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Approved Loan Mods Keeping thing simple. Load Modi {Ms.Evelyn Campbell} Multiple Investment Properties Negative Rental Income {Loss} Nature of Hardship.

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Presentation on theme: "Approved Loan Mods Keeping thing simple. Load Modi {Ms.Evelyn Campbell} Multiple Investment Properties Negative Rental Income {Loss} Nature of Hardship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approved Loan Mods Keeping thing simple

2 Load Modi {Ms.Evelyn Campbell} Multiple Investment Properties Negative Rental Income {Loss} Nature of Hardship 1. Shutting down of business 2. Difficulties in renting Properties Lender AHMSI & Citimortgage 01

3 AHMSI {Investment Property} 02 378 Myrtle Avenue TAT :- 40 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, 3 calls & without Negotiations deal is approved & Package sent to the Borrower. Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 3 payments {90 days} 2. Declining House Price by 20% 18 Arverne Terrace TAT :- 30 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, 3 calls & without Negotiations deal is approved & Package sent to the Borrower. Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 3 payments {90 days} 2. Decline in House Price by 20%

4 Citimortgage {Investment Property} 59 Girard Avenue TAT :- 25 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, 5 calls & Updated Financials over the phone, deal is approved & Package sent to the Borrower. Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 3 payments {90 days} 2. Decline in House Price by 25% 03 The deal that we got !!!! Step up Program with AHMSI on both the properties with the Rates capping at 6.25 % for Life of the Loan rate starting from 2% Citi has put her on Trial Payment PITI of $ 1,850.00 & has promised that the payments will be in that range,earlier payment was $ 2,722.00 ………………………………………………………………..............................................................

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6 Loan MOd 2 Dawn Franco 05 Nature of Hardship Separation Loss of Job Drawing Unemployment DTI 200% Wachovia {Paimary Residence} 8 Pine Ave TAT :- 15 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, 2 calls updated the Financials over the phone, send the most updated income proof. Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 5 payments {150 days} 2. Decline in House Price by 20% 3. ARM Loan ………………………………………………………………..............................................................

7 Old Terms:- 06 Principal Amount $324,394.00 PI Payments $2,087.24 Rate of Interest 7% The Deal THAT WE GOT!!!!

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9 Load Mod 3 {Adriana Marmalejo} Nature of Hardship 1. Single Mother 2. Reduced Income 3. DTI 150% 08 Chase {Primary Residence} 157 Jackson St TAT :- 60 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, many calls to the lender, updated the Financials over the phone. Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 5 payments {150 days} 2. Decline in House Price by 25% ………………………………………………………………..............................................................

10 Old Terms:- Principal Amount $369,671.00 PI Payments $3,270.96 Rate of Interest 7% 09 The deal that we got !!!!

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12 Loan Mod 4 Christan Jomoc Nature of Hardship Reduced Income Loss of Job DTI 55% Indymac {Primary Residence} 1363 ManzanaWay TAT :- 10 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, 1 call & the Mod was approved Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 2 payments {60 days} 2. Decline in House Price by 35% ……………………………………………………………….............................................................. 11

13 Old Terms:- Principal Amount $343,898.00 Payments $2,006.08 Rate of Interest 7% interest only. 12

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15 Loan Mod 5 Margaret Belton Nature of Hardship Reduced Income Loss of Job DTI 70% Spouse Passed Away 14 Nationstar {Primary Residence} 685 Haxton Avenue. TAT :- 35 Days Efforts :- Package Sent, Many calls made & the Mod was approved Case Strength :- 1. Borrower Past Due for 4 payments {120 days} ………………………………………………………………..............................................................

16 Old Terms:- Principal Amount $316.356.00 Payments $2,040.08 Rate of Interest 6.75% interest only. 15

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24 Contact Us Rhombus Technologies Inc. 82-36, 259th St., Floral Park, New York, 11004 Contact Person: Rekha Singh (Rebecca) Tel: 1-877-869-7950 Fax: 1-800-309-6316 Email: Url: 24

25 Keeping thing simple Rhombus Technologies Pvt.Ltd. 601,Dhanthak Plaza,Makwana Road,Marol.Andheri(East),Mumbai 59 | T: +91 22 2850 1416 | F:+91 22 6692 6600 82_36 259 St Floral Park NY 11004 | T:866-833-6840 | F: 800-579-4118z

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