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TCEA 2013 February 7, 2013 Lisa Basile Jennifer Engels Lori Lambert Instructional Technology Specialist La Porte ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "TCEA 2013 February 7, 2013 Lisa Basile Jennifer Engels Lori Lambert Instructional Technology Specialist La Porte ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCEA 2013 February 7, 2013 Lisa Basile Jennifer Engels Lori Lambert Instructional Technology Specialist La Porte ISD

2 TodaysMeet- Questions

3 Our CSCOPE History We are in our 5 th year of implementation. District wide initiative K through 12 Lessons based primarily on Performance Indicators in the IFD

4 Kindergarten Unit 3 Describing Relative Positions and Patterns Pattern PowerPoint Pattern Book Unit 3 Describing Relative Positions and Patterns Pattern PowerPoint Pattern Book Create a repeating pattern using paper clips to represent an ABBC core. Extend the same pattern using pattern blocks. Orally identify the repeating component within the pattern and explain why the same pattern can be created using different objects. Unit 7 Operations: Sums and Minuends to 10 Unit 7 Operations: Sums and Minuends to 10 Create a model, and select a problem solving process to solve the situation. Then, orally describe the problem solving strategy or plan used to determine a solution. Unit 11 Developing Numeration to 20 Unit 11 Developing Numeration to 20 Orally present a counting task such as: Count the given collection of objects (up to 10), and record the count using numbers. Model the collection of objects as two sets. Describe the number of objects that make up both sets. Create two different sets with the collection of objects. Describe the number of objects that make up the new set. Then, explain how to complete the sentence orally, “The quantity of each set is ____” (same as the quantity of the original collection set.).

5 Unit 1 Numeration 0 to 30Unit 1 Numeration 0 to 30 Numeration to 20 Mimio Present a real-life or classroom situation such as:Numeration to 20 Mimio Mrs. May has 21 students in her class and Mrs. Garza has 17. Use concrete models to represent each quantity. Create a written record of the model and record the number of each set in standard form, expanded notation, and words. Write one comparative statement using mathematical language. Unit 8 Attributes of Coins Provide a set of coins for students that include a mixture of traditional and newly minted coin designs. Present a real-life or classroom situation such as:Attributes of Coins The school money box was dropped causing all of the coins to combine in one big mound. The office asked for help by: (1) sorting the coins by like coins or value, (2) placing each sorted set in a bag and label the bag according to the type of coin and its value, and (3) ordering the bags according to the value of the coin the bag represents. Unit: 12 Numeration 80 to 99 Present a real-life or classroom situation such as: Several parents donated school supplies to our classroom. Each of the three bags (labeled red, yellow, and blue) on your desk contains a different school supply. Inventory, or count, the number of items in each bag. Create a written record of the items by recording each bag color, the type of item in each bag, and the number of items in each bag written in standard form, expanded notation, and words. Write two comparative statements about the quantity of the items using mathematical language. Orally justify how you know your count is correct. Unit: 12 Numeration 80 to 99 First Grade

6 Second Grade Number Relationships Unit 1 Using a set of basic fact cards, recall the sum or difference of each card and identify the strategy used to solve the fact on paper. Orally explain why that particular strategy was selected and how it helped in quickly finding the sum or difference. Mr. Martini’s Classroom A+ Math Flash Card SetMr. Martini’s ClassroomMultiplication.comA+ MathFlash Card Set Unit 15 Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction Operations Unit 15 Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction Operations Select addition or subtraction operations to solve real-life problems situations. Record a number sentence and your solution process to represent your thinking. In writing, justify if your answer is reasonable, and describe how place value was used in the solution process. Unit 16: Applying Fractions, Coins, Time Unit 16: Applying Fractions, Coins, Time Use your knowledge of coins to solve a real-life situation such as: James Lee had saved 58¢. Today, he found some coins in the cushion of the couch. He now has $0.94. Using coin manipulatives, create two different sets of coins that could represent the amount of money James Lee found in the couch cushion. Record the model of coins for both representations and a number sentence for each model. In writing, explain the solution process to represent your thinking, and justify if your answer is reasonable.

