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Smith System 5 Keys. Smith System 5 Keys The Unexpected Risk Becomes Greater Below identifies the rise in risk! Pedestrians (Aim high) Key 1 Distracted.

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2 Smith System 5 Keys

3 The Unexpected Risk Becomes Greater
Below identifies the rise in risk! Pedestrians (Aim high) Key 1 Distracted teenage drivers (no talking/texting while driving) Key 2 School zones (Get the big picture) Key 2 School buses you should always maintain a safe following/stopping distance (space cushion) Key 4 Young children darting between cars (keep eyes moving) Key 3

4 School Zones Signs Posted - Speeds Reduced
Be Aware (Keep Your Eyes Moving) New School Zones New Cross Guard Locations Reduced speed limits (some zones do not have flashing lights) Remember your distance/spacing while stopped at school zone Key 4 Don’t forget your “right” mirror – prime time for a bicyclist or child appear beside your unit Key 2 & 3 Currently States are reviewing the current fines and penalties and are proposing substantial increases in fines for violations which occur in school zones/bus

5 Bicycles and Children In 2009, more than 23,000 children ages 5 to 15 were injured and 250 killed by vehicles when they were struck while walking or bicycling. Not using Keys 1, 2 & 3. This represents25% of all children’s traffic fatalities and 15% of all children’s traffic injuries. Children especially younger children are less likely to look before they walk or bike across a street. That makes it even more important to pay attention to your surroundings. Keys 1,2 &3.

6 Slow Down for Buses Keeping safe distance between you and school buses are important. (Following distance) Always allow a little extra space between you and the school bus for sudden or abrupt stops (Cushion) Why should we never consider passing a school bus? You don’t know what side of the road children will be crossing to get on or off the bus. Key 3.

7 Inclement Weather When inclement weather appears traveling with extra caution becomes more important. Fog will be the hazardous weather condition to be prepared for this time of year. Dense fog in the early hours of the morning/late hours of the night adds to the challenges of operating commercial equipment on the roadways. Driving in fog is considered to be the most dangerous weather hazard because, it can become so thick that you have no line of vision. Key 3. A safe following distance is crucial in the fog, make sure that if you are in city limits that you are especially careful within school zones as children may not see or hear you coming. Key 1.

8 Distracted Driving With school coming back into full swing you don’t only need to look out for pedestrians and school zones, you also need to keep an eye out for distracted drivers. Key 2, & 3. Drivers that are under the age of 20 are the largest group of distracted drivers. So it is important now that school will be back in session that you watch out for young distracted drivers.

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