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Published byBrianna Coulbourn Modified over 10 years ago
God Initiates the Church Acts 1-2
Discussion Questions for Acts 1 −What was Jesus speaking about over the 40 days He went about revealing himself after His resurrection? −Where were the disciples? −Where did Jesus tell them to wait? −Where were the disciples to go as witnesses for Jesus? −What were the disciples to wait for? −Who replaced Judas as one of the apostles? Indian man read the life of Christ and Acts and noted that he wanted “to belong to the church that carries on the life of Christ.” God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Luke’s second book (1:1-2): Acts is written to the same person as the Gospel of Luke −To Theophilus −The first book recorded what Jesus did until he ascended into heaven after giving instruction to his disciples. Between Jesus’ resurrection and Ascension (1:3): Jesus appeared to various people over a 40 day period −Convincing proofs −Speaking about the kingdom of God God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Christ’s Ascension (1:4-5): Gathers His disciples together on the Mt. of Olives (1/2 mile from Jerusalem)Mt. of Olives −They are to wait to receive the promise from the God, the baptism with the Holy Spirit −Wait in Jerusalem for the promise (Lk. 24:49) (1:4-5) This would take place 10 days later on the day of Pentecost Baptism with the Holy Spirit to witness Holy Spirit give to those who obey (Acts 5:32) −Five types of baptism in the Bible (Eph. 4:5 note one baptism) Baptism of John (Lk. 3:3; 7:29-30) Holy Spirit (Matt. 3: 11; Lk. 3:16; Acts 1:4, 5) Fire (Matt. 3:11, 12) Great Commission (Matt. 28:19; Mk. 16:16) Suffering (Mk. 10:38, 39) God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Jerusalem – Mount of Olives
Christ’s Ascension (1:6-11): Gathers His disciples together and tells them to stay in Jerusalem −His disciples ask if he is restoring the kingdom to Israel but Jesus says that is not for them to know −Jesus tells them what is important for them to know They will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them and they are to be Jesus’ witnesses to the whole world -- Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the whole world. See Lk. 24:44- 48; Mt. 28:18-20 (I am with you to the end of the age) −Lifted up to heaven and two men in white said Jesus would return the same way He left Mt. 26:64 1 Th. 4:17 God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Replacing Judas (1:12-26): Left the Mt. of Olives and went into JerusalemMt. of Olives −Meeting in Jerusalem after leaving Mt. of OlivesJerusalem −The eleven devoting themselves to prayer Mary, the mother of Jesus and Jesus’ brothers 120 people together −Judas’ place among the apostles filled Death prophesied (Ps. 69:25) Position filled (Ps. 109:8) −Qualifications for new apostle Accompanied apostles during Jesus’ ministry – John’s baptism on Witness to Christ’s resurrection −Matthais selected by prayer and casting lots God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Replacing Judas (1:12-26): Left the Mt. of Olives and went into JerusalemMt. of Olives −Disciple = a follower or a student All Christians are to be followers of Jesus Those who learn Jesus’ teaching −Apostle = means “sent one” and is a disciple sent out by Christ There were the 12 sent out by Jesus −Later apostles Paul James - brother of Jesus (Gal. 9:19) Barnabas (Acts 14:14) Others sent out by churches God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Mount of Olives Temple: Ct. Gentiles GethsemaneGolgothaHerod’s Palace Acts and Jerusalem
Discussion Areas Over a forty day period Jesus was peaking things concerning the kingdom of God (1:3) −Mt. 12:28; Lk. 11:20; 17:20-21 −Lord’s Prayer and kingdom What the Father had promised (1:4) −Clothed with power on high −Lk. 24:49 Jesus will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven (1:11) God Initiates the Church – Acts 1
Questions to Answer in Acts 2 What is happening in Acts 2? What is preached? How was Jesus shown by God to be from God? Whose plan was it for Christ to die? Why? What question did the people ask and what was the answer? God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Baptism with the Holy Spirit (2:1-13): Events occur on day of Pentecost – filled with Holy Spirit −Miraculous signs - wind and tongues as of fire −Filled with the Holy Spirit −Spirit gave them ability to speak in other languages −Jews and proselytes from various countries present to celebrate Pentecost have opportunity to hear the gospel in their own language Disciples were given power to speak other languages Proselytes important in new churches −People wondering what it all meant Carry gospel back with them God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:14-36): Peter explains the events of on Pentecost point to Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ. −Peter, with the eleven, explains the meaning of the event 2:14-21). −Not drunk (only 9:00 am) but fulfilling prophecy. −Prophecy from Joel 2:28-32 (prophesied ~ 835 B.C.) Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh (Lk. 24:49; Acts 12:33) People will prophecy, dreams, and visions Wonders, sun to darkness, moon to blood indicate a day of great importance - Christian age (2:19-20). Salvation available to those who call on the Lord - a time people can accept salvation (2:21) God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
ApostlesPeople Gifts or miraculous given by laying on of apostles hands Acts 8:15; 19:6 Receive power Lk. 24:49; Acts 1:8 Gift of Holy Spirit Indwelling Acts 2:38; 5:32 (Titus 3:5-7) (Rom. 8:9-11) Gentiles/Cornelius Acts 10:44-46; 11:15; 15:8 JESUS SENDS HOLY SPIRIT Lk. 3:16 Acts 2:33 Baptism in/with the Holy Spirit Acts 2:17 Gifts of the Spirit varied (1 Cor. 12:4-31) Love is greater than the gifts (1 Cor. 13)
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:14-36): The significance of Jesus the Nazarene −1)Attested to them by God by the miracles and signs Jesus performed in their midst(2:22) −2)Crucified according to God's plan by Godless men (2:23) −3)God raise from the dead; the greatest sign (2:23-24) Death cannot Hold him in its power. −4)Old Testament prophecy, Ps. 16:8-11, show Jesus was to be raised (2:25-32) Peter points out David died and was buried and his tomb is present among them so the prophecy is not about him (29). God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:14-36): The significance of Jesus the Nazarene −David was prophesying that God would set one of David's descendents on the throne (30). Jesus was a descendent of David Jews easily accept Messiah sitting on David's throne. Difficulty with believing resurrection. −David looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of Christ (31) not abandoned to Hades (death) body would not decay God raised from the dead to which they, the disciples, are witnesses (32) God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:14-36): The significance of Jesus the Nazarene −Explanation of the events they are witnessing (2:33-36) Jesus exalted to right hand of God. −Promised received from God. Holy Spirit sent to confirm promise (Lk. 3:15) Poured forth which they see and hear (Lk. 24:49) Prophecy of Christ's exaltation in Ps. 110:1. God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:14-36): The significance of Jesus the Nazarene −Peter wanted to show that God made Jesus the Lord and the Christ whom they crucified Christ = Messiah; anointed one −Three witnesses to Christ as Messiah O.T. scriptures Apostles Holy Spirit God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon (2:37-47): People’s response to the events of Pentecost and the apostles teachings. −The people's response (2:37-42) Question of what they are to do if they believe Christ is the Messiah. Peter's instructions. −Repent - turn away from sin and turn toward God in belief and obedience. Be baptized - immersed (Acts 8:36; Rom. 6:1-7) In the name of Jesus For the forgiveness of sins (Acts 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21; Col. 2:12- 13; Gal. 3:27) God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
People’s response to the gospel God Initiates the Church – Acts 2 God’s Grace – Undeserved Gift Christ People’s Response Unbelief Belief -No following God’s teaching -No repentance -Christ not Lord of one’s life -No baptism -No obedience to God -Following God’s teaching -Repentance -Christ Lord of one’s life -Baptism -Obedience to God
Repent and baptized a person receives (2:36-39): −Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32; Rom. 8:11; 1 Cor. 6:19; Gal. 4:6; 2 Cor. 5:5; 1:22; Titus 3:5) −Forgiveness is for everyone - whoever calls upon the name of the Lord. Your children – Jews Those far off - Gentiles Further teaching (2:40) −Many other words to be saved God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Actions of those who received Peter's word (2:41-42) −Baptized −3000 added to the church (see also 2:47) −Devoted themselves to the apostles teachings Fellowship - sharing food, material goods, in Christ. −Breaking of bread = meals/Lord's Supper −Prayer (synagogue style worship) God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Apostles continuing ministry and growth of the church (2:43-47) −Signs and wonders being done through the apostles −Attested to the message (sign - first by Jesus now apostles – Mk. 16:17-20; Heb. 2:3-4 −Unity in Christ (foundation of church Eph. 2:20-22) Shared with the needy −Continued in the templetemple −Breaking bread house to house (probably hospitality) with sincerity of heart. −Praising God −Finding favor with all people −God kept adding to their number (47) 5.Three things to remember from Acts 2. a.Baptism of the Holy Spirit b.Peter's sermon c.People's response to Christ and the beginning of the church God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
The Temple Area
Herod’s Temple
Portico of Solomon
What we see the early follower of Christ doing as the church forms in Jerusalem (2:43-47) −Evangelism and teach −Service – help the poor and needy −Worship – praising, adoration and living for God individually and as a body of believers −Edification – encourage and build-up −Fellowship – strengthen and support God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
Four things to remember from Acts 2. −Baptism with the Holy Spirit −Peter's sermon −People's response to Christ – repentance and baptism −The beginning of the church God Initiates the Church – Acts 2
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