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G REAT E XPECTATIONS L ITERARY D EVICES. S IMILE A figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things, usually by employing the words "like" or.

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Presentation on theme: "G REAT E XPECTATIONS L ITERARY D EVICES. S IMILE A figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things, usually by employing the words "like" or."— Presentation transcript:


2 S IMILE A figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as" – also, but less commonly, "than”

3 M ETAPHOR Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two unlike things. A metaphor suggests that one thing is another thing, or is equal to another thing.

4 P OLYSYNDETON The process of using conjunctions or connecting words frequently in a sentence, placed very close to one another, as opposed to the usual norm of using them sparsely, only where they are technically needed.

5 M OOD The atmosphere that the author creates in a literary work with the intention of evoking a certain emotion or feeling from the audience. In drama, mood may be created by sets and music as well as words; in poetry and prose, mood may be created by a combination of such elements as SETTING, VOICE, TONE and THEME.

6 I RONY the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; or, incongruity between what is expected and what actually happens

7 ANAPHORA the repetition of the words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences To think on death it is a misery, To think on life it is a vanity; To think on the world verily it is, To think that here man hath no perfect bliss. –Peacham

8 F ORESHADOWING Hints or clues; a shadow of things to come. May be indicated by a word, phrase, or sentence to indicate what is going to occur. Stimulates reader interest, adds suspense and helps prepare the reader for the outcome.

9 A SYNDETON When the author purposely leaves out conjunctions in the sentence. This compact version helps in creating an immediate impact whereby the reader is instantly attuned to what the writer is trying to convey. Use of this literary device helps in creating a strong impact and such sentences have greater recall worth since the idea is presented in a nutshell.

10 H YPERBOLE Figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or to create a comic effect. Overstatement– to intensify a description or to emphasize the essential nature of something

11 S ATIRE Type of writing that ridicules something– a person, a group of people, humanity at large, an attitude or failing, a social institution– in order to reveal a weakness.

12 S ETTING The time, place, and atmosphere in which the story takes place.

13 T HEME Central idea, or message, of a work of literature. The idea the writer wishes to reveal about the subject. Universal Stated in a complete sentence.

14 M OTIVATION A character’s incentive or reason for behaving in a certain manner, that which impels a character to act

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