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Published byEsmeralda Pett Modified over 10 years ago
1 FCAT for Families Winning the Home Front FCAT Pou Fanmi k’ap Genyen Pari nan Fwaye a
2 FCAT for Families Winning the Home Front FCAT Pou Fanmi K’ap Genyen Pari nan Fwaye a Simple strategies for helping your child achieve better scores on the FCAT Estrateji senp pou ede pitit ou rive bay pi bon rezilta nan FCAT la
3 Agenda Ajennda Welcome and Introductions Goals and Objectives Workshop Presentation & Group Activities Evaluation Byenveni e Entwodiksyon Bi ak Objektif Prezantasyon ak Aktivite nan gwoup Evalyasyon
4 GOAL Bi Support the efforts of families in promoting children’s achievement of FCAT skills. Sipòte jefò fanmi nan soutni pwogrè timoun yo ap fè ak talan yo genyen nan FCAT la.
5 Objectives Objektif 1.Understand what the FCAT is and what our children are expected to do. 2.Understand why increasing time spent reading and having conversations are the most effective ways to help your child be successful on the FCAT. 3.Learn how to support your child during test-taking time. 4.Leave with simple strategies to use at home with your child. 1.Konprann ki sa FCAT la ye e ki sa y’ap tann timoun nou yo reyalize. 2.Konprann pou ki sa lè w pran plis tan pou w fè lekti e pou fè konvèsasyon ak pitit ou, se mwayen ki pi efikas pou ede li gen siksè nan FCAT la. 3.Aprann kouman pou w sipòte pitit ou nan moman egzamen FCAT la. 4.Itilize estrateji senp lè w’ap ede pitit ou lakay la.
66 What is the FCAT? Ki sa FCAT la ye? FCAT vle di Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (Tès Evalyasyon Jeneral nan Florid). FCAT se yon tès yo bay elèv nan Florid pou wè ki sa yo konnen ak ki sa yo ka fè nan lekti, nan matematik, nan ekriti ak nan syans. Se Eta Florid ki te devlope FCAT la e se te nan lane 1998 yo te premye bay elèv tès sa a. FCAT=Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test The FCAT is a test given to Florida students to determine what they know and can do in reading, math, writing, and science. The FCAT was developed by the state of Florida and first administered in 1998.
When do students take the FCAT? Ki lè yo bay elèv tès FCAT la? Grade Klas Reading Lekti Math Matematik Writing Ekriti Science Syans 3FCAT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10FCAT 11FCAT
88 FCAT FCAT scores are used to: Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses. Guide classroom instruction. Determine a school’s status under No Child Left Behind and Florida’s accountability system. Yo itilize rezilta FCAT pou: Idantifye fòs ak feblès akademik elèv yo Gide anseyman nan sal klas la. Wè nivo yon lekòl nan sa ki gade lwa federal No Child Left Behind (Lalwa pa Dwe Kite Okenn Timoun Dèyè) ak sistèm responsablite nan Florid.
99 FCAT You can use FCAT score to: Identify your child’s talents and provide enrichment. Determine if your child needs extra help in any areas. You may decide to provide the extra help at home or enroll your child in Supplemental Educational Services (SES). Decide what school to choose for your child through your district’s school choice program. Ou kapab itilize rezilta FCAT pou: Idantifye talan pitit ou epi anrichi talan sa yo. Wè si pitit ou a bezwen plis èd nan kèk nivo. Ou ka chwazi pou bay èd andiplis sa a nan fwaye a oswa enskri pitit ou nan Sèvis Edikatif Siplemantè (SES). Deside ki lekòl pou w chwazi pou pitit ou nan pwogram chwa eskolè distri w la.
