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How to Implement Tobacco-Free Educational Programs Brittney Hodges, CHES Phrakhoun Saynyarack Karmayle Johnson Ivan Merendon Heather Miller Tekayla Webb.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Implement Tobacco-Free Educational Programs Brittney Hodges, CHES Phrakhoun Saynyarack Karmayle Johnson Ivan Merendon Heather Miller Tekayla Webb."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Implement Tobacco-Free Educational Programs Brittney Hodges, CHES Phrakhoun Saynyarack Karmayle Johnson Ivan Merendon Heather Miller Tekayla Webb

2 Overview Introductions and welcome Tar Wars pre-test Statistics: Tobacco use in Oklahoma Industry marketing to youth Tar Wars program examples Importance of tobacco-free policies, resolutions, and ordinances Wrap up and questions

3 Tobacco Use in Oklahoma 23% of OK youth smoke 1 13% of OK youth use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip 1 1 in 4 OK adults smoke (26.1%) 2 6% of OK adults use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip 3 Declines are due to public health campaigns and policies 90% of smokers begin before age 18 Sources: 1 OK Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011. 2 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2011. 3 Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

4 They Put What in a Cigarette? Nicotine Formaldehyde Carbon Monoxide Tar Arsenic Chromium Lead

5 Nicotine Dopamine


7 Types of Tobacco Image:

8 Cigarettes A cigarette which can be adjusted from a non-menthol to a menthol flavored cigarette by squeezing and crushing a capsule in the cigarette's filter. Image from

9 a-linalool p-menth-1-en-8-ol Dodecane Decanal a-citronellol Citral 1-Decanol p-Mentha-1(7),8(10)-dien-0-ol Tridecane Undecanal a-Cubebene Limonenediol Diacetin Copaene β-elemen Tetradecanal Dodecanoic acid, 1-methylethyl ester Heptadecane Nonadecane Heptadecane, 2,3-dimethyl Tetradecane Caryophyllene Dodecanal β-Cubebene ç-Elemene a-Caryophyllene Y-Muurolene Valencene a-Candinene Pentadecane β-Candinene Hedycaryol Caryophyllene oxide Hexadecane 1,4-Methanobenzocyclodecene,1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,9,12,12a- decahydrooctadecane 3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-hexadecene-1-ol Eicosane Hydrocarbons and other compounds released by Camel Twist flavor pellets

10 Money Matters: Tobacco Advertising The tobacco industry spends $200 million per year in advertising in Oklahoma $12.8 Billion per year in the USA –$35 million dollars per day nationwide Images from

11 Philip Morris (1981)

12 “Dressed to the 9s” Image:

13 Tar Wars Activities Pre-test results Cost, short-term effects, long-term effects Straw activity Analyze tobacco advertisements in groups Groups present findings

14 Pre-Activity Exercise Use the pre-activity worksheet to ask students to estimate the percentage of the population that uses tobacco products.


16 Pre-Activity Exercise





21  Bad breath or “zoo” breath  Yellow teeth and fingers  Spit stains on clothes and shoes  Coughing/hacking/hurling phlegm  Less money to spend on other things Activity 1 Short-Term Effects of Tobacco Use

22 Cardiovascular disease Cancer Emphysema Asthma Osteoporosis Chronic bronchitis Death Image:

23  Hold your nose and stand and run in place while breathing through the straw.  Are you getting enough air into your lungs?  Smoking makes breathing difficult, especially during exercise.

24 Use $5.00 as the average price of one pack of cigarettes. How much does it cost to use tobacco for:  One week?  One month?  One year? Activity 3 Costs of Tobacco Use

25  One week = $35.00  One month = $140.00  One year = $1,680.00  50 years = $84,000 What else could you buy with this money? Activity 3 Costs of Tobacco Use

26  Image  Lose weight/Be thin  Peer Pressure  Nicotine Addiction/Relaxation  Looking older/being grown-up or like parents  Advertising Activity 4 Reasons People Use Tobacco Image:

27 What are Tobacco Ads Selling? Magazine Ad Exercise Images found at

28 What are tobacco ads selling?  Cool Image  Good Looks/Glamour  Hanging Out/Dating  Friends/Popularity  Tastes Good Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising

29 Critical questions to ask:  What themes do ads use to make you believe using tobacco is not harmful?  Do tobacco ads tell the truth?  What do the ads tell you about the people who use this brand of tobacco?  What groups of people do the ads target? Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising

30 What tobacco ads DON’T show:  Ash trays  Lit cigarettes  Cigarette butts  Discolored teeth  Poor health


32  Review topics covered during classroom presentation (ie, short-term effects)  Ask students to state a few things they learned about each topic  Emphasize the deceptive marketing techniques used in tobacco advertising  Encourage students to create posters and help them brainstorm ideas

33 Contact Information AAFP Tar Wars Staff 800-TAR-WARS (800-827-9277) State Coordinators

34 Importance of tobacco-free resolutions and policies 24/7 School Policies –Protect youth from secondhand smoke –Allow adults to be positive role models Outdoor recreational facility tobacco-free policies or resolutions –Reduce secondhand smoke and litter –Reduce youth observation of tobacco use

35 Resources

36 Questions?

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