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... you have forsaken the love that you had at first... Revelation 2:4,5.

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4 ... you have forsaken the love that you had at first... Revelation 2:4,5

5 Choose... Joshua: Choose... We will serve God... Israel: We will serve God... Everyone did as they saw fit But - short time later: Everyone did as they saw fit (see Joshua 24:15,18,21 Judges 17:6, 21:25)


7 application Have we abandoned our first love of God? Have we abandoned our first love of God? If so then, return / repent! If so then, return / repent!

8 OLD TESTAMENT NEW TESTAMENT LAW Genesis to Deuteronomy Rules and regulations GOSPELS Matthew to John Accounts about Jesus HISTORY Joshua to Esther Narrative / story HISTORYActs Narrative / story POETRY Job to Song of Songs Hebrew poetry LETTERS Romans to Jude 1 st century letters PROPHECY Isaiah to Malachi Messages from God given by the prophets PROPHECYRevelation Message from God given by John

9 OLD TESTAMENT LAW Genesis to Deuteronomy HISTORY Joshua to Esther POETRY Job to Song of Songs and PROPHECY Isaiah to Malachi


11 observe Amos 5:1-17

12 Observe or notice Lament

13 Observe or notice Lament God is speaking

14 Observe or notice Lament God is speaking Place names

15 Observe or notice Lament God is speaking Place names Poetry included

16 Observe or notice Lament God is speaking Place names Poetry included Structure

17 Amos 5: 1-17 5:1-3outcome, what is going to happen 5:5,6aa call to change 5:6boutcome 5:7a charge or accusation 5:8God described 5:9outcome 5:10, 11acharges 5:11boutcome 5:12, 13charges 5:14–15aa call to change 5:15b-17outcome

18 interpret



21 Principle 3(b) Consider the content: historical aspects


23 content: historical and cultural features

24 interpret Principle 1 Look for the author’s meaning

25 author’s intention CEA agents

26 author’s intention CEA agents “Return to God”

27 interpret Principle 2 Read the passage in context

28 context Oracles before and after Wrong doing by Israel’s neighbours (1:3 – 2:5) consequences Wrong doing by Israel (2:6 – 9:10) consequences

29 interpret Principle 3(a) Consider the content: genre

30 Interpret Oracle

31 Interpret Poetry included

32 Interpret Oracle Poetry included Place names

33 Interpret Oracle Poetry included Place names Structure

34 Interpreting Amos 5: 1-17 5:1-3outcomedownfall 5:5, 6a a call to change “Seek me … do not... ” 5:6boutcomedestruction 5:7a chargeinjustice 5:8God describeda great God 5:9outcomedestruction

35 Interpreting Amos 5: 1-17 5:10, 11a chargeshate justice... unjust taxes 5:11boutcomedisappointment 5:12, 13 chargesmany offences 5:14, 15a a call to change seek good... hate evil 5:15b- 17 outcomesorrow

36 interpret Principle 4 Interpreting personal experience

37 interpret Principle 5 Consider all of Scripture

38 apply - repent - return to God - return to your 1 st love

39 How to read the Bible for all its worth Careful observation  Thorough interpretation  Purposeful application

40 Do this in remembrance of me...


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