10 Schools Cannot “Teach to the Test” Lekòl yo pa Kapab “Anseye w Sèlman pou Tès la” Schools Cannot “Teach to the Test” Lekòl yo pa Kapab “Anseye w Sèlman pou Tès la” Elèv yo dwe reponn Elèv yo dwe reponn… kesyon chwa miltip. kesyon ak repons kout. kesyon ak repons long. Kesyon kote w’ap ekri repons la nan liy kadriye. Children have to answer… multiple choice questions short response questions long response questions gridded response questions
11 FCAT expects our children to: FCAT ap espere nan men timoun nou yo: Take skills and use them in real-life problem solving situations. Solve multi-step problems. Understand and use information. Get the main idea from reading. Write and organize thoughts. Read, write, and problem-solve for 45 minutes or longer. Sèvi ak talan yo aprann yo epi itilize yo nan sitiyasyon pou rezoud pwoblèm reyalite chak jou yo. Rezoud pwoblèm ki gen anpil etap. Konprann e itilize enfòmasyon yo. Jwenn lide prensipal nan lekti. Ekri e òganize panse yo. Li, ekri e rezoud pwoblèm pandan yon peryòd 45 minit ou plis.
12 Throughout the Year Diran Tout Lane a You can use everyday opportunities throughout the year to ensure your child’s FCAT success. Just small amounts of time can reap enormous benefits. Make the most of the time you already have. A little bit of time over the long haul makes all the difference. Use everyday opportunities to build reading vocabulary, reading comprehension, problem solving skills and math skills. Ou ka itilize opòtinite chak jou yo diran tout lane a pou rasire w siksè pitit ou nan tès FCAT. Ti tan tou piti sèlman kapab bay anpil benefis. Tire tout pwofi w kapab nan tan w genyen an. Se ti tan ou toujou pataje a k’ap rive fè tout diferans lan pi lwen. Itilize opòtinite chak jou yo pou w konstwi vokabilè nan lekti, pou w konprann sa w li, pou bati talan nan rezoud pwoblèm ak talan nan matematik.
13 Questioning Poze Keksyon Two kinds of questions: Lower Order: “What is the color of the animal in the picture?” (fact/meaning/definition) Higher Order: “How does the animal’s coloring help him stay safe?” (concept/explanation/example) 2 kalite keksyon: Pa Twò Difisil: “Ki koulè bèt ki nan imaj la?” (reyalite/sa bagay la ye/definisyon) Keksyon difisil: “Kouman koulè bèt la ede l pwoteje tèt li?” (konsèp/eksplikasyon/egzanp)
14 Questioning Poze Keksyon Questioning Poze Keksyon Easy ways to ask Higher Order questions during everyday opportunities: Why did…? Why do you think…? What if…? How would you…? How do you know…? How are…alike/different? How did/does…? Which is better…? Why? Mwayen fasil pou poze keksyon Difisil nan sitiyasyon chak jou yo: Se te pou ki sa…? Pou ki sa w panse…? E si…? Kouman w ta…? Kouman w fè konnen…? Ki sa ki fè … sanble/ diferan? Kouman…? Ki lès ki pi bon…? Pou ki sa?
Simple Ideas Lide Senp Doing Laundry: Let your child help sort some of the laundry and explain his reasoning. Ask your child to determine the size of the load of clothes and the appropriate amount of detergent that should be used. How long will it take the clothes to wash? To dry? What water temperature should be used? Why? At the laundromat, how much will it cost to wash and dry one load of the clothes? All the clothes? Aktivite fè Lesiv ak Pitit ou: Kite pitit ou ede nan fè kèk nan lesiv yo epi eksplike rezonnaman li. Mande pitit ou pou li wè kantite yon pake rad peze e ki kantite savon oswa fab yo dwe itilize pou lave rad sa yo. Ki kantite tan rad la yo pran pou yo lave?¿Pou yo seche? Ki tanperati dlo lesiv la dwe genyen? ¿Pou ki sa? Nan kote w’al fè lesiv la, konbe kòb sa koute pou w lave ak seche yon pakèt rad ?Tout rad yo?
