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Joan of Arc By: Rosie Christensen Ms.Marshall Walter Stiern 2009-2010.

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1 Joan of Arc By: Rosie Christensen Ms.Marshall Walter Stiern 2009-2010

2 Joan of Arc (Major Points) 1337 The Hundred Years’ war begins. 1412 January 6 th Birth of Joan of Arc. 1420 the Treaty of Troyes. 1424 (midsummer) Joan first hears voices.

3 Joan of Arc (Major facts)B. 1428 (July) fight to Neufchatel. 1429 January-February visit to Vaucouleurs - February 23 rd Joan leaves Vaucoulers for Chinon. March 6 th Joan arrives at Chinon. May 30 th 1431 Joan of Arc burned at the stake.

4 Joan of Arc’s Prophecy Fulfilled Joan of Arc’s prophecy was to help the French win the war. Joan of Arc was just a mere girl who commanded the French troops. history since the dark ages.” Joan Of Arc was born January

5 Joan of Arc’s prophecy fulfilled P.(b) Mark Twain quote “Her century was the brutalest, the wickedest, the rottenest, in 6 th 1412 and died Mat 30 th 1431. When Joan was sixteen, St. Michael came to her with a very specific message. He said ‘Go, go daughter of God, into the realm of France,” he commanded. “You must drive out the English and bring the king to be crowned.” (Joan’s village was in territory partially controlled by the duke of Burgundy.

6 The voices Joan of Arc received One of the first voices Joan of Arc received was from St. Michael; he had told her to go out and rally the troops of her country. She told him “I am but a poor maid and know nothing of war”, and the voice replied “God will help you”.

7 The voices Joan of Arc received P. (2). Until now the orders she was given were easy to fulfill other than an occasional teasing from her friends.

8 Joan of Arc hears voices The first time Joan of Arc hears voices was 1424 about midsummer. The first voice Joan of Arc hears from was St. Michael. He spoke to her about two or three times a week.The voices never left Joan after that. The next voices Joan heard were from St. Catherine and St. Margaret.

9 Joan of Arc hears voices Part2 St. Michael had told her “Go, go, daughter of God, into the realm of France,” he commanded. “You must drive out the English and bring the king to be crowned.” When Joan heard this she was scared aSt. Michael had told her “Go, go, daughter of God, into the realm of France,” he commanded. “You must drive out the English and bring the king to be crowned.” When Joan heard this she was scared and cried out “I am but a poor maid and know nothing of war.” The voice only answered, “God will help you.” Joan began to get use to the voices but suffered an occasional teasing from her friends. And cried out “I am but a poor maid and know nothing of war.” The voice only answered, “God will help you.” Joan began to get use to the voices but suffered an occasional teasing from her friends.

10 Joan of Arc on Trial Joan of Arc was charged with sorcery and brought to trial. It was said that she was under the control of “the Evil One”. Joan told them “I was always under the c

11 Joan of Arc burned at the Stake Joan of Arc was caught by the English for Rallying the French. Now Joan of Arc would be considered a saint. Joan of Arc was sent to trial first then she was charged with sorcery. She was burned at the marketplace she was burned at the stake surrounded by fagots. When she died the last word she uttered was “Jesus”, then she died.

12 Bibliography World leaders Past & present Joan of Arc arc.htm arc.htm http://www.stjoan- htmlhttp://www.stjoan- html

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