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Considering the Growth of Self and Others.  How do you evaluate if you are becoming more sophisticated in your understanding and analysis of culture?

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Presentation on theme: "Considering the Growth of Self and Others.  How do you evaluate if you are becoming more sophisticated in your understanding and analysis of culture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Considering the Growth of Self and Others

2  How do you evaluate if you are becoming more sophisticated in your understanding and analysis of culture?  How do you do this for students?  What differences do you see in those who are ethnocentric and those who are ethnorelative?  How can you help students who are ethnocentric develop more ethnorelative behaviors?

3  Erikson- psychosocial identity formation  Kohlberg- stages of moral development  Piaget- stages of cognitive development  Cross- 5-stage model ◦ 1. pre-encounter ◦ 2. encounter ◦ 3. immersion-emersion ◦ 4. immersion ◦ 5. internalization  Spring- adapted this to other groups  Banks- 6 stage model

4 Cross/SpringBanks  Pre-encounter  Self-hatred  Negative stereotyping  Internalization breeds self-fulfilling prophecy  Encounter  Forced to reevaluate pre-encounter identity because of an incident  Racial Profiling  Immersion-Emersion  In-between place  Begin to rid themselves of ethnic self-hatred  Rediscovering traditional cultures  Adopting symbols of their people  Immersion  Complete immersion in ethnic culture  Internalization  Balance between culture of the U.S. and ethnic culture ◦ Ethnic Psychological Captivity ◦ Ethnic Encapsulation ◦ Ethnic Identity Clarification ◦ Biethnicity  Comfort in both groups ◦ Multiethnicity  Variety of ethnic communities ◦ Globalism  Universal ideals

5  Manage stress of interactions  Effective communication  Interpersonal relationships  Respect and appreciation of differences  Proactive in seeking diverse perspectives  Non-judgment  Motivate others  Adapt to situations

6 DenialDefenseMinimizationAcceptanceAdaptationIntegration EthnocentricEthnorelative


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