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How do plants change as they grow? Click to listen to story.

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Presentation on theme: "How do plants change as they grow? Click to listen to story."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do plants change as they grow? Click to listen to story.

2 Small Group Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword
Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City-Voc. Spelling City-Amazing Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Match-Up

4 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words annual nutrients bury
adapt annual nutrients bury undisturbed ancient massive sprout

5 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Vocabulary Words fruit soil root harvest vine
Crossword Puzzle fruit soil root harvest vine bumpy smooth cycle wither tendrils

6 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin High Frequency Words live machines move woman
(Match It Game) everywhere live machines move woman work world

7 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

8 Big Question: How do plants change as they grow?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Monday
Morning Warm-Up People change as they grow older. Animals change too. How do plants change as they grow?

10 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Monday
Morning Warm-Up People change as they grow older. Animals change too. How do plants change as they grow?

11 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Vowels oo, u Fact and Opinion Ask Questions Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape

12 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words

13 adapt a – dapt When things adapt, they change to fit new situations or surroundings. The plant had to adapt to a bigger pot. The dog had to adapt to its new home. The families adapt well to living in a different country.

14 annual an – nu - al Something that happens one time a year is an annual event. A plant that lives only one year or season is called an annual. We have an annual Fourth of July parade in our city. We have an annual family reunion in August.

15 nutrients nu – tri - ents
Nutrients are things like proteins, vitamins, and minerals that people, animals, or plants need in order to grow and be healthy. When you eat healthy food, you get a lot of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables have many nutrients in them.

16 Click to listen to “An Annual Event.”

17 Vowels oo, u pup What vowel sound do you hear in this word?
Today we’ll learn that the vowels oo and u can stand for the sound of oo as in book.

18 book The letters oo can stand for the vowel sound in book or in moon. Context provides the clue to pronunciation. cook stood hook foot wood good shook took

19 The letter u can stand for short u or the vowel sound in book
The letter u can stand for short u or the vowel sound in book. Context provides the clue to pronunciation. put push full

20 Vowels oo, u pull The u in this word stands for the /u/ sound.
Are the vowels sounds the same in pup and in pull?

21 Vowels oo, u cook full wood push July took bull bush crook hoof sugar
stood bush crook hoof sugar hood

22 Making Words o, o, u b, f, h, k, l, l, p, r, s, w

23 Vowels oo, u wool number bulldog bullet book footstep pudding full
woodpile must brook overlook number bullet footstep full wooden textbook sudden

24 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

25 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Word Family Word – beg (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends leg Meg peg dreg Greg

26 Word Family Word – beg dreg leg peg

27 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Word Family Word – berry (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends ferry merry Perry Terry Sherry cherry

28 Word Family Word – berry
ferry cherry merry ferry cherry merry

29 Fact and Opinion Recall that when Abigail moved to a new home, she and her father had different opinions about the move. An opinion is what someone thinks or feels. A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is a statement that cannot be proven true or false because it tells ideas or feelings.

30 Ask Questions Active readers often ask questions about the sentences they read. They might ask if a sentence is a fact or an opinion.


32 Mike stood on a huge rock. put your cap on the hook
Daily Fix-It mike stod on a huge rok Mike stood on a huge rock. put your cap on the hook Put your cap on the hook.

33 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
An adjective describes a person, place, animal, or thing. Adjectives can tell how something looks, sounds, tastes, feels, or smells. Words for number, size, and shape are adjectives. The words a and an are also adjectives.

34 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
A sunflower has small seeds. The word a describes how many sunflowers—one. Small describes the size of the seeds.

35 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers.

36 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers. Sunflowers are tall plants.

37 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers. Sunflowers are tall plants. Seeds grow in large heads.

38 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers. Sunflowers are tall plants. Seeds grow in large heads. Tina took out oval seeds.

39 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers. Sunflowers are tall plants. Seeds grow in large heads. Tina took out oval seeds. She filled five bags with seeds.

