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Acts 2:14-18. Bible Study “The Day of Pentecost” Acts 2 : 1 - 48 Tongues like fire.

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Presentation on theme: "Acts 2:14-18. Bible Study “The Day of Pentecost” Acts 2 : 1 - 48 Tongues like fire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acts 2:14-18

2 Bible Study “The Day of Pentecost” Acts 2 : 1 - 48 Tongues like fire


4 Peter Takes Charge 2v14-36; 2v14-36; PETER BEGINS TO FISH

5 2v14-36 SIMON PETER.Leader of the Apostles.First among Equals.Gospel Preacher.Scripture Writer.Not the first Pope

6 2v14-36 SIMON PETER MATTHEW 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."


8 2v14-36 SIMON PETER USES THE KEYS JOHN 20:23 "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."

9 2v14-36 The HOLY SPIRIT Shows Peter’s Message involves n n Fulfillment of Prophecy n n “Last Days” n n Gifts of Revelation n n Heart of the Gospel

10 2v14-36 The HOLY SPIRIT Through PETER Convicts the crowd of SIN RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGEMENT

11 n 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning!


13 n Now Peter is the only apostle speaking. n Did he speak one language and every hearer hear in his own language? Or did Peter speak in Hebrew, which all Jews could understand as their second, if not their first language? n I think it was the latter. The three signs: the sounded like a violent wind, the likeness of fire on the apostles, and the twelve, all Galileans, speaking fifteen or more languages, had gotten their attention and convinced most of them that Peter was speaking for God. n Now Peter is the only apostle speaking. n Did he speak one language and every hearer hear in his own language? Or did Peter speak in Hebrew, which all Jews could understand as their second, if not their first language? n I think it was the latter. The three signs: the sounded like a violent wind, the likeness of fire on the apostles, and the twelve, all Galileans, speaking fifteen or more languages, had gotten their attention and convinced most of them that Peter was speaking for God.

14 2v14-21; INSPIRED INSPIRED REVELATION Revelation (Revelation. 1:1) Inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21) Illumination (1 Corinthians 2:6-16)

15 2v14-15; INSPIRED interpretation of these events Peter said WE ARE NOT DRUNK It is only the THIRD HOUR of the day

16 2v14-15; THIRD HOUR of the day 9 am in the morning 1. Time of the morning worship 2. Unusua1 to be drunk during daytime 1 Thessalonians 5:7;

17 2v14-15; THIRD HOUR of the day 9 am in the morning 3. Barnes says “it was usual for the Jews NOT to eat or drink ANYTHING until AFTER the third hour of the day” especially on main feasts such as Pentecost

18 2v14-15; THIRD HOUR of the day 9 am in the morning 4. Peters most convincing argument against being drunk was the stirring sermon he is about to deliver

19 2v14; Pay CLOSE ATTENTION to my WORDS Whatever God wants people to understand about salvation, He USUALLY communicates through WORDS

20 n Acts 2:16-18 Peter continues: n 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. n Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. n 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. n Acts 2:16-18 Peter continues: n 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. n Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. n 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

21 2v16; Peter gives the INSPIRED interpretation of what the CROWD SAW and HEARD

22 2v16; Peter gives the REASON why they received the gift of languages It was a FULFILLMENT of a PREDICTION by the prophet JOEL

23 2v16; Peter gives the REASON THIS IS THAT Spoken by the prophet JOEL

24 2v17-18; the prophet JOEL Joel 2:28-32

25 Discussion Question: n According to verse 17, when did these “last days” start? n When was the prophecy to be fulfilled?