16 Simple Ideas Lide Senp Doctor’s Office: What time do we need to leave in order to be on time for the appointment? How long (do we need/did we have) to wait to see the doctor? Why do we usually have to wait past our appointment time to see the doctor? Make use of the wait time to read, complete a crossword puzzle, or play a game. Nan Klinik Doktè a: A ki lè pou nou soti pou nou ka rive a lè nan randevou doktè a?A ki lè pou nou soti pou nou ka rive a lè nan randevou doktè a? Ki kantite tan nou dwe/nou te dwe tann anvan pou nou te wè doktè a? Pou ki sa nou dwe abityèlman tann jis apre lè nou te gen randevou a anvan nou wè doktè a? Itilize tan w’ap tann nan pou w li, jwe mo kwaze oswa fè jwèt.
17 Simple Ideas Lide Senp Grocery Shopping: Let your child help you by finding the items on your grocery list and cross them off as you put them in the cart. Read and discuss the labels on products, checking out the ingredients and nutritional information. Have your child put items on the counter the way they should be bagged (frozen items, produce, dry goods, etc.). Why are certain items placed near the check-out counter such as gum, candy bars, and magazines? How much will we save using coupons? Nan Fè Mache: Kite pitit ou ede w jwenn sa w gen nan lis ou pou w achte epi pase trè sou chak sa w jwenn ou mete nan panye a. Li epi reflechi sou etikèt ki sou pwodui w’ap achte yo, verifye engredyan ak enfòmasyon nitritif ki sou yo. Fè pitit ou mete sa ou achte yo sou kontwa a nan jan yo dwe mete yo nan sache (bagay glase, fwi ak legim, bagay sèk). Mande pitit ou pou ki sa yo mete yon seri atik tankou chiklèt, bagay dous, revi magazin tou pre kontwa a kote w’ap peye sa w’achte yo. Ki kantite lajan n’ap ekonomize lè nou itilize koupon yo?
18 Simple Ideas Lide Senp Riding in the Car: Predict how long it will take to get to the destination and compare to how long it actually took. Talk with your child about landmarks on the route. What is an alternate route to get to the destination? Which route is the most efficient? Create a traveling backpack. Include things like paper, maps, books/magazines, pencils, markers, calculator and activity books. Lè w ‘ap Vwayaje nan Machin nan: Prevwa ki kantite tan l’ap pran pou w rive kote w prale a epi konpare li ak kantite tan li pran vrèman pou w rive. Pale ak pitit ou sou pwen repè ki sou wout la. Ki lòt wout ki genyen pou nou ale kote nou prale a? Ki wout ki pi efikas? Prepare yon sak vwayaj. Mete ladann bagay tankou papye, plan wout la, liv/revi magazin, kreyon, makè (plim fet), kalkilatris ak liv ki gen aktivite.
19 Simple Ideas Lide Senp Riding in the car: Play songs that teach sounds/letters/words, math or other educational concepts. Print MapQuest for your destination. Ask your child to follow along with the map while you drive. Play an audio book on tape or CD. Have your child read aloud to you. Lè W’ap Vwayaje nan Machin nan: Pase mizik ki anseye sou son/lèt/mo, matematik oswa lòt konsèp edikatif. Fè kopi MapQuest pou kote w prale a. Mande pitit ou pou li suiv plan direksyon wout la pandan w’ap kondi. Pase kasèt oswa CD yon liv pandan w’ap kondi a. Fè pitit ou li fò pou ou.
20 READING LEKTI Support your child’s reading interest by providing a variety of reading materials. Support your child’s reading level by helping her choose books that are appropriate for her level. Have family reading time where everyone reads. Read together and individually. Use sticky notes and sticky flags to write or mark interesting or difficult words or concepts in the text to talk about later. Bay pitit ou divès kalite materyèl lekti pou w ka entèrese l fè lekti. Ede pitit ou chwazi liv ki kòrèk pou nivo li pou w ka ede l monte nivo lekti li. Rezève tan pou fanmi an fè lekti kote chak moun ap li. Li ansanm epi apre sa, chak moun ap gen pou yo li youn apre lòt. Itilize ti nòt kolan ak ti drapo kolan pou w ekri oswa make mo ki enteresan oswa ki difisil, oswa konsèp nan tèks la pou nou ka reflechi sou yo pi devan.
