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Welcome to GCC Chemistry Day Polymers Polymers A polymer is a large molecule formed by chemically linking together many simpler molecules, which are.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to GCC Chemistry Day Polymers Polymers A polymer is a large molecule formed by chemically linking together many simpler molecules, which are."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to GCC Chemistry Day Polymers

3 Polymers A polymer is a large molecule formed by chemically linking together many simpler molecules, which are monomers.

4 Polymers Natural polymers are found in natural systems. Cellulose, DNA, and proteins are examples.

5 Polymers Synthetic polymers are human made (not naturally occurring) and are often referred to as plastics.

6 Polymers Polymers are found in many products that we use every day. Garbage bags  insulated foam cups  milk jugs  toothpaste tubes  sandwich bags  fast food containers  shoe strings  junk food bags  soda bottles  motor oil bottles  plastic forks and spoons  shampoo bottles  shoe string tips  food wraps  disposable razors  egg cartons  thread spools  margarine tubs  disposable diapers  coffee stirrers  insulation  caulking  beverage boxes  shrink wrap  bubble pack  Silly String®  Silly Putty®  Slime®  cellophane tape  epoxy glue  Super Glue®  dish pan  pens  plastic glasses and cups  plastic dishes  Teflon cookware  food storage containers  comb  brush  toothbrush  ceiling light covers  table tops  chair seat  carpet  refrigerator  telephone  floor tile  synthetic fabrics for clothing  rubber shoe soles  bicycle and auto paint  bicycle and automotive tires  windshield  dashboard  floor mat  vinyl top  bicycle hand grips  reflector  shoe box  sweater box  vinyl wall covering  sunglasses  glasses  compacts  contact lenses  pencil cases  lipstick tubes  chapstick tubes  hair spray  windbreaker  raincoat  pantyhose  galoshes  umbrella  rubber gloves  sweater  Nerf ball  Frisbee  snorkel  swim fins  wet suit  volleyball and net  basketball  racquetball  tennis ball  tennis racquet and strings  guitar strings  balloons  rubber band  credit card  radio  computers  watch faces  safety glasses  false teeth  hearing aids  lunch box  coffee mug  thermos bottle  lunch tray  flower pot  supermarket meat trays  microwave cookware  lawn chair  welcome mat  Astroturf®  Velcro  thread  wig  false eyelashes  surfboards  parachute  sailboat  sail  football helmet  football pads  cleats  football  hockey puck  buttons  erasers  Pontiac Fiero®  Corvette®  Honda CRX®  gears  Lucite sculpture  playing cards  floor ‘wax’  furniture polish  sousaphone  clarinet  flute  recorder  CDs  audiotapes  videotapes  DVDs  computer discs  luggage  typewriter  Mylar balloon  flea collar  index tabs  life raft  model plane  model car  jewelry  colorforms  pacifier  baby bottles  baby rattles  cushions  foam rubber pillow  pillow case  exercise mat  photographic film  photographs  decorative fruit  plastic flowers  mannequins  street signs  store signs  book bag  school desk  science lab counter top  backpack  ruler  protractor  overhead projector  transparencies  movie film  slides  dust brush  test tube brushes  rubber tubing  Tygon® tubing  test tube rack  fishing line  tackle box  weed whacker  sneakers  vitamin capsules  sofa  safety glass  sponge  seat cushion  particle board  hair dryer  boat  lifesaver  hair curler  ping-pong balls  tent  windshield wipers  shower doors  electrical tape  folding door  bubble gum  tent  house paint  ice chest  car battery  toilet seats  water pipes  zipper  camera  piano  band-aid  mop  curtains  pot handle  tent peg  plywood  picture frames  yarn  rope  shoe polish  fan belt  paint brush  vinyl siding  checkers  flag  rubber ducky  puppet  earphones  ice cube trays  hang gliders  sandals  skateboard wheels  ashtray  coaster  whistle  patio screens  trash cans  wallet  motorcycle helmets  microfilm  extension cords  sun visors  Venetian blinds  butane lighters  trophies 

7 Polymers The riddles below give you little hints about some products that are made with polymers. Take a guess at what the product might be. You'll soon find out that polymers are everywhere!

8 They're in a line and rolling fine! Polymers


10 This one sounds like a winner!


12 Polymers Give it a throw and watch it go!


14 Polymers It's the talk of the town!


16 Polymers The faster they spin, you're more likely to win!


18 Polymers They've got you covered!


20 Polymers Many monomer molecules of A, 1000 to 1 million, linked together to form a gigantic polymeric molecule: Many A  etc.–A-A-A-A-A-A–etc. monomer polymer molecules molecules

21 Polymers are a bit like Spaghetti

22 Polymers The Baby does not cry because this is dry!

23 Polymers Thank you for joining us today to celebrate Chemistry Day.

24 Polymers Monomers that are different can also be linked to form a polymer with an alternating structure. This type of structure is called a copolymer. Many A + Many B  etc.–A-B-A-B-A-B–etc. monomerpolymer moleculesmolecule

25 Polymers

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