40 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Tina planted ten sunflowers. Sunflowers are tall plants. Seeds grow in large heads. Tina took out oval seeds. She filled five bags with seeds.

41 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape

42 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten

43 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten tall

44 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten tall large

45 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten tall large oval

46 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten five tall large oval

47 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Sort these words: ten, tall, large, oval, five, round
Describe Number Describe Size Describe Shape ten five tall large oval round

48 Wrap Up Your Day! Vowels oo, u Spelling /u/ words Fact and Opinion
Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about how a plant changes as it grows.

49 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Monday
Journal Topic Write about something you do that is an annual event.

50 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Tuesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about pumpkins. In four months, they grow from tiny seeds to large, round fruits. What else grows from seeds?

51 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Tuesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about pumpkins. In four months, they grow from tiny seeds to large, round fruits. What else grows from seeds?

52 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Tuesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about pumpkins. In four months, they grow from tiny seeds to large, round fruits. What else grows from seeds?

53 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Vowels oo, u Vocabulary Words Homonyms Context Clues Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape

54 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words

55 bury bur - y When you put something in a hole under the ground, you bury it. The pirates bury treasure. The buried bulbs will bloom into tulips in the spring. The workers bury all the cable lines along the street.

56 undisturbed un – dis – turbed
If something is not bothered or not moved from its normal place or situation, it is undisturbed. Fred took an undisturbed nap on the couch. The new garden was undisturbed by the pets. The baby rabbits rested undisturbed in their nest in the grass.

57 ancient an - cient Very old things are ancient.
Events that happened more than 2,000 years ago are ancient. The pyramids of Egypt are ancient structures.

58 Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out
Read-Aloud Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out

59 Vowels oo, u look You can read this word because you know how to read words with the sound oo/u/. When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right, and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself, and then read the word.

60 Vowels oo, u bushy understood shook bullfrog push fully bullet
football bushy understood shook bullfrog hood push fully bullet notebook

61 Click to listen to “A Good Seed.”

62 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo, or u in “A Good Seed.”
nook put root brook full wood stood

63 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

64 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Word Family Word – but (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends cut gut hut jut mutt nut put rut shut strut

65 Word Family Word – but cut gut hut jut shut nut mutt rut strut

66 Making Words o, o, u b, d, g, h, k, l, l, p, s, w

67 Vowels oo, u The cook put the wood in the pit.
I wore a hood when I stood by the brook. Do not push or pull that big hook!

68 Build Background: A Life Cycle

69 Vocabulary Words soil – top layer of Earth’s surface
fruit – part of a plant that contains seeds soil – top layer of Earth’s surface root – part of a plant that takes in water and holds the plant in place harvest – to gather crops vine – a plant with a long, thin stem bumpy – covered with high spots or lumps smooth – flat or even cycle – a series of actions that happen in the same order wither – to dry up tendrils – a slender, curling part of a plant (next slide)

70 fruit

71 soil

72 root

73 harvest

74 vine

75 bumpy

76 cycle

77 wither

78 tendrils

79 Vocabulary Words put, cook, stood, full, wood, July, shook, push, pull, brook, hook, hood, pudding, cushion, footprint Which words name parts of a plant? root, vine Which word names this group: apple, orange, peach? fruit Which word names something that a farmer might do? harvest Which words tell how something feels? bumpy, smooth

80 Vocabulary Review fruit water harvest animals vine warm bumpy people
smooth ago

81 Context Clues There are strategies we can use when we come across words we don’t understand. We can look in a dictionary or glossary. We can get the meaning from word parts like the base word and prefix or ending. Sometimes we can look for context clues in the words and sentences around the unknown word. Today we will learn more about using context clues to find the meaning of a homonym.


83 Dad cut two pieces of wood. my birthday is in july
Daily Fix-It dad cut to pieces of wod Dad cut two pieces of wood. my birthday is in july My birthday is in July.

84 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Words for number, size, and shape are adjectives. The words a and an are also adjectives.

