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Washington Perspective Sue Fratkin Consultant, EDUCAUSE

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1 Washington Perspective Sue Fratkin Consultant, EDUCAUSE

2 State Issues State Legislatures are considering: –Electronic voter registration databases –Internet databases, tracking systems or informative web sites –Increased technology investments for communications and networks, and software However, hardware and maintenance will be flat

3 Overall Budget Dept of Defense –Decrease of 9% to $402.6B –Increased funds for defense systems development and R&D –(no $ for Afghanistan or Iraq) Homeland Security –Increase of 8.9% to $31.4B –Includes FBI and INS

4 NSF Budget FY2005 3% Overall budget increase - $167M –Specifically, R&RA – 4.7% over current year 6 new S&T Centers – overall funding increase of $30M, to $72.4M House Science Committee hearing February 11

5 NSF Education & HR –Math & Science partnerships ($140M) shifting to Dept of Ed –Hill will challenge CISE –$20M requested for 21 st Century Workforce –Cyberinfrastructure – up to $20M

6 Dept of Education 5% increase to $66.4B State technology grants – no increase - $691.8M Community Colleges –$250M for job training Star Schools: –2003: $27.3M –2004: $20.3M –2005 proposed: no funding

7 Dept of Commerce Commerce overall – 1% decrease to $5.8B NTIA –increase request of $7.1 million, to “foster technological leadership in telecommunications” –Administration had proposed $22M for 2004

8 Questions? Thank you! Sue Fratkin

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