria Project contents Establish production scenarios Balances via Process Simulation Economic & Environmental Assessment Findings: Austrian perspectives Demo project ? Kravanja, P.; Könighofer, K.; Canella, L.; Jungmeier, G.; Friedl, A. Perspectives for the production of Bio-ethanol from Wood and Straw in Austria -Technical, economic and ecological aspects. Clean Technol. Envir. 2012, DOI 10.1007/s10098-011-0438-1.

3 Institute of Chemical Engineering page 3 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Perspectives for Austria Production scenarios Residual woody and straw biomass Energy self sufficient Value added by-products Simulation with IPSEpro

4 Institute of Chemical Engineering page 4 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Life cycle analysis using GEMIS comparison with two reference systems: fossil renewable … providing the same amount of pservices Bioethanol from wood and straw – Perspectives for Austria Technology assessment Ash Straw collection Transport 1.13 bil kilometres/y 1003 GWh/y heat 305 GWh/y electricity Concept 3 Ethanol + Electricity and Heat from Straw (only C6 used in SSF) Reference: Gasoline + Electricity and Heat from natural gas Auxiliary materials 1) Oil extraction Transport Refinery Gasoline distribution Gasoline vehicle Bioethanol vehicle 648 kt/y 1)SO 2, NH 3, Beet Molasses, CSL, DAP Bioethanol distribution Straw Ploughed in Fertilizer Mineral fertilizer Power grid Heat grid Gas extraction Transport Gas CHP + heating plant Gas processing Power grid Heat grid Bioethanol Electricity Heat Gasoline Electricity Heat Transport Ash disposal Bioethanol- plant Ethanol production cost Cost comparison analysis

5 Institute of Chemical Engineering page 5 Achema 2012 Thermal Process Engineering Bioethanol from wood and straw – Perspectives for Austria Results significant GHG reduction for all scenarios Greenhouse gas reductions Ethanol production cost Substantial reductions for all concepts Production costs below 1 €/l Kravanja, P.; Könighofer, K.; Canella, L.; Jungmeier, G.; Friedl, A. Perspectives for the production of Bio-ethanol from Wood and Straw in Austria -Technical, economic and ecological aspects. Clean Technol. Envir. 2012, DOI 10.1007/s10098-011-0438-1.

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