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 What are the reasons that the writer gives as to why many people especially in the Middle East hate us?  How did this boy’s village change after US.

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Presentation on theme: " What are the reasons that the writer gives as to why many people especially in the Middle East hate us?  How did this boy’s village change after US."— Presentation transcript:

1  What are the reasons that the writer gives as to why many people especially in the Middle East hate us?  How did this boy’s village change after US involvement? Why?  What are the reasons that people admire us (even the ones that hate us?) Give an example.

2  Remember how the boy’s town changed? Why did this change a happen? Who was responsible?  This is a good example of how the United States would support regimes to get what they wanted.

3  The United States supported a strict unpopular Sha in 1953 helping overthrow the most democratic government it had ever known.  He was widely unpopular and very strict.  In 1979, he was overthrown with another very strict regime. This one however was very anti-American.

4  Let’s take our country back:  nov-11-1979-iran-hostage-crisis- 11929103 nov-11-1979-iran-hostage-crisis- 11929103 Why did they do this?

5  Today, Iran is openly developing Nuclear power, they say for peaceful purposes.  Others seem to think otherwise.  pumps-anti-us-propaganda-17130964 pumps-anti-us-propaganda-17130964  What does Israel have to do with this?  What do you think?

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