21 READING LEKTI How to Choose “Just Right” Books 1.Look at the cover. 2.Read the title and the author. 3.Read the blurb in the back. 4.Flip through the book. 5.Read the first page. 6.Use the 5 Finger Rule. 0-1 Fingers—Too Easy 2-3 Fingers—Just Right 4-5 Fingers—Too Hard Kouman pou Chwazi Liv “Kòrèk” yo 1.Gade kouvèti liv la 2.Li tit la ak moun ki ekri liv la 3.Li pwopagann ki nan do liv la. 4.Ouvè paj liv la. 5.Li premye paj la 6.Itilize règ 5 dwèt la. 0-1- Twò fasil 2-3- Se Byen 4-5- Twò difisil
22 WRITING EKRITI Have your child: Write in a daily journal or diary. Write letters or emails to friends. Write out errand lists and schedules for chores, appointments, and after school activities. Set up a writing station at home with scrap paper, pens, markers, pencils, stapler, tape, scissors and magazines. Encourage your child to write their own version of favorite stories and poems. (Ex: The book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar could become The Very Hungry Tadpole.) Fè pitit ou: Ekri eksperyans li nan yon ti jounal chak jou. Ekri lèt oswa email pou voye bay zanmi li. Ekri lis sa li fè ak orè ti travay li gen pou fè yo, randevou ak aktivite li apre klas. Ranje yon atelye ekriti lakay la ak moso papye, plim, makè, kreyon, klipsè, adezif, sizo ak revi magazin. Ankouraje pitit ou pou li ekri pwòp vèsyon istwa ak powèm li pi renmen. (Ex: Liv, The Very Hungry Caterpillar could become The Very Hungry Tadpole.)
23 MATH MATEMATIK Make math fun! Read fun math books. Play cards, number games and puzzles. Read and interpret charts and graphs in the newspaper. Determine how far you will be able to drive with the amount of gas in the tank. Find measuring opportunities. -Have your child help with cooking, reading the recipes and measuring the ingredients. -Keep a growth chart. Amize w ak matematik! Li liv matematik ki amizan. Jwe kat ak jwèt pasyans. Li e entèprete tablo ak graf nan jounal yo. Wè jis kote ou ka rive ak kantite gaz ki nan tank ou. Chache bagay pou w montre pitit ou mezire. -Fè pitit ou ede nan fè manje, li resèt ak mezire engredyan yo. Kenbe yon dyagram kwasans sou jan l’ap grandi.
24 MATH MATEMATIK Let your child handle money. Have him estimate change due back. Help him check by counting it back. Create written schedules together and let your child be responsible for telling time. Let your child practice using a pocket calculator. Use it at the store to check predictions about the total. Kite pitit ou sèvi ak lajan. Kite l wè ki kantite monnen yo dwe remèt ou lè w fin achte. Ede l evalye l pandan l’ap konte a lanvè. Kreye orè ekri ansanm ak pitit ou epi kite l pran responsablite pou l kontwole lè a. Kite pitit ou pratike pandan l’ap itilize yon kalkilatris pòch yo. Itilize l nan magazen an pou w prevwa ki total sa w’ap achte yo.
25 Science Syans Science is not just a collection of facts. It is a way of thinking that includes these components: Observing-Help your children notice small details. “What shapes do you see in the spider web?” Classifying-Find opportunities for your child to put things into groups, such as sorting socks, their toys, canned goods. Predicting-Ask “What might happen if…?” questions and then test them when appropriate. “How long do you think that ice cube will last sitting on the counter?” Quantifying-Find everyday opportunities to quantify. “Who is the shortest person in the family?” “Whose bedroom is bigger?” Syans se pa sèlman yon koleksyon bagay reyèl. Se yon mwayen refleksyon ki gen ladann bagay sa yo : Obsève-Ede pitit ou fè remak sou ti detay yo.. “Ki fòm ou wè nan twal zariyen an?” Klase-Jwenn sitiyasyon pou pitit ou pou li gwoupe bagay yo, tankou mete chosèt ansanm, jwèt yo, manje nan ti bwat yo. Prevwa-Mande l “Ki sa ki ka rive si…?”poze keksyon epi verifye repons yo lè li aplikab. “Pandan konbe tan ou panse ti kare glas sa a ap rete nan kontwa a?” Wè ki Gwosè-Chache sitiyasyon nan lavi chak jou pou w chache kantite. “Ki lès ki pi kout nan fanmi an?” “Chanm ki moun ki pi gwo?”