85 Wrap Up Your Day! Lesson Vocabulary Ask Questions Let’s Talk About It
Tomorrow we will discover more facts about pumpkin plants.

86 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Tuesday
Journal Topic Write about a plant you or someone you know has grown.

87 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read the book about Turtle. We will take a good look at how people help her as she grows. Who helps you as you grow?

88 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read the book about Turtle. We will take a good look at how people help her as she grows. Who helps you as you grow?

89 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Syllables: Consonant + le Vowels oo, u Antonyms Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape

90 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words

91 massive mas - sive Something is massive if it is extremely large.
An elephant has a massive body. A massive rock blocked the entrance to the cave.

92 sprout sprout A very young plant is a sprout.
When a plant begins growing from a seed it sprouts. The young bean sprout had little green leaves. A seed needs warmth and moisture before it will sprout.

93 Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out
Read-Aloud Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out

94 Syllables: Consonant + le
candle - can / dle You can read this word because you know how to read words with more than one syllable. If a word ends with a consonant and le, those three letters make the last syllable in the word. a / ble

95 Vocabulary Words What do people do during a harvest, plant crops or pick crops? Is soil something that hurts pumpkins or something that helps pumpkins grow? What can you do with fruit, eat it or water crops with it? What is a vine, a fall celebration or a plant with a long, slender stem?

96 Vocabulary Words What does the root of a pumpkin plant do, act like a big umbrella to protect the plant from the sun or bring food and water to the plant? Which is bumpy, a road with many holes and lumps in it or a road that is completely flat? Which is smooth, a pond where the water is still or a pond with many waves in it?

97 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

98 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Word Family Word – clean (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends bean dean lean mean wean glean

99 Word Family Word – clean
bean dean mean wean glean

100 Antonyms Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Name the antonyms in this sentence. Pumpkins can be bumpy or smooth, large or small, long or round. bumpy – smooth large – small long - round

101 the cok made a pumpkin pie The cook made a pumpkin pie.
Daily Fix-It the cok made a pumpkin pie The cook made a pumpkin pie. do you like puding. Do you like pudding?

102 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Nouns name people, places, animals, and things. Adjectives describe nouns. Adjectives tell how nouns sound, smell, feel, look, and taste. Adjectives also tell about the number, size, and shape of nouns.

103 Wrap Up Your Day! Fact and Opinion Fluency Let’s Talk About It
Tomorrow we will read a poem that explains how seeds know which way to grow.

104 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Wednesday
Journal Topic Write a descriptive paragraph about a smooth item.

105 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about how plants grow. Plants need roots, soil, and nutrients. What do you need to grow?

106 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about how plants grow. Plants need roots, soil, and nutrients. What do you need to grow?

107 Today we will learn about:
Review Amazing Words Vowels oo, u Fluency Adjective for Number, Size, and Shape Making an Announcement

108 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words annual nutrients bury
adapt annual nutrients bury undisturbed ancient massive sprout

109 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Vocabulary Words fruit soil root harvest vine
Crossword Puzzle fruit soil root harvest vine bumpy smooth cycle wither tendrils

110 Read-Aloud The Big Tree

111 Sentence Reading The bigger machines are the bulldozer and the pulley.
Mom’s baked pudding is tastier than any other in the world! Are you carrying those full boxes of books everywhere?

112 Sentence Reading This is the easiest way to move the pushcart at work.
Look for the woman who writes in the tiniest notebook. Do you live near the sparkling brook in the woods?

113 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

114 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Word Family Word – dig (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends big fig gig jig pig rig wig brig swig

115 Word Family Word – dig fig frog gig rig gig rig jig jig jig pig brig
swig jig jig jig pig brig wig brig


117 did You put away your game. Did you put away your game?
Daily Fix-It did You put away your game. Did you put away your game? brad shok my hand. Brad shook my hand.

118 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Words for number, size, and shape are adjectives. The words a and an are also adjectives.

119 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape

120 Speaking and Listening
Speakers: Speak in a clear voice. Speak slowly. Make eye contact with listeners. Use appropriate voice level. Tell all the information. Listeners: Sit quietly. Face the speaker. Listen to what the speaker says. Ask questions if you don’t understand part of the announcement.