7 Third Grade Unit 1 Place Value Data Sheet Use technology to determine the populations, through the hundred thousands, of five cities. The data identified should be recorded and represented in a table using standard form, expanded notation, and words. Then, select one of the distances, and explain in writing how to find the value of each digit, including zeroes (if applicable). Unit 8: GeometryUnit 8: Geometry Geometry Part 2Patterns Identify and extend a geometric pattern in a real-life situation such as the following:Geometry Part 2Patterns Use a graphic organizer to: (1) extend the pattern on both sides (use pattern blocks if necessary); (2) determine the number of hexagon-shaped tiles needed if the pattern continues and there are a total of 8 small, shaded square tiles; (3) identify the tiles that are congruent; (4) draw lines of symmetry on the original tile pattern; and (5) write an explanation with a justification for how the pattern was extended and how congruency and symmetry were determined.

8 Fourth Grade Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers and Decimals Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers and Decimals Use grids (tenths or hundredths) and/or number lines to model decimal numbers in addition/subtraction problem situations (e.g., distances, money, etc.) such as: Liza ran 1.7 miles on Monday, 0.8 miles on Tuesday, and 3.75 miles on Wednesday. How many more miles did Liza run on Wednesday than she ran on the other two days? Unit 8: GeometryUnit 8: Geometry Geometry Part 2 Use technology to find a map with city streets drawn and labeled (e.g., a map of the community, amusement park, etc.). Use three different colors to label three different types of streets: (1) yellow: streets that represent intersecting lines which are not parallel or perpendicular; (2) red: streets that represent parallel lines; and (3) blue: streets that represent perpendicular lines. Record in a table the streets identified according to the types of lines they represent, and justify in writing how the types of lines were determined. Use another color to find and label three new pairs of intersecting streets on the map that form a right, an acute, and an obtuse angle. Record in another table the streets identified according to the types of angles they represent, and justify in writing how the types of angles were determined. Unit 11: Connecting measurement Unit 11: Connecting measurement Use technology to find and select three real-life schedules of times (e.g., flights, movie times, etc.), and provide clocks (concrete or pictorial) to assist students in finding the elapsed time between the selected real-life situations. Use a graphic organizer to record the following for the three different schedules: (1) beginning and ending times for the given situation on two different analog clock pictorials; (2) the beginning and ending digital times for each clock; (3) a solution strategy for finding elapsed time (e.g., pictorial, number line, etc.); (4) elapsed time written in both hours and minutes and minutes only; and (5) a written justification and description of how each schedule’s elapsed time was determined.

9 Fifth Grade Place Value Unit 1Place Value Unit 1 Budget Sheet Use appropriate operations to estimate and solve a multistep real-life situation involving the perimeter of at least 2 rectangular figures (e.g., rectangular and square gardens or decks, etc.). Create a one-page visual that includes a pictorial representation of the problem situation and a written explanation of the solution process. Record the estimated and actual perimeters using appropriate units, and justify the reasonableness of the solution.Budget Sheet Unit 7: FractionsAll Star ResearchAll Star Stats Website Generate equivalent forms of fractions in a real-life situation and display them in an organizer (e.g., number line, flip book, fraction stick book, etc.). Order the values (e.g., using benchmarks, common denominator, part comparisons, etc.) in both fraction and decimal form and explain in writing how the values were ordered. To validate the conclusion, write two comparative statements using words and symbols related to the real-life situation. Unit 11: Statistics Unit 11: Statistics Use a coordinate grid (Quadrant I only) in a real-world situation (e.g., map, garden design, room design, etc.) to locate and name points as coordinate pairs on the grid. Describe the possible movements of these points on the grid in terms of: (1) location from the origin; (2) units from a specified location on the grid; (3) units up, down, right, or left; and (4) units north, south, east, and west. Explain in writing why the order of the numbers in an ordered pair or set of coordinates is important. Write a set of directions using a compass rose that can be used to get from Jackie’s desk to the tree outside her window. Create a journal entry explaining in writing why the order of the numbers in an ordered pair or set of coordinates is important.

10 Contact Us Lisa Basile 281- Jennifer Engels Lori Lambert @lolambert13lambertl@lpisd.org281- Thanks for coming!

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