26 2v17-18; The SPIRIT to be POURED OUT in the LAST DAYS Daniel 2 Spoke about the kingdom of God being established in the LAST DAYS

27 2v17-18; The SPIRIT to be POURED OUT in the LAST DAYS Hebrews 1:1-2 Speaks about speaking through the SON in the LAST DAYS

28 2v17-18; The SPIRIT to be POURED OUT in the LAST DAYS Matthew 16:15-19; Jesus speaks about the kingdom being the CHURCH

29 2v17-18; The SPIRIT to be POURED OUT in the LAST DAYS Therefore the church, His Kingdom His body was to be established and we are in that relationship and living in the LAST DAYS

30 2v17-18; The SPIRIT to be POURED OUT in the LAST DAYS NO ONE according to Jesus in Matthew 24:36-44; will KNOW when the LAST DAYS will end except God the Father

31 2v17-18; In this prophecy by the Holy Spirit and interpreted by Peter, he said that the SPIRIT would be POURED OUT on ALL FLESH

32 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Did he mean that EVERY ONE would receive The Pouring out miraculous power?

33 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Did he mean that ALL HUMAN BEINGS would receive miraculous power?

34 2v17-18; ALL FLESH ALL is determined by the context John 12:32; I will draw ALL men unto me Is Jesus saying that ALL will be saved – NO

35 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Jesus meant that ALL classes and kinds of people would be drawn to Him

36 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Joel’s prophecy has a similar application NOT ALL people but ALL classes and kinds of people could share in the miraculous gifts given by the Spirit

37 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Joel’s prophecy did not even mean ALL Christians See 1 Corinthians 12:19-20;

38 2v17-18; ALL FLESH DID ALL Christians IN THE EARLY CHURCH RECEIVE MIRACLULOUS GIFTS? See 1 Corinthians 12:19-20; all apostles all teachers all prophets do all work miracles

39 2v17-18; ALL FLESH 1 Corinthians 12:19-20; Are all apostles - NO Are all prophets - NO Are all teachers - NO Do all work miracles - NO

40 2v17-18; ALL FLESH Therefore NOT ALL but ALL classes and kinds of people Jews often thought in racial terms But Paul said Galatians 3:28; neither JEW nor GREEK

41 On the Apostles First, Then Through Them to Others On the Apostles First, Then Through Them to Others n Some have used this prophecy to show that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was for men and women, young and old. n But what began with the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, when shared with others through the laying on of their hands, was an extension of the outpouring of the Spirit and thus fulfilled the prophecy. n Some have used this prophecy to show that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was for men and women, young and old. n But what began with the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, when shared with others through the laying on of their hands, was an extension of the outpouring of the Spirit and thus fulfilled the prophecy.

42 2v17-18; How Did God distribute the out pouring upon ALL FLESH in the 1 st century First to APOSTLES Acts 2:1-4; THEN THROUGH the APOSTLES PREACHING (we receive indwelling SPIRIT)

43 2v17-18; THEN THROUGH the APOSTLES LAYING HANDS on some they passed on (Miraculous gifts)

44 To and From the Apostles To and From the Apostles n It was not necessary for every miracle worker or prophet to receive a baptism in the Holy Spirit directly in order to have the special powers. But it was necessary for an apostle to lay his hands on them to give the power. n We learn from Acts 6 and 8 that the only way the Holy Spirit’s miraculous power could work through those who were not apostles of Christ was for one of these apostles to lay his hands on them. nInInInIt was not necessary for every miracle worker or prophet to receive a baptism in the Holy Spirit directly in order to have the special powers. But it was necessary for an apostle to lay his hands on them to give the power. nWnWnWnWe learn from Acts 6 and 8 that the only way the Holy Spirit’s miraculous power could work through those who were not apostles of Christ was for one of these apostles to lay his hands on them.

45 2v17-18; ALL FLESH in the 1 st century To males (your sons) and females (your daughters) Acts 21:9; To older people (your old men) and younger people (young men)

46 2v17-18; ALL FLESH in the 1 st century So when God said on all flesh he meant on all categories and types of people

47 2v17-18; ALL FLESH in the 1 st century God placed a limit on the time and purpose when these gifts were to be used 1 Corinthians 13:8-10;

48 2v17-18; Miracles used to confirm the partial revelation in 1 st century These would cease with the full or complete revelation available 1 Corinthians 13:8-10;

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