121 Wrap Up Your Day! Make Connections: Text to World Let’s Talk About It
Today we read a poem about seeds. Tomorrow we will hear again about how plants grow from seeds.

122 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Thursday
Journal Topic Write about getting used to something new.

123 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Friday
Morning Warm-Up This week we read about plants. We learned about pumpkins and maple trees. We also learned about other seeds. How do seeds change as they grow into plants?

124 Today we will learn about:
Review Amazing Words Review Vocabulary Words Vowels oo, u Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape Circle Graph

125 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Amazing Words annual nutrients bury
adapt annual nutrients bury undisturbed ancient massive sprout

126 Read-Aloud The Big Tree

127 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Vocabulary Words fruit soil root harvest vine
Crossword Puzzle fruit soil root harvest vine bumpy smooth cycle wither tendrils

128 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the ____ so deep.

129 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a ____that it will keep.

130 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green ___.

131 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some ___ so firm and fine!

132 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some fruit so firm and fine! Some feel soft and ___ and flat.

133 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some fruit so firm and fine! Some feel soft and smooth and flat. Others feel rough and ___ and fat.

134 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some fruit so firm and fine! Some feel soft and smooth and flat. Others feel rough and bumpy and fat. But at ___ time we will pick and chat!

135 Vocabulary Words smooth, bumpy, root, vine, harvest, soil, fruit
I plant a seed in the soil so deep. It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some fruit so firm and fine! Some feel soft and smooth and flat. Others feel rough and bumpy and fat. But at harvest time we will pick and chat!

136 Rhyming Words I plant a seed in the soil so deep.
It will grow a root that it will keep. Out of the dirt grows a big green vine. It will bear some fruit so firm and fine! Some feel soft and smooth and flat. Others feel rough and bumpy and fat. But at harvest time we will pick and chat!

137 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Spelling Words Word Family Words put push
cook pull stood brook full hook wood footprint July pudding shook cushion hood Word Family Words beg berry but clean dig

138 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo or u.
Those children took all the cookies.

139 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo or u.
Those children took all the cookies. Our bulldog likes the sock on my foot!

140 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo or u.
Those children took all the cookies. Our bulldog likes the sock on my foot! Look at the crook get away!

141 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo or u.
Those children took all the cookies. Our bulldog likes the sock on my foot! Look at the crook get away! This is a good book.

142 Vowels oo, u Find the words with oo or u.
Those children took all the cookies. Our bulldog likes the sock on my foot! Look at the crook get away! This is a good book.

143 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin High Frequency Words everywhere live machines
(Match It Game) everywhere live machines move woman work world

144 the wagon is ful of pumpkins? The wagon is full of pumpkins.
Daily Fix-It the wagon is ful of pumpkins? The wagon is full of pumpkins. the strong wind shok My car. The strong wind shook my car.

145 Circle Graph A circle graph is a way of showing information. It is sometimes called a pie graph. We usually cut a pie into pieces before eating it. We also cut a circle graph into pieces to show information.

146 Circle Graph The entire circle stands for one whole.
Each section in the circle graph is part of the whole. When you see a large section, you know that it stands for a large part of the whole.

147 Circle Graph When you see a small section, you know that it stands for a small part of the whole. The words and numbers in the sections of the graph show what part of the whole each section is.

148 Let’s Talk About Our Changing World
Wrap Up Our Week! Let’s Talk About Our Changing World

149 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Friday
Journal Topic Write about a plant-growing contest.

150 Related Links Science Reader: All About Plants Desert Plants Plants
Saquaro Cactus

151 Discovery Streaming Videos
Growing Plants: Science in a School Garden (22:49) Plant Life Cycles (20:00) How Plants Grow (19:00) Debbie Greenthumb: How Plants Grow (12:59)

152 We are now ready to take our story tests.
Classroom webpage, Student page, Taking Tests AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #

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