26 Science Syans Look for opportunities for your child to collect things from nature to observe and investigate. Encourage your child to take things apart such as old toys, clocks, and broken small appliances. (Don’t forget about safety.) Read and DISCUSS science related books and magazines together. Help your child learn how to use the text features: illustrations/photographs, table of contents, index, glossary, captions, charts, maps, tables, and graphs to better understand the information. Chache sitiyasyon pou pitit ou kolekte bagay nan lanati pou li obsève ak envestige. Ankouraje pitit ou pou li separe bagay tankou jwèt ansyen, revèy ak ti materyèl ki kase yo. (Pa bliye pwoteje tèt ou ak moso materyèl sa yo). Li e REFLECHI sou liv syans ak revi magazin ansanm. Ede pitit ou aprann kouman pou l itilize karakteristik tèks la:: ilistrasyon/foto, tab matyè, lis chapit yo, kontni, lejann tèks la, dyagram, plan, tablo ak graf, yon fason pou li ka konprann enfòmasyon an pi byen.
27 Science Syans Science Syans Watch and discuss the weather station and science related television shows together as a family. Check for local science workshops, camps, nature walks or other science related programs. Visit local attractions that teach science concepts such as science museums, planetariums, aquariums and zoos. Experiment with cooking, mixing paints, and creative activities such as paper mache. Se pou tout fanmi an chita ansanm devan televizyon pou gade e reflechi sou enfòmasyon y’ap bay sou tan an ak prezantasyon sou lasyans. Chache atelye travay nan zòn ou k’ap fèt sou lasyans, kan y’ap òganize, pwomnad nan lanati oswa lòt pwogram ki konsènen lasyans. Vizite aktivite nan zòn ou k’ap òganize sou lasyans tankou mize syans, planèt, akwaryòm ak kote yo mete tout bèt Fè eksperyans nan fè manje, melanje penti ak kreye aktivite tankou papye mache (papye kraze).
28 LET’S TRY! ANN ESEYE! LET’S TRY! ANN ESEYE! Two sample FCAT questions: 8 th Grade Reading 3 rd Grade Math For more sample questions visit: 2 egzanp keksyon FCAT 8èm Ane Lekti 3èm Ane Matematik Pou plis egzanp keksyon, vizite
29 TELEVISION…It does not have to be the enemy of education! TELEVIZYON... Li pa dwe lèlmi edikasyon! Use the TV Guide and schedule quality programs to be watched during the week. Watch programs together and make it interactive. Remember, talking builds vocabulary which supports comprehension and problem solving skills. “What do you think will happen next?” “Do you think what that character did was right?” “Why or why not?” Itilize gid televizyon an e pwogram emisyon ki gen kalite pou w gade pandan semèn nan Gade pwogram yo ansanm e reflechi sou yo ansanm. Pa bliye, pale a ede w bati vokabilè ki ede konpreyansyon w ak talan w gen pou rezoud pwoblèm. " Ki sa w panse ki pral pase apre?" “Èske w panse moun sa a te byen fè ? " Pou ki sa wi oswa pou ki sa non?"
