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Macbeth Act I
Scene 1 1. When, where, and with whom do the witches plan to meet next? after the battle; on the heath; Macbeth
Scene II 1. Who does the Captain say is “brave”? What did this brave man do to deserve the title? Macbeth; he fought and defeated Macdonwald, cutting off his head and carrying it on his sword.
2. Who was he fighting against?
3. From where has Ross come? What news does he bring?
Fife; Thane of Cawdor tried to go against Duncan, joining forces with Norway, but Scotland won.
4. What did Ross say Scotland demanded from the King of Norway
4. What did Ross say Scotland demanded from the King of Norway? What did they promise in return? Ten thousand dollars; a decent burial of Norway‘s men
5. Who gains the title of Thane of Cawdor?
Scene III 1. Summarize the story the first witch tells. What do the witches plan in revenge? The first witch asked a fat woman for a chestnut. The woman refused to give her one, so the witches conspire to cause a huge storm while her husband is at sea.
2. Why is Banquo confused by the witches when he first sees them?
They have beards, but they are women.
3. When the witches first speak to Macbeth and Banquo, what do they say?
All hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King. He is confused because there already is a Thane of Cawdor.
4. What do they prophesy for Banquo?
lesser than Macbeth, but greater; he shall get kings, but will not be one himself
5. Why is Macbeth confused by the witches‘ prophecies?
He doesn‘t know that the Thane of Cawdor was a traitor and removed of his position.
6. Why have Ross and Angus come?
to tell Macbeth that he is the new Thane of Cawdor, and to thank Macbeth for his duty
7. What does Macbeth mean when he says “Why do you address me in borrowed robes”? What does Angus tell Macbeth is the reason? He doesn‘t know that the Thane of Cawdor is going to be executed for treason. Angus tells him he confessed and has been overthrown, and that Macbeth has been named the new Thane of Cawdor.
8. What does Macbeth mean by “the greatest is behind”?
He now has two out of three of the prophecies out of the way (Thane of Glamis, and now Cawdor). The next step is becoming King.
9. In lines , Macbeth says “Two truths are told / as happy prologues to the swelling Act / Of the imperial theme.” What “imperial theme” is he talking about? What are the “happy prologues”? The ―imperial theme‖ is becoming King. The two ―happy prologues‖ are becoming Thane of Glamis, then Cawdor.
10. In his asides, (lines 130-142), what problems does Macbeth mention
10. In his asides, (lines ), what problems does Macbeth mention? What does he decide to do about his issue (lines )? He begins to immediately have bad feelings about the whole thing. He has fears attached to this new position, as the prophecies are unfolding. He decides to let fate take over ―If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir.‖ He says he will stay out of the way of his destiny.
Scene IV 1. What do we learn at the beginning of this scene?
Cawdor confessed and was executed.
2. What does the King say about Cawdor?
Duncan trusted him absolutely.
3. Who gains the estate? Malcolm
4. What is Macbeth‘s immediate reaction
4. What is Macbeth‘s immediate reaction? What does Macbeth now feel he has to do? He is not happy, and immediately sees Malcolm as a step he must ―o‘er-leap.‖
5. What does Macbeth mean by “stars, hide your fires, / Let not light see my black and deep desires”? (lines 50-51) He is thinking evil thoughts about getting rid of Malcolm. He wants to kill Malcolm so that he can be king.
Scene V 1. Summarize what Macbeth tells his wife in his letter to her.
Macbeth tells Lady all about the witches‘ prophecies, and how he is now named the Thane of Cawdor, and that next, he will be king, and she will be queen, like she should be.
2. What is Lady Macbeth‘s reaction to this news?
She is thrilled, but is afraid that Macbeth is too much of a sissy and a coward to do what he needs to do in order to make the prophecies come true.
3. What does Lady Macbeth say about her husband
3. What does Lady Macbeth say about her husband? Why is her description surprising, considering the description of Macbeth in Scene 2? She says he is ―too full of the milk of human kindness‖ meaning he is too nice and too wimpy to take matters in his own hands. This is surprising because he was touted and hailed as such a hero in the first few scenes, even having cut off Macdonwald‘s head.
4. After she hears that Macbeth is on his way home and that the King is coming over (lines 33-53), what does Lady Macbeth want? What does she have planned? She wants to make everyone feel absolutely welcome. She is planning Duncan‘s assassination.
5. What does she want Macbeth to do?
She wants Macbeth to make sure he puts on a smile and hides what they are about to do to Duncan, so they do not behave suspiciously. If he can pretend everything is fine, she plans to take care of all the rest.
Scene VI 1. How does Duncan feel at the Macbeth estate? Why is this ironic? He is feeling very, very comfortable and welcome. It is ironic that he feels so welcome and safe, since this is where he will have his guard down and be killed.
Scene VII 1. In his soliloquy, Macbeth says “If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well if it were done quickly.” What is “it”? Duncan‘s murder
2. Why does Macbeth say Duncan is “here in double trust”
2. Why does Macbeth say Duncan is “here in double trust”? Why does this bother Macbeth? He knows he trusts him as a kinsmen (he is a cousin) and a citizen/soldier. He actually likes Duncan and respects him, and feels as if he is really betraying him.
3. Why does Macbeth second-guess the ”deed”?
He feels as if he has been honored by Duncan lately, and that he is beginning to be respected and admired by everyone.
4. When Macbeth tries to call off the murder, what is Lady Macbeth‘s reaction?
She is irate, and calls him something less than a man.
5. What is Lady Macbeth‘s answer when Macbeth asks “if they fail”
5. What is Lady Macbeth‘s answer when Macbeth asks “if they fail”? (line 60) She says that if they fail, they fail, but if he doesn‘t give up, and if he does what she tells him, they won‘t fail.
6. What is the plan? The plan is to get everyone drunk, then sneak in to Duncan‘s room, kill him, then plant the daggers on the drunk guards, who won‘t know what happened.
7. What is your impression of the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Why do you think Lady Macbeth has so much control over Macbeth? Lady Macbeth certainly manipulates Macbeth, so no wonder she sees him as a coward and a sissy. She seems to have a flair for the dramatic, and knows how to work Macbeth to get what she wants. One loses respect for Macbeth when he is around his wife, which is not what we expected of him in the previous scenes.
8. Were Lady Macbeth‘s fears about Macbeth legitimate? Why or why not?
They did seem legitimate, since he tried to back out of the plan, then he was not able to stand up to her. At this point, it looks like Lady Macbeth may have to murder Duncan herself.
VOCABULARY – ACT I 1. chalice: n. a cup or goblet
2. chastise: v. to punish by beating; to criticize severely 3. compunctious: adj. deserving of shame; deeply wrong 4. dwindle: v. to make or become gradually less until little remains 5. harbinger: n. one that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; forerunner
6. implored: v. 1) involved by logical necessity; entailed; 2) appealed to; beseeched
7. ingratitude: n. lack of gratitude; ungratefulness 8. interim: n. a period between two events 9. mettle: n. strength of character; determination 10. minion: n. a submissive follower or dependent
11. plight: n. a difficult or adverse situation
12. prophetic: adj. of, or a characteristic of, a prophet or prophecy 13. surmise: v. to infer with little evidence; guess; conjecture n. an idea or opinion base on little evidence 14. trifles: n. things of little importance or value; small amounts 15. withered: adj. dried up or shriveled, as if from a loss of moisture
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