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Reducing Violence & Alcohol Harm : Sharing ED Data Clare Charlton, Project Manager, Violence & Alcohol Harm Reduction, Department of Health – London DI.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing Violence & Alcohol Harm : Sharing ED Data Clare Charlton, Project Manager, Violence & Alcohol Harm Reduction, Department of Health – London DI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing Violence & Alcohol Harm : Sharing ED Data Clare Charlton, Project Manager, Violence & Alcohol Harm Reduction, Department of Health – London DI John Cushion, Proactive Team, Metropolitan Police Service, Newham

2 Aims For Today Who are we? National / Regional / Local Strategies Why Health? Is Violence a problem for Health? When, Where, Who, and Why? Examples of where it works

3 Health World Health Organisation defines violence as: “The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation” WHO (2002), “World Report on Violence and Health” World Health Organisation, Geneva.

4 Health Implications Using WHO Definition:

5 National Commitment The Government’s Coalition Agreement states: “We will make hospitals share non-confidential information with the police so they know where gun and knife crime is happening and can target stop and search in gun and knife crime hotspots.” HM Government (2010) “The Coalition: Our Programme for Government”

6 “I live in Fulham and Friday and Saturday night you are dodging drunks and piles of vomit and it isn’t nice. I’d like to see more police on the beat at those times, alongside people who can help those who have a real problem with alcohol” LDD Attendee, December 2009 “There’s a lot of violence on the streets now, with drunk people coming out of pubs and clubs looking for aggro” LDD Attendee, December 2009 “I’d like to see the police and local authorities working much more closely together on things like licensing, so we don’t get the situation where there are too many pubs and clubs clustered in one place.” LDD Attendee, December 2009

7 ED Data Sharing and beyond: Responding to London People; Acting on needs; Reviewing what works for different parts of London; Local strategies based on Local Problems; Pan-London Data Sharing Problem solving locally with regional implication; Creating a public health response to violence; Understanding that violence can be treated as a disease;

8 The London Experience Basis for the Model: Started with the Cardiff Model, then….. RPHG-L lead data sharing development London Drink Debate Healthcare Led Models Policing Led Models CSP Led Models Joint working! Making it work for London, Working together for a safer London

9 Why Share Data from ED? 869 (62%) victims 327 (23%) victims 207 (15%) victims HOSPITALPOLICE 1403 (100%) victims Violence in Denmark (Faergemann 2006)

10 Hospital data can supplement police data. For instance not all stabbing incidents are reported to the police Hospital admissions for stab wounds compared with police recorded knife crime incidents Together, hospital data and police data provide a more comprehensive picture of crime than could be obtained from either series alone Using A and E data

11 NEW DATA - ESSENTIAL Assault Type Assault location Body Part Weapon Pushed Unknown Body Part Fist Feet Head Other Weapon Glass Bottle Knife Blunt object Gun Other Bar/pub Club Street Own home Someone else’s home Workplace Other Free text facility to give specific details of location EXISTING DATA Age & gender Postcode of Residence Incident Type Assault Date & time of assault What data are we sharing?

12 What are we doing with the data? Targeted Policing Licensing Guidance Tackling under-age sales Tackling Knife sales Identification of hot spots Working with the pubs, clubs and fast food outlets Healthcare and licensing Violence prevention mechanisms (Home and Street Drinking) ASB control and prevention Major Events mapping Anything else?

13 Plotting incidents onto a map gives a visual representation of the crimes taking place across an area This can lead to the identification of hotspots This intelligence can help focus resource targeting, such as places that would benefit from CCTV or a stationed police car or paramedic at specific times How do we use the data?

14 Newham After Dark: Policing Perspective

15 And this is what we can use the data for: Before….. Leads to …..

16 Following Intervention

17 The Focus Building / Brimstone House E15 Previously a crime generator 210 rooms to house the vulnerable Partnership approach Environmental changes Diversion activity Suitability to reside Scheme

18 Results & Activity 60 percent reduction in GBH offences directly linked to pubs and clubs year to year Alcohol related assaults down 52 percent in Hotspots Back to Basics and Eyes for Detail Chicken Shops tackled Troublesome night clubs tackled (e.g. Club Ashiana, the rex) Action plans for problem premises placed with license holders Addressing alcohol culture in new communities; Partnership working, developing new allegiances; Cumulative Impact Policy In Progress; One club closed due to potential for gang violence; Off-licenses tackled

19 Clare Charlton Project Manager, Violence and Alcohol Regional Public Health Group - London 2 nd Floor, Long Spur Richmond House, 79 Whitehall London, SW1A 2NS T: 0207 210 6256 M: 07766 298 014 E-Mail: Detective Inspector John Cushion Proactive Licensing Team Metropolitan Police Service London Borough of Newham M: 07795 451 766 T: E-Mail:

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