30 VIDEO GAME VIDEO GAME JWÈT VIDEYO Video games require problem solving skills to advance from one level to the next level. Have your child write and/or illustrate a story about characters from the game and describe the characters’ personalities. Ask questions about strategies used to win the games. “How do you get to the next level?” Jwèt videyo mande talan pou rezoud pwoblèm pou w avanse soti nan yon nivo pou ale nan yon lòt. Fè pitit ou ekri e/oswa detaye yon istwa sou karaktè ki nan jwèt videyo a, kidonk yon patisipan, epi detaye pèsonalite karaktè sa a. Poze keksyon sou ki estrateji li itilize pou genyen jwèt la : “Kouman w fè pou w rive nan lòt nivo a? “
31 Before the Test Anvan Egzamen an Make sure your child: Arrives at school on time. Gets a good night’s sleep. Eats a healthy breakfast. Knows you care! Make sure you: Encourage your child. Keep a positive attitude. Talk and listen to your child. Provide time for relaxation and exercise. Review test taking strategies with your child. Rasire w pitit ou a: Rive nan lekòl la a lè. Li te byen dòmi nan aswè. Li pran yon dejne ki bon pou lasante Li konnen ou enterese nan travay li! Rasire w ou: Ankouraje pitit ou. Ou gade yon atitid pozitif. Pale e tande pitit ou. Ba li tan pou li detann li e pou l fè egzèsis. Repase estrateji egzamen yo ak pitit ou.
32 TEST TAKING STRATEGIES ESTRATEJI POU PRAN YON TÈS Make sure to read and follow all directions. Reread if necessary. Do not spend too much time on any one question. If the question is too difficult, skip it and come back to it later. If you are still not sure of the correct answer, make your best guess. Do not leave any questions unanswered. Rasire w ou li e suiv tout eksplikasyon. Reli si nesesè. Pa pase twòp tan nan okenn keksyon. Si keksyon an twò difisil, kite l epi ou va retounen sou li apre. Si w toujou pa klè sou ki repons ki kòrèk, fè devinèt ladann e pran repons ou kwè ki pi bon an. Pa kite okenn keksyon san repons.
33 TEST TAKING STRATEGIES ESTRATEJI POU PRAN YON TÈS On multiple choice questions, avoid the temptation to choose an answer until you have read and thought about the choices. On multiple choice questions, eliminate the answers that you know are wrong, then make your best guess. Nan keksyon chwa miltip yo, pa kouri al chwazi okenn repons san w pa li e reflechi sou tout repons yo. Nan keksyon chwa miltip yo, elimine repons ou konnen ki pa bon yo, apre sa nan rès ki rete yo, chwazi sa w kwè ki pi bon an.
34 TEST TAKING STRATEGIES ESTRATEGIAS PARA TOMAR UN EXAMEN If you have time, reread to be sure you are satisfied with your answer choices. Be especially careful to check math work since computation errors are sometimes made. When you are finished, check to see you have not skipped any questions. Si gen tan ki rete, reli repons ou yo pou wè si tout kòrèk. Sitou fè anpil atansyon pou verifye kalkil matematik yo, paske pafwa moun komèt erè nan kalkil yo. Lè w fini, verifye pou wè si pa gen keksyon w te kite san repons.
35 WINNING AT HOME GENYEN LAKAY LA Start by making learning a priority. Show interest in school work. Support 100% attendance. Look for everyday opportunities to have frequent conversations and listen attentively. Ask higher order questions at every opportunity. READ, READ, READ!!! Make it FUN! FUN! FUN!! Koumanse fè aprantisaj tounen yon priyorite. Montre w enterese nan devwa lekòl yo. Sipòte 100% prezans nan lekòl la. Chache sitiyasyon nan lavi chak jou pou w fè konvèsasyon souvan epi koute avèk atansyon. Poze keksyon ki difisil nan chak sitiyasyon. LI,LI,LI!!! Fè lekti a AMIZAN! AMIZAN! AMIZAN!
36 Please Complete Evaluation Tanpri Fin Fè Egzamen an 3500 E. Fletcher Ave., Suite 301 Tampa, FL 33613 Toll Free: 866-775-8661 Fax: 813-396-9925 The Florida PIRC at USF
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