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Published byClayton Wakley Modified over 10 years ago
powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2009 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2009
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Contributor Gerhard Pfandl Principal Contributor
The Prophetic Gift Contents 1. Heaven’s Means of COMMUNICATION 2. The Prophetic GIFT 3. SPIRITUAL Gifts and Prophecy 4. The Gift of Prophecy and God’s REMNANT Church 5. The INSPIRATION of the Prophets 6. TESTING the Prophets 7. The WORK of the Prophets 8. The AUTHORITY of the Prophets 9. The INTEGRITY of the Prophets 10. The MESSAGE of the Prophets 11. INTERPRETING the Prophetic Writings 12. The BLESSINGS of the Prophetic Gift 13. CONFIDENCE in the Prophetic Gift
The Prophetic Gift Our Goal {5} The real focus is on the Gift-Giver. We’ll learn about the Lord who loves this world so much He gave Himself, in the person of Jesus, as the sacrifice for our sins. That’s the God we serve, and that’s the God we seek to reveal in this quarter’s lessons.
The Prophetic Gift Lesson 4, January 24 The Prophetic Gift Lesson 4, January 24
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church Key Text Revelation 12:17 NKJV “And the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church Initial Words {46} God’s faithful remnant was not always a visible remnant; that is, from the early days up to the last days, God has His faithful ones in different faiths, which is why the call is made: “ ‘Come out of her [Babylon], my people’” (Rev 18:4). Nevertheless, there is a specific depiction of God’s remnant in the last days.
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church Quick Look 1. Remnant Church, Background (Revelation 12:1-12) 2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 (Revelation 19:10) 3. Remnant Church, Identified—2 (Revelation 14:6-12)
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church 1. Remnant Church, Background Revelation 12:1-17 NKJV “A woman clothed with the sun…. And she bore a male Child…. Then … fled to the wilderness … one thousand two hundred and sixty days. And war broke out in heaven…. Satan … was cast to the earth…. Went to make war with the rest of her offspring….
1.Remnant Church, Background Good Versus Evil: Act 1 {47} Revelation 12 introduces the great controversy between Christ and Satan in symbolic form and describes its progress from the time of Christ to the time of the end. In verse 1 John sees a pregnant woman. She is a symbol for the church or for God’s faithful people (see Isa 54:5, 6; 2 Cor 11:2).
1.Remnant Church, Background Good Versus Evil: Act 1 {47} According to Rev 12:6, the woman flees from the dragon into the wilderness, where she is taken care of by God for 1,260 days. The 1,260 days to refer to the time of persecution of the church during the Middle Ages, a period of 1,260 years.
1.Remnant Church, Background Good Versus Evil: Act 2 {49} Rev 12:7-12 focuses on the fall of Satan in heaven and his being cast down to the earth, giving us a glimpse into the origins of the great controversy as it began in another part of the universe. 13-17 describes in symbolic terms the persecution of the Christian church by the Roman Empire and apostate Roman Church.
1.Remnant Church, Background Good Versus Evil: Act 2 {49} In Rev 12:17, Satan seeing that he was unable to wipe out God’s faithful people, is angry with a particular group called “the rest of her offspring” (NKJV). This end-time remnant will be distinguished, first of all, by the fact that it keeps the commandments of God, all of them, which includes the seventh-day Sabbath.
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church 2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 Revelation 19:10b NKJV “ ‘I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’ ”
2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 The Testimony of Jesus {51} The second identifying mark is the “testimony of Jesus” (marturia Iesou). Two grammatically possible explanations: 1. Interprets it as man’s witness for Christ (NEB, RSV). 2. Understands it as the self-revelation of Jesus—His own testimony (NIV, NKJV).
2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 The Testimony of Jesus {51} A study of the word testimony in John’s writings indicates that each time it appears in the same grammatical construction as in Revelation, it always refers to Jesus’ own testimony (John 1:19; 3:11, 32, 33; 5:31). In Revelation, the expression “testimony of Jesus” also should be understood as Jesus’ testimony about Himself.
2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 The Testimony of Jesus {51} Revelation 1:2 says that John bore witness to “the word of God” and to “the testimony of Jesus.” Thus, “the word of God” refers to what God says and is parallel to “the testimony of Jesus.” Thus, “the word of God” is simply what Jesus says; it is the testimony that Jesus gives about Himself.
2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 The Spirit of Prophecy {53} In all of Scripture the phrase “spirit of prophecy” appears only in Rev 19:10. The closest parallel to the phrase is in 1 Cor 12:8-10. There Paul refers to the Holy Spirit who gives the gift of prophecy among other gifts (charismata), and the person who receives this gift is called a prophet.
2. Remnant Church, Identified—1 The Spirit of Prophecy {53} Comparing Rev 19:10 with Rev 22:8, 9. The situation in both passages is the same. In Rev 19:10, the brethren are identified by the phrase “who hold to [have] the testimony of Jesus” (NIV). In Rev 22:9, the brethren are called simply “prophets.”
“And … I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel... but he said to me, ‘You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your comrades the prophets…. Worship God! ’ ” “Then I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, ‘You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your comrades who hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’ ” Rev 19:10 NRSV Rev 22:8, 9 NRSV
“I am a fellow servant with you and your comrades the prophets who hold the testimony of Jesus … the spirit of prophecy.” This comparison must lead to the conclusion that “the spirit of prophecy” in Rev 19:10 is the prophetic gift, which is given not to church members in general but only to those who have been called by God to be prophets. Revelation 19:10 and 22:8, 9 Combined
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church 3. Remnant Church, Identified—2 Revelation 14:6-12 NKJV “ Then I saw another angel angel flying in the midst of heaven…. And another angel followed…. Then a third angel followed…. Here is the patience of the saints; here are they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
3. Remnant Church, Identified—2 God’s Visible Church {55} The Sabbath-keeping Adventist movement, from even before its organization in 1863, always claimed these identifying signs for itself. As Adventists we proclaim the Ten Commandments, including the seventh-day Sabbath; and that as a church we have the testimony of Jesus; that God manifested Himself in the life and work of E G White.
3. Remnant Church, Identified—2 God’s Visible Church {55} Thus, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is not just one church among many. It is a church prophetically foreseen. God has called this church into existence for the very specific purpose—to proclaim the three angels’ message to a dying world.
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church Final Words {57} Being part of the remnant means only that you have a great light, and with that light comes important responsibilities. It does not mean you automatically have salvation; nor that those who aren’t part of the remnant are lost. Many who were part of God’s remnant not only failed to live up to the light they were given but oftentimes rebelled against it.
Gift of Prophecy and God’s Remnant Church Presentation Record 1. PPH Dev SSL Review 22 Jan 09 2. Heights SSL Review 24 Jan 09
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