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Published byEdith Parris Modified over 10 years ago
The Articles of Faith
The Wentworth Letter The Prophet was occasionally called on to explain the teachings and practices of Mormonism to outsiders. A significant example was the Wentworth Letter. In the spring of 1842, John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat, asked Joseph Smith to provide him with a sketch of “the rise, progress, persecution, and faith of the Latter-Day Saints.” Wentworth was originally from New Hampshire and desired this information to help in the compilation of a history of his native state, which was being written by his friend George Barstow. Joseph complied with this request and sent Wentworth a multi-page document containing an account of many of the early events in the history of the Restoration, including the First Vision and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. The document also contained thirteen statements outlining Latter-day Saint beliefs, which have come to be known as the Articles of Faith. Barstow did publish his history, but the Wentworth Letter was not included, nor was anything about the Mormons. Wentworth did not publish this document in the Chicago Democrat, nor did it ever appear in any history of New Hampshire. But the Church’s newspaper, Times and Seasons, published it in March 1842, and it has become one of the most important statements of inspiration, history, and doctrine for the Church. The Articles of Faith were written for non- Mormons and were never intended to be a complete summary of gospel principles and practices. They do, however, provide a clear statement about the unique beliefs of the Latter-day Saints. Each article is a positive statement of the differences between Mormonism and the sectarian beliefs of other denominations. In 1851 the Articles of Faith were included in the first edition of the Pearl of Great Price published in the British Mission. After the Pearl of Great Price was revised in 1878 and canonized in 1880, the Articles of Faith became official doctrine of the Church. Church History and the Fullness of Times, p. 256-7
The Articles of Faith You will be assigned an Article of Faith: 1.Give it a one word title 2.Summarize it with one sentence 3.Share a story that exemplifies living this Article of Faith
1 st Article of Faith Three distinctive beings We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. God and the Godhead. The existence of God.— Attested by general assent of humanity.— Evidence of history and tradition.— Evidence supplied by human reason.— Evidence of direct revelation.— The Godhead, a Trinity.— Unity of the Godhead.— Unauthorized dogmas refuted.— Personality of each member of the Godhead.— Some of the Divine attributes.— Idolatry and atheism.— Immaterialism a variety of atheism.— God in nature.
2nd Article of Faith Agency is affirmed and no human depravity and no original sin We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. Transgression and the Fall. Man's free agency, recognized by the Lord.— Man's responsibility.— Sin. — Sins committed in ignorance— Punishment for sin, natural and necessary.—, Duration of punishment.— Refutation of the false doctrine of unending torment.— Satan, his former position and his fall.— Our first parents in Eden.— The temptation and the Fall.— Adam s wise choice.— The expulsion from the Garden.— The Tree of Life guarded.— Results of the Fall.— The Fall fore- ordained and essential.— The blessed heritage of mortality.
3 rd Article of Faith Centrality of the Atonement, necessity of obedience and faith We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. The Atonement, and Salvation. Nature of the Atonement.— Reconciliation.— A vicarious sacrifice.— Voluntary and love-inspired.— The atonement fore- ordained and foretold.— Extent of the atonement.— General salvation.— Individual salvation.— Salvation and exaltation.— Degrees of glory.— Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial kingdoms.
4 th Article of Faith First principles and first ordinances We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Faith and Repentance and Baptism and the Holy Ghost. Nature of Faith.— Faith, belief, and knowledge compared.— Belief among the & evils.—The foundation of faith.— Faith a principle of power.— A condition of living faith.— Faith essential to salvation.— A gift from God.— Faith and works.— Nature of repentance.— Conditions for securing forgiveness.— Repentance essential to salvation.— Repentance a gift from God.— Not always possible to repent.— Perils of procrastinating the day of repentance.— Repentance beyond the grave. Nature of Baptism the ordinance.— Its establishment.— The baptism of Adam.— The purpose of baptism.— Fit candidates.— Infant baptism.— History of this erratic practice.— Pedo-baptism unsupported by the Bible, and forbidden by other scriptures.— Baptism essential to salvation.— The baptism of Christ.— "To fulfill all righteousness.“ Importance of proper method in administering the ordinance.— Derivation of the word "baptize," and early usage of the original.— Immersion the only true mode.— The sacred symbolism of the rite is preserved in no other mode. —Immersion the only mode practiced in early days.— Baptism by immersion among the Nephites.— Modern baptism.— "Re-baptism" not a distinct ordinance.— "Re- baptisms" recorded in scripture are few and exceptional.— Baptism for the dead.— Christ's ministry among the departed.— The spirits in prison.— Vicarious work of the living for the dead.— Elijah's heavenly message.— Temples, ancient and modern. The Holy Ghost. The promised Comforter.— The Holy Ghost a Member of the Godhead.— His distinct personality.— His powers.— His office in ministering to mankind.— To whom given.— Exceptional instances of His visitation before baptism. -The ordinance of bestowal.— Power of the priesthood requisite.— Gifts of the Spirit.— Laying-on of hands, characteristic of sacred ordinances.
5 th Article of Faith Necessity of ordination and divine authority We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. Authority in the Ministry. Men called of God. — Scriptural examples.— Ordination to the ministry.— The authorized imposition of hands.— Sacrilege of attempted ministrations with- out authority.— Instances of Divine wrath.— Teachers, true and false. — Divine authority in the present dispensation.— Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by John the Baptist.— And of the Melchisedek Priesthood by Peter, James, and John.— Fore-ordination of men to special callings. — Christ's fore- ordination.— Pre-existence of spirits.— Our primeval child- hood.
