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UK Key Skills 14th iEARN International Conference, Cairo, Egypt 25 July 2007 Dr Cheryl Morgan, Mary Gowers, Alison Sussex, Christine Robertson.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Key Skills 14th iEARN International Conference, Cairo, Egypt 25 July 2007 Dr Cheryl Morgan, Mary Gowers, Alison Sussex, Christine Robertson."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Key Skills 14th iEARN International Conference, Cairo, Egypt 25 July 2007 Dr Cheryl Morgan, Mary Gowers, Alison Sussex, Christine Robertson

2 Vision The world has changed and we need to change what and how we educate our children

3 Education Goals 1931 Good Attendance Remember facts Read Write Maths Raglan Village School 1931

4 Education Goals 2006 Good Attendance Remember facts Read Write Maths WHAT ELSE? Raglan Village School 2006

5 The problem - The solution Concern with current education Too narrow Focused solely on exams (content) Too much teacher talking - not enough student doing! Goals for 21st Century education Learn ‘in’ the world not just ‘about’ the world Use new learning tools and techniques Develop Independent flexible learners

6 What is different in UK today? We have developed a valid, measurable and reliable system to accredit skills as well as knowledge for students aged 14-19 years This system is known as Key Skills Design began in 1985 Pilot began in 1995 Key Skills Qualifications introduced across UK 2000 Recognised by Universities for admittance to higher education, increasing recognised by employers now part of the NEW Welsh Baccalaureate qualification

7 21st Century Key Skills 1.Communication 2.Working with others 3.Problem Solving 4.Improving own Learning and Performance 5.Application of Number 6.Information Communications Technology

8 A Key Skills Journey A student does not necessarily know a skill exists unless it is explicitly named A student does not necessarily learn a skill unless it is taught A student does not necessarily acquire a skill unless they can practise it A student does not necessarily transfer a skill unless they are given other opportunities where the skill is explicitly named

9 Key Skills Framework Students are taught become independent in: 1. Planning 2. Doing - evidence the process of doing 3. Reviewing - present and evaluate results GOAL: to become a flexible, independent learner

10 Key Skills Levels 1.BASIC develop basic skills and apply them in routine situations 2.INTERMEDIATE take some responsibility for applying skills to straightforward tasks 3.ADVANCED demonstrate explicit reasoning ability and personal responsibility in making decisions about how to tackle complex tasks

11 Strategy If you don’t know where you are going Anywhere will do

12 An iEARN Journey A student does not necessarily know a skill exists unless it is explicitly named A student does not necessarily learn a skill unless it is taught A student does not necessarily acquire a skill unless they can practice it A student does not necessarily transfer a skill unless they are given other opportunities where the skill is explicitly named

13 Key Skills Mapping The mapping shows where there are opportunities to develop and assess Key Skills. The level of key skills evidenced will depend on:  The degree to which students are led/guided by the teacher  The sophistication and complexity of the tasks and topics tackled.  The sophistication and complexity of individual student’s responses to the tasks set  The nature of the materials produced as a result of the project

14 Mapping OneWorld - One environment Footprinting Communication: Group Discussion, Research from internet, handbooks etc, Producing a document to show their results and explain what it means Application of Number: Collecting data from people, the internet, handbooks etc, Calculating values to enter into Presenting findings about the size of their footprint ICT: Collecting data from the internet, handbooks, Using to find their own footprint, Emailing their result to the focum. Preparing a document to show their results

15 Mapping OneWorld - One environment Possible projects Communication: Group Discussion. Talk or presentation, research, report/web presentation Application of Number: Collecting data from people, the internet, handbooks etc. Calculations, Presentation of results ICT: Collecting data from the internet, handbooks. Preparation of report, presentation etc. Final product, use of email in sending final product to One World

16 Mapping OneWorld - One environment Possible projects - Using key skills for planning WWO: Identifying what they are going to do, how, by when etc. PS: Decide what problem they are going to try to solve and then individually suggesting strategies for solving it. Clearing identifying how they will know that the problem is solved IOLP: Identifying clear learning targets. Identifying current strengths and weaknesses. Set a learning plan

17 Mapping OneWorld - One environment Possible projects - Using key skills for doing WWO: Working together according to the agreed plan and checking regularly that they are on target PS: Planning how to implement their suggestion and following the plan IOLP: Following the learning plan engaging in a range of learning activities, using support when needed

18 Mapping OneWorld - One environment Possible projects - Using key skills for reviewing WWO: Reviewing the project and reflecting on their own contribution and how they could use this experience in the future (this could be through a project log) PS: Reviewing the project and how they achieved a solution. Considering how they could improve their problem solving strategies in future IOLP: Identifying what was learned and how. Identifying how th new skill will be applied in a different context Evidence: IOLP: individual learning plan and log. WWO/PS: Project log

19 Implementation Just DO IT!!!

20 iEARN UK projects One world - One environment Teddy Bear Project Natural disasters project Learning Circles: Water, water, everywhere? Sports - Is it fair? Eco-schools Linking communities: Hay - Timbuktu

21 Coleg Gwent experience Key Skills are required for Welsh Baccalaureate iEARN projects are ideal vehicles for achieving the Key Skills requirements Key Skills improve learning, independence, confidence

22 Summary Key Skills Flexible transferable skills are the tools for success Don’t miss opportunities for developing skills iEARN Great way to develop and apply key skills Good way to get recognition for learning in iEARN

23 Further information Welsh Bac - International Baccalureate - Key Skills Support Programme Cymru - Welsh Bac Resources project :,com_docman/task,doc_details/Itemid,43/gid,1745/lang,en/,com_docman/task,doc_details/Itemid,43/gid,1745/lang,en/ iEARN UK - / / Email: Key Skills trainer (Comms, AoN, ICT)- BBC Wales: Raise Your game! BBC Skillswise - BBC Wider Key Skills -

24 For Information: Mary Gowers, Country Coordinator, iEARN UK Cae’r Wyn Graigfechan Ruthin LL15 2HB Registered Charity No. 1109069

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