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Ancient Greek.  Between 599 and 301 BCE, Greeks built over 120 temples.  53 built on mainland Greece  Rest throughout the Greek world.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greek.  Between 599 and 301 BCE, Greeks built over 120 temples.  53 built on mainland Greece  Rest throughout the Greek world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greek

2  Between 599 and 301 BCE, Greeks built over 120 temples.  53 built on mainland Greece  Rest throughout the Greek world

3  The Agora was a central spot in ancient Greek city-states.  The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly".  The agora was the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the city.  The Ancient Agora of Athens was the best- known example.



6  Temples were a vital part of each city-state.  Used to honor their gods o Contained a large statue of the god o Believed to be in the presence of the deity  Used as sanctuaries in time of crisis  Held festivals, sacrifices, and ceremonies  Paid for by the council of government o Used to make political statement

7  Rectangle surrounded by massive round columns  Within each rectangle was another smaller rectangle cella Porch Rear Porch

8  Remember, this is the city-state’s chance to show off its wealth and artistry!  Doric- mainland Greece  Ionic- western coast of Asia Minor  Corinthian- attributed to a sculptor and architect known as Callimachus from the city of Corinth

9  Rather sturdy  Columns feature a very simple stone capital (its top) in two pieces  Plain.  Mainly used in mainland Greece and the colonies in southern Italy and Sicily. capital

10  Thinner and more elegant  Its capital is decorated with scroll-like design  Underneath block is a decorative pattern horns of ram egg and dart

11  Its capital is very elaborate and decorated with acanthus leaves.  Thinner column  Hardly used by Greeks

12 Temple of Apollo at Didyma

13 Temple of Zeus


15  Built more than just temples  These other structures were not as elaborate as temples. Stadiums and Theaters  Used for entertainment  Done in open air, so no roofs needed  Usually cut into hillside Agoras- centerpiece of a Greek city  Citizens gathered to talk, buy and sell things, protest, or vote  Began as large open space, but buildings came to be

16  Private houses were simple  Made of mud brick  Basic rooms surrounded a courtyard ▪ kitchen ▪ Bedrooms ▪ store room ▪ dining room ▪ sometimes a bathroom

17  Athenians first to write dramas o Tragedy- serious story that usually ends in a disaster for main character o Comedy- stories that made fun of well known citizens and politicians; also made fun of customs

18  Grew out traditional religious hymns sung at festivals  Nearly all of them are based on Greek myths  Means audience would know how it was going to end  Portrayal of characters was the focus  Explored ethical and moral issues  The Persians is the oldest one to exist

19  Entered comedies in festival competitions  Ideas were important, but spectacle was too.  Costumes  Singing  Dancing  Plots were absurd- mixing fantasy with real life  Basically invented satire


21  Skene – Portion of stage where actors performed (included 1-3 doors in and out)  Orchestra – “Dancing Place” where chorus sang to the audience  Theatron – Seating for audience



24  Actors wore masks to indicate the nature of the characters played.  Men played women’s roles  Wore a strange-looking wooden sole called a cothurnus or buskin, about six inches high  Same actor appeared in several parts.  Of the hundreds of Greek tragedies written, fewer than 35 survive.


26 1. Aeschylus: wrote the oldest surviving plays - began competing in 449 at Dionysus Theatre.  Most of his plays were part of trilogies.  Wrote: Agamemnon, Eumenides, The Persians, Prometheus Bound, The Seven Against Thebes

27 2. Sophocles: second of the great Greek playwrights  Increased the number of actors to 3 (thereby reducing the importance of the chorus)  Believed to have introduced the 3 rd actor  Fixed the chorus at 15 (had been 50).  Invented skenographia (scene painting), to define the background.  Wrote: Oedipus, Antigone, Electra

28 3. Euripides: third of the of the great Greek playwrights  Wrote about women and mythological themes like Medea and Helen of Troy.  Where Aeschylus and Sophocles emphasized plot, by adding an actor each, Euripides added intrigue.  Also added love-drama

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