6 th Article of Faith Organization of the Church We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. The Church and its Plan of Organization. The Church in former and latter days.— The Primitive Church.— Apostasy from the Primitive Church.— The great apostasy was foretold.— Restoration of the Church in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.— Plan of government in the restored Church.— Orders and offices in the priesthood.— The Aaronic, including the Levitical.— The Melchisedek order.— Specific offices in the priest- hood.— Deacons, Teachers, Priests.— Elders, Seventies, High Priests. — Patriarchs, or Evangelists.— Apostles.— The First Presidency.— The Twelve Apostles.— The Presiding Quorum of Seventy.— The Presiding Bishopric- Local organizations, Stakes and Wards.— Stake Presidency,— High Council, —Ward Bishopric— Helps in government.
7 th Article of Faith Miracles or not, Gifts of the Spirit or not, Ways that a person can identify the Lord’s Church We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. Spiritual Gifts. Spiritual gifts characteristic of the Church.— Nature of these gifts.— Miracles.— Partial enumeration of the gifts.— Tongues and Interpretation.— Healing.— Visions and Dreams. — Prophecy.— Revelation.— The testimony of miracles, not an infallible guide.— Imitations of spiritual gifts.— Miracles wrought by evil powers.— Devils working miracles.— Spiritual gifts today.
8 th Article of Faith Takes a stand on the Bible We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. The Bible and the Book of Mormon. The first of our standard works.— The name "Bible."— The Old Testament.— Its origin and growth.— Language of the Old Testament.— The Septuagint.— Pentateuch.— Historical books.— Poetical books.— Books of the prophets.— Apocrypha.— The New Testament.— Its origin and authenticity.— Classification of its books.— Early versions of the Bible. Modern versions.— Genuineness and authenticity.— Book of Mormon testimony concerning Bible. The Book of Mormon. Description and origin.— Mormon's visit to Joseph Smith.— The inspired title- page.— The Nephite nation,— The Jaredites.— The ancient plates.— Mormon's abridgment of the plates of Nephi. -The translation of the record.— Classification and arrangement of the books.— Genuineness of the Book of Mormon.— Testimony of the witnesses.— Theories of its origin.— The "Spaulding Story-“ Authenticity of the Book of Mormon.— The Book of Mormon and the Bible. — Ancient prophecy fulfilled in the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.— Consistency of the book.— Its contained prophecies.— External evidence.— Archeological evidence of the early occupation of America.— Israelitish origin of the American aborigines.— Common origin of all the native "races." — Language of the Book of Mormon compared with the language of the ancient Americans.— Survival of the Egyptian and the Hebrew.— Testimony of investigators.
9 th Article of Faith Continuing Revelation We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Revelation, past, present, and future. What is revelation?— Revelation and inspiration.— God's means of communication.— Ancient revelators.— Christ, a Revelator.— Doctrine of continual revelation.— Well-established, scriptural and reasonable.— Alleged scriptural objections met and answered.— Modern revelation.— Without revelation there can be no true Church.— Revelation yet awaited.
10 th Article of Faith Gathering of Israel, Literal nature of the Coming of Christ, New Jerusalem, Millennial earth We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. The Dispersion of Israel. The Gathering of Israel. Zion. Israel.--Brief history of the nation.— Dispersion foretold.— Biblical prophecies. — Book of Mormon predictions.— Fulfillment of these dire prophecies.— Fate of the kingdom of Israel.— Scattering of Judah.— The Lost Tribes. The Gathering' of Israel. Predictions of the gathering.— Prophecies in Bible and Book of Mormon.— Modern revelation concerning the gathering.— Extent and purpose of the gathering.— Israel a chosen people.— All nations blessed through Israel- Restoration of the Ten Tribes.— Zion to be first established.— Gathering now in progress. Zion. Two gathering places designated.— Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem.— Meaning of "Zion."— The Zion of Enoch;— The Lord's definition of "Zion."— Modern revelation concerning Zion.— Establishment delayed.— Center-place in Missouri.— The founding of Zion in the last days.
11 th Article of Faith Freedom of Worship We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. Religious Liberty and Toleration. What is worship?— Freedom in worship an inalienable right.— Religious intolerance sinful.— Toleration does not imply acceptance.— Man's accountability.— Results of his acts.— Degrees of glory provided.— The Celestial glory.— The Terrestrial.— The Telestial.— Gradation within the Kingdoms.— The Sons of Perdition.
12 th Article of Faith Where we stand on Government We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. Submission to Secular Authority. Scriptural recognition of secular powers.— Examples set by Christ and His apostles.— Apostolic teachings.— Modern revelation regarding duty to laws of the land.— People of God are of necessity law abiding.— Teachings of the Church today.
13 th Article of Faith Peter/Paul, all virtues that make-up a Christ-like being We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. Practical Religion. Religion has to do with daily life.— Comprehensiveness of our faith.— Benevolence enjoined.— Free-will offerings.— Fast offerings.— Tithing.— Consecration and stewardship.— The United Order.— Social order within the Church.— Marriage.— Celestial Marriage.— Unlawful association of the sexes. — The sanctity of the body.
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