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Easy Voter Jitin Patel Perception of Electronic Voting Systems in Relation to Traditional Voting Methods Amongst Elderly Citizens.

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Presentation on theme: "Easy Voter Jitin Patel Perception of Electronic Voting Systems in Relation to Traditional Voting Methods Amongst Elderly Citizens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy Voter Jitin Patel Perception of Electronic Voting Systems in Relation to Traditional Voting Methods Amongst Elderly Citizens



4 User Study Conditions Fill out two identical mock ballots – Once on Electronic Ballot – Once on Paper Ballot Complete Questionnaire after Study 15 Participants – Elderly Citizens, approximately age 65+ – Study Completed in retirement home


6 Results/Analysis Participants generally preferred and liked the electronic ballot over paper ballot – Participants without computer experience were surprised at the simplicity of the ballot Easier to follow the computer Many find paper ballots to be difficult to follow Conclusion: A computer-aided ballot would make voting easier for elderly people – Computer Aided voting could be made mobile for visits to retirement homes to provide experience with the system

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