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DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN Campaign Skills 101 The National Democratic Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN Campaign Skills 101 The National Democratic Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN DEVELOPING A CAMPAIGN PLAN Campaign Skills 101 The National Democratic Institute

2 INTRODUCTIONS/ GROUND RULES Introductions Ground Rules Ice Breaker Photo: NDI

3 CAMPAIGN PLAN OBJECTIVES To become familiar with the main elements of a campaign plan To practice using tools to identify and manage campaign resources

4 CAMPAIGN PLAN TOPICS Campaign Steps Goal setting Voter targeting Research Message Voter contact Budget Fundraising Election day Campaign Resources People Money Time Info Image:

5 KEY TERMS Constituency Message Voter contact Field plan Paid media Earned media Door-to-door/canvassing Get Out the Vote (GOTV)

6 CONGRATULATIONS! You decided to run! Now what? Photo: NDI

7 WHAT IS A CAMPAIGN PLAN? Roadmap that outlines what you are going to achieve, when, how and with what resources Management tool Measures progress Keeps you organized, proactive, focused and on track

8 NO PLAN = PROBLEM Photo: Michal Zacharzewski / RGBstock Photo: Image:

9 CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE PLAN Written Flexible Understandable Includes the obvious Research-based Has clear goals and objectives

10 CAMPAIGN STEPS Research Goal Setting TargetingMessage Voter Contact Deliver and Protect

11 RESEARCH Knowledge is power! Electoral context Self research Opposition research Issue research

12 RESEARCH: ELECTORAL CONTEXT Election system/rules District characteristics Voter characteristics Past elections Main factors affecting election Image:

13 OPPOSITION RESEARCH Identify viable opponents Research – Personal and professional background – Previous statements/positions – Resources and support base – Weaknesses AND strengths

14 GOAL SETTING Goal is usually to win election How many votes do you need? Example: Majoritarian – 100,000 eligible voters – 60,000 likely to vote – Need 30,001 votes

15 TARGETING VOTERS TARGETING VOTERS Can’t please everyone Don’t need 100% of voters Maximize time and resources Focus on “persuadables” not strong supporters or opponents

16 TARGETING VOTERS TARGETING VOTERS Choosing the right target means aiming for the middle Firmly Opposed Firmly Opposed Soft Opponent Soft Opponent Undecided True Believer True Believer Soft Supporter Soft Supporter Target Audience

17 800,000 citizens and 500,000 eligible voters 300,000 50,000 60,000 5,000 55,000 30,000 URBAN RURAL 70% 30% EXERCISE: VOTER TARGETING

18 MESSAGE Single idea/theme Your values What you repeat over and over What you want people to remember How you connect with and persuade voters Why am I asking for your support?

19 CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE MESSAGE Clear and concise Compelling Contrasting Connected Consistently delivered Credible Clear

20 MESSAGE EXAMPLE “It’s time for a change: time to support our schools, time to address government corruption, time to bring jobs back to our town. As a teacher and community activist, I want to lead that change.”

21 What we say about us What we say about them What they say about themselves What they say about us EXERCISE: MESSAGE BOX

22 MESSENGERS Use real, relatable people Use credible people Trustworthiness and sincerity are key

23 DETERMING ISSUE IMPORTANCE AND POSITION Tying issues to your message Example: Clinton: “Change or more of the same?” Photo: AP

24 EXERCISE: DETERMINING ISSUE IMPORTANCE AND POSITION Issue selection – How important is the issue? – Who has the better position?

25 GETTING THE MESSAGE OUT Media Print Electronic Social Voter Contact Photo: Susan Markham, NDI

26 TRADITIONAL MEDIA Print Newspapers Magazines Electronic Television Radio Photo: A. Elwallani, NDIPhoto: Sanja Gjenero for

27 Facebook Twitter YouTube Personal/organization website COMMON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES

28 VOTER CONTACT Getting your message out Strategic and organized Many delivery methods Choose most convenient methods to target voters Use resources wisely and efficiently

29 INDIRECT VS. DIRECT VOTER CONTACT Direct requires more time and people Indirect requires more money Photo: Amy Hamelin, NDI

30 DIRECT VOTER CONTACT TacticCost Manpower Needed Time EfficiencyEffectiveness Door-to-door15515 Small personal events 14424 Town meetings and other events 1-33333 Candidate “meet and greets” 12242 Distribution at gathering places 13233 Phone banks35433

31 INDIRECT VOTER CONTACT TacticCost Manpower Needed Time EfficiencyEffectiveness Literature distribution 3-51-314-51-2 TV, radio and newspaper ads 51251 Letters to newspaper 11142 TV, radio debates11-2252-3 Big events4-53333-4 Posters and billboards 2-31-3221 Mail and e-mail2-11131-2 Social media11132

32 VOTER CONTACT PLAN EXAMPLE Method# VotersWhenWhereCost# Volunteers Door to door 3,000 May Weekend Homes$500 50 Direct mail 6,000AprilHomes$2,50010 TV ads 12,000June Evening $5,0003 Newspaper ads 10,000June Sunday paper $4,000 2 Small Events 1,000May Evenings Host’s home Covered by host 35 TOTAL 32,000 $12,000100


34 DELIVER AND PROTECT Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Poll watching Photo: NDI

35 CAMPAIGN RESOURCES People Money Time Information Photo and images:

36 CAMPAIGN TEAM QUESTIONS What activities? What skills? What functions? Where can I find the right people? Who is responsible for what?

37 CAMPAIGN TEAM POSITIONS Manager Field organizer Communications officer Volunteer coordinator Fundraiser Press officer Photo: Amy Hamelin, NDI

38 CAMPAIGN TEAM POSITIONS Researcher Technology officer New media officer Office manager Database manager

39 VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND MANAGEMENT Family and friends Local schools/universities Local civic/religious organizations

40 VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENTS Phone banks Door to door Internet research Mailings or leaflet drops Event organizing Data entry Press clips Thank you letters and other correspondence

41 BUDGET Anticipate costs and timing Manage expenditures and revenues Research costs Track cash flow Ensures no money left on Election Day and no debt

42 EXAMPLE:BUDGET Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5 Office Phones/credit4003004008001000 Supplies (paper, pens)100 200300 Equipment rental150 Printing Flyers/Leaflets150 250500 Paraphernalia 500 Fundraising Events1500 8002001000 Meetings 200 500 Voter Contact Canvassing 250 5001000 GOTV 2000 Media Radio Ads 1000 Website200 TOTAL EXPENSES25001200225028007650


44 FUNDRAISING Candidate Personal Ideology Ax-to-Grind Power Time Viability

45 FUNDRAISING Who can give, when, how often, and how much? Other fundraising tools such as events In-kind contributions Say thank you

46 EXAMPLE:FUNDRAISING PLAN REVENUE Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4 Month 5 Candidate contributions1000 500 Political Party contributions5000 1550 Donations50025050010002500 Fundraising events income2000 600300 TOTAL EXPENSES25001200225028007650 TOTAL INCOME8500250210025503000 CASH FLOW6000-950-150-250-4650 CASH-ON-HAND60005050490046500

47 TIMELINE Start from election day and work backwards Refer to campaign plan What needs to happen? By when? By whom? With what resources? Include key dates and deadlines

48 EXAMPLE:TIMELINE DATEACTIVITYRESPONSIBLERESOURCES After Election Day Finalize all tasks, pay workers -Appreciation party Campaign Manager, Office Manager, Finance Director -Campaign Team Money -Venue, food, small gifts Election Day GOTV – door-to-door-Campaign Manager/Field Director -Database Manager -Volunteer Coordinator GOTV leaflet Script for volunteers Lists of target voters Maps of areas 200 Volunteers Observation at polls and vote count -Campaign Manager and Field Director -Volunteer Coordinator Check list 50 Volunteers Candidate Press Events -Campaign Manager and Press Officer -Candidate Press packets Election day speech Election Day minus 1 Voter ContactField Director and Volunteer Coordinator Persuasion leaflet 150 Volunteers Candidate Visits to community leaders Candidate and Campaign Manager Small thank you gifts for leaders Candidate Press Events Candidate and Press OfficerPress packets Speech


50 DATA AND LIST MANAGEMENT Lists of: – Supporters – Potential donors – Volunteers – Press contacts – Persuadable voter – Opinion leaders Sources of information: – Official voter list – Candidate contacts – Supporter’s contacts – Party lists

51 DATA AND LIST MANAGEMENT Full name Gender Age range/date of birth Phone number(s) Mailing address Email Polling station Party affiliation Voting intention Voting history Donor history Volunteer history

52 CAMPAIGN PLAN REVIEW Photo: NDI Steps Goal setting Voter targeting Research Message Voter contact Budget Fundraising Election day Resources People Money Time Info

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