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Should all Christians be held to the same standard of conduct? What legitimate areas of latitude exist among Christians in the area of personal conduct?

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3 Should all Christians be held to the same standard of conduct? What legitimate areas of latitude exist among Christians in the area of personal conduct? How do we know what’s permissible for us and what warrants righteous rebuke in others?


5 “It is for freedom that Christ set us free.” – Our new master purchased us to remove our chains. Circumcision (personal conduct under compulsion) is a return to the old slavery. – “Obligated to obey the whole law.” “Trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” – “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”

6 See? If you tell me to stop doing (X) or put away (Y) in my life, you are just getting in the way of the freedom Christ desires for me. – So kindly bugger off! Christianity is a discipline of counterbalance.



9 We’re free, but not to indulge in sinful nature. – Also translated as “the flesh.” “Sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other.” – Jack Sparrow’s compass… Even if you are impressively “not going anywhere” with some practices in your life, do they point to the Spirit or elsewhere? – Little help?


11 Turn to 1 Corinthians 6:12 – Ever wonder why “Everything is permissible for me” is quoted? – This is one of the most misquoted and misapplied phrases in the Bible. – These were not Paul’s words…he was quoting the Corinthian Church for the purpose of correction! – His counter phrases: - but not everything is beneficial. - but I will not be mastered by anything.


13 Paul reminds us that we have been united with Christ in our flesh (bodies). – We are His temple (v19) God is omnipotent and omnipresent. Through salvation, however, we have a personal, powerful, and persistent linkage with the Holy Spirit. Just as Christ identified Himself directly with our sin, we are identified directly with His holiness.


15 Let’s start with your children. You absolutely lack a full knowledge of whom and how you are influencing. Your freedom in strength now could even be a stumbling block to a weaker you in another time or area.


17 We are rarely faced with the direct issues of circumcision and idol-sacrificed meat today. – Translations: Legalistic practices in pursuit of “righteousness.” Participating in something “tainted by sin.” SIN WAS SIN BEFORE THE LAW. SIN WAS SIN UNDER THE LAW. SIN IS SIN AFTER LAW’S ABOLISHMENT.

18 Our freedom in Christ is meant to draw us ever closer to Him and ever further from the world. What compass reading do each of your current practices show? – Time for a change in heading? Proactive change? LIVE IT! So, what’s our approach to changing